Welcome to my newest story, please enjoy! R&R

Disclaimer: I don't own Cyborg 009

Note: Excuse Typos, and spelling mistakes


The One She Loved

Chapter 1: In Trouble

A buzzing sound went off; as soon as it went on a tan hand hit it off. A young teenage boy turned over in his head and looked at the blinking numbers on the alarm clock; it read 6:15 AM. He sighed as slowly got out of bed, and went into the bathroom.

He next put on the sink, and let the water run for a second so it could warm up. When he splashed his face with the water he looked in the mirror at his reflection. The boy's eyes were an uncommonly crimson color, with one eye covered by his light brown hair. At first look no one would know he was a cyborg named 009, or to most Joe Shimamura.

Joe walked back into his bedroom, he was alone in it, and it was quite plain, but comfortable. He had a bed next to the window that overlooked the ocean outside. A dresser, nightstand, and a TV. Occasionally his wooden floor would have clothes on it, but he would put them in the laundry quickly. Joe went to the closet and looked what he could wear. He chose blue jeans and a white top with a blue strip running across it. After he got dressed he looked at his 00 uniform. Just like usually he thought of what he went through for the last 8 months of his life. All that fighting and adventure, Joe was surprised he was lived through it. He knew he was a cyborg, but even he had limitations.

"Everyone, breakfast is served." Yelled a voice from downstairs. Joe woke up from his trance, and left his room to go to the dining room.

Inside, his fellow 00 cyborgs sat eating. They all looked up and greeted him as he sat between 003 and 002. He watched as 003 ate proper and 002 eat like he was at a hamburger grill. All Joe did was grab an apple and take a bite from it slowly, lately he hasn't felt hungry. Everyone ate their food as Joe took small bites of his apple.

Soon he got up, his chair squeaked so everyone looked at him then his plate.

"Aren't you going to eat something?" asked 006.

Joe mumbled his answer quietly, "Umm, I'm not really that hungry." Everyone stared at their leader almost blankly. Dr. Gilmore stopped giving 001 Isaac he bottle for the moment and looked up. "Excuse me." Joe walked out of the room and out of the house.

"Anyone, besides my self, notice that 009 hasn't been himself for the past few days?" asked Dr. Koizumi.

"Yes, he hasn't been as social as usual lately." Sighed Dr. Gilmore. "He's usually in a conversation."

"Well, you can never tell with kids his age." Said 004 stroking his chin. Everyone agreed, but Francoise didn't say or do anything, neither did Isaac.


Outside, Joe stood on the cliff thinking. 'I hate it when they look at me like that, like I'm deathly ill or something. No one knows what's going on with me. They don't know what I'm feeling. No one cares that I'm gone from my home, no body.' Joe felt a chill run through him as a gentle wing blew.

It seemed like forever as he stood there, until he heard 001 in his head. [[009, come inside, Dr. Gilmore has some information for everyone.]] Joe sighed, 'I'll be right there' he answered. Dragging his feet on the gravel, Joe made his way back to the mansion.

Inside everyone was in the conference room on Dr. Koizumi's first floor. Everyone sat in seats that faced a giant screen on the wall. 001 was being held by 003 in front. Joe took a seat farthest away from everyone.

"Is everyone here? Good. I have some important information. Black Ghost is back and is finding new candidates to become cyborgs." Everyone gasped, and Dr. Gilmore put a picture on the screen of a young female "Already he captured one girl named Helen Carlson, she's 20 years of age, and American. Now, I have information on the next person Black Ghost may try to capture." He clicked his computer and a picture of a young teenager appeared on the screen. Joe's eyes widened. "This is.........."

"Sonya Himura." Said Joe suddenly, everyone turned and looked at him. But, he continued to look at the picture on the screen of Sonya in a group of friends. He continued, "Born on March 26, in Tokyo, Japan. Age 18, Japanese. Her eyes are blue and she has long straight black hair. Her father is Prime Minister Kana Himura, her mother is San Toko a house wife. She is on Honor Society, Tennis team, Volleyball team, Soccer team, and Track. She's a volunteer at a kid's summer camp, and goes to dance and music lessons." Joe went quiet.

"How'd you know all that?" asked 008.

009 made a fist, "Because, Sonya is, no was, my girlfriend." Joe got up quickly and left the room before anyone could say anything.

Nor did anyone say anything, they all sat in silence looking at each other.


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