Author's Note: Hello, my name is Eboni and this is my first Inuyasha fan fiction. I have watched the series up to Episode 146. I pretty much like all of the characters but my favorite people by far are Jakotsu, Bankotsu, and Sesshoumaru (he's just hot). Lol, ignore that comment. I'm not a little fan girl, and this isn't a pairing story. I was just very curious about the process of forming the Shichinin-tai that Bankotsu and Jakotsu went through. It was obvious those two were traveling buddies for a while before they formed the group. This is my attempt to humor myself with an explanation. I hope you enjoy it. I have 4 chapters completed, but I'm going to start off with the prologue and chapter 1 to see how you guys like it.
His father had told him to run as fast as could and not to stop until he drew near the next village, which was nearly a day's journey away. The 13-year-old's rapidly declining pace slowed to a crawl as he neared a small stream. He hadn't had fresh water since late the previous night before he and his father had started that awful mission. It was every assassin's nightmare: a paranoid target who was ready for you and anyone else after his blood before you walked through the door. There was a trap in every corner and bodyguards hidden in every shadow.
Bankotsu had been sure both he and his father would die, but his father ended up doing something that shocked him, even now as he fell to his knees in the mud of the banks of the stream for his first taste of clean water in hours. His father had sacrificed himself for him. His father had thrown himself in the path of the samurai after them and told him to run and not look back until he reached the next village, and Bankotsu had done just that. He was no coward, but he hadn't wanted to die...and if he had stayed, he surely would have.
After he had satiated himself, he scooted away from the soft mud and fell onto his back in the springy grass, lying adjacent to the large halberd his father had presented to him as a gift a few days ago. Banryuu, he'd called it. Bankotsu knew he could have doubled his speed without the heavy weapon strapped to his back; he could have been to the village hours ago, but he would never leave the beautiful sword behind. He hadn't even gotten to use it, but he planned to remedy that soon. In the village, he would buy a confiscate a horse, stock up on food, carrying skins for water, first aide supplies, and more suitable clothing for himself, then he was going to hit the road as a soldier for hire. He wasn't quite old or large enough yet to attract many customers by appearance alone, but once people started to get an idea of what he could do, they'd flock to him like bees to honey.
He let out a deep sigh of personal contentment at his plan and tucked his arms behind his head for cushion as he shut his eyes for a nap. He supposed he should be a trifle traumatized as most normal people would be that his father had just been killed in his presence and that he was totally alone in the world... but well, his father had never really been a father. He was a mentor of sorts, treating Bankotsu like a pupil, a soldier he was training to follow his art of warfare. The man was strong and Bankotsu respected him greatly, but there was never any personal attachment. The only gifts the man had ever given his son was his life... that was given to him twice in fact, and the Banryuu. For the most part, traveling with his father was like going to school with no breaks; he was finally out for summer. Goodbye, Father, and thank you. I'll show Japan all you've taught me with pride, and the first warm body I kill with the Banryuu you gave me will be in your honor.
The boy chuckled and soon fell asleep with a soft smile on his lips.