Title : Growth

Author : Wolfs Catalyst

Disclaimer : I don't own any of the Naruto characters, I'd tell you who does but I cant spell the blokes name.

Summary : Sasuke's decision influences Naruto's and Hinata's lives more than they thought possible. The pairings are going to be NaruHina with a bit of SasuSaku, ShikaIno and maybe others.

I started writing this right after the 210 manga came out so I haven't included anything after that. This is my first fanfic, any constructive criticism is welcome but no pointless flames please. If I've got some minor mistakes like surnames spelt wrong just tell me and I'll get to fixing it. Thanks all !! ^_^

Chapter 1

She moved through the trees as she had never moved before a nameless voice was urging her to go

faster, to focus every part of her body and mind into achieving this task. Hinata Hyuuga was in a hurry.

An intense feeling of dread had filled as soon as she had woken up that morning, it wasn't until she had learnt of the mission to rescue Sasuke that she realised why. Naruto needed her. She didn't understand how she knew this but she was certain that if she didn't reach Naruto soon something terrible was going to happen.

In the back of her mind somewhere that wasn't focusing at moving faster she was also worried about Kiba, her team mate and friend. But Kiba had Akamaru, who did Naruto have?

After an hour of traveling she felt her body begin to tire. Narrowing her pale eyes in determination she pressed on with more speed

"I will be strong for Naruto - kun" she whispered as she leapt from a branch using the chakra in her feet to propel her further.