So, how was it...
by Chalebh

A/N: Usual disclaimer. - My first attempt to write a drabble. - I hope you like it.

"So, how was it?" Hermione whispered softly.
"Isn't this phrase a little bit worn out?" Severus answered.
"No excuses. How was it?"

Her brown eyes held his. A smile played around her mouth.

"Well… ahm…you know…" Snape stuttered as he realised how delicate the whole situation was.
What had he done to earn that? Why her of all people? How could this all have happened?

Hermione started drumming her fingers impatiently.

Severus gulped, closed his eyes for a second and then he admitted: "Miss Granger, you have achieved the best exam result in Potions in the whole history of Hogwarts…"


Another drabble in the next chapter ---