Title: Harry Potter and the Frozen Heart
Chapter Title: A Warning
Author: Ash
Pairings: Harry/OC
Warnings: Slash, Spoilers from book
5, bad language, sexual situations, and more . . .
Disclaimer: I
don't own Harry Potter and I do not make any money from these
"I don't suppose you could tell me what is going, would you?" Harry asked as he walked beside his head of house.
She looked at him for a moment as if he was someone she had never seen before.
"Mr. Potter, what were you doing kissing Alexander Vipera?" she spoke harshly.
"I honestly don't see what's wrong with me kissing someone if I choose to."
The Deputy headmistress just gave an exhausted sigh as if she was in a complete loss.
"Could you please tell me what is going on? It's obvious that something isn't right. And I can't help but notice your reaction to Alex as you placed the hat on his head. Let alone the excitement in the great hall."
"I believe the headmaster will tell you all about it in his office" she responded shaking her head.
"What the fuck is going on?" Harry thought to himself.
"Oh, before I forget Professor, expect a delivery tomorrow morning."
"From whom?" she asked, giving him a suspicious look, which was only received with a smile.
"Well on one of my trips to Diagon Alley, I managed to stop by Quality Quidditch Supplies. I placed a large order for the finest international quidditch standard robes for the Gryffindor team. They should arrive by tomorrow morning."
For the first time that night a genuine smile crossed McGonagall's face.
"Mr. Potter that was very nice of you but, those kind of robes a dreadfully expensive."
"I'm one of the riches wizards in the world Professor. What's the point in having all that money if I can't use it for some good, and I definitely think keeping the quidditch cup in your office is a good cause" Harry chuckled.
"I would think that is a good cause as well."
"You know Professor," Harry said as they reached the gargoyle, "excuse me if I'm out of line for saying so, but you should smile more often, you look much lovelier that way."
Clearly she had not expected to hear this, least of all from Harry. She gave him a hard look for a moment, though Harry's smile never wavered. She could not recall a time when Harry had such nerve or was so straight forward.
"You've changed a lot this summer, in not just appearance it seems. You remind me of-"
"My father, yeah I know" Harry said with a playful roll of his eyes.
"Actually, I was going to say, you remind me of Sirius. He was quite the charmer with the ladies as I recall."
"I'm flattered professor, although I wasn't trying to be charming. I was stating a simple truth" Harry replied with a playful wink.
This definitely wasn't the Harry Potter she knew as a student. She quickly gave him the password to the common room and said the password to the headmaster's office 'Almond Joy'. Harry bid her good night and stepped onto the staircase.
"Come in Harry" Dumbledore called from the other side of the office door, before Harry had chance to knock.
Harry looked around the headmasters office as he walked in, noticing that all the silver instruments had been repaired, since his last visit. Fawkes was sitting quietly on his perch, watching Harry as he walked in. The portraits were all pretending to be asleep as usual, except of coarse Phineas who was giving Harry a cruel glare. He still blamed Harry for ending Sirius' death, and Harry couldn't blame him since he blamed himself as well.
"Harry my dear boy-"
"I'm not your dear boy, now why don't we skip the pleasantries and lemon drops and get to the point."
Dumbledore seemed to deflate greatly at his words and the twinkle in his eyes was definitely snuffed out.
"There are many things we need to discuss, please sit down" Dumbledore gestured to the chair in front of his desk.
Harry sat down right in front of the headmaster, and stretched his legs out, as if totally at ease and then interlocked his fingers in front of his face. For a moment no one spoke. Harry just sat in the chair letting his eyes bore into the headmaster, as he seemed to become more and more uncomfortable. To anyone else the headmaster would seem as if he was in total control and calm but Harry knew otherwise, and was quite eager to just get this night over with.
"The first thing I must discuss with you Harry is about what you said the night the prophecy was revealed to the order. You said Voldemort was up to something, what makes you believe so?"
"I told you already, Voldemort told me over a cup of tea" Harry said in a very bored voice with a shrug of his shoulders.
Dumbledore just sighed and gave Harry a disapproving look.
"Harry this is no laughing matter-"
"Am. I. Laughing?" Harry grounded out, giving the headmaster a look of contempt.
"Perhaps it would be best if you start explaining from the beginning" Dumbledore finally conceded.
Harry just stayed quite for a moment, not really sure how much he should tell Dumbledore. He knew he was already being watched thoroughly all the time, and telling Dumbledore this would give him more of a reason to keep an even closer eye on him. However Dumbledore might have some idea how Voldemort had managed to physically harm him in a vision.
"Well, to keep it short and simple, Voldemort somehow broke into my mind one night this summer. We had an interesting conversation, and he then proceeded to try and kill me. I manage to break free, but when I did and was in my own bed again, I noticed I was bleeding from a gash Tom gave me in the vision with knife. Keeva healed me and I spent the rest of the night Occluding my mind with deep meditation."
The old mans expression was completely blank for a moment, as he clearly processed everything he had just heard. Fawkes who had stayed quite the whole time, flew over and perched himself on Harry's knee.
"Hello Fawkes," Harry said as he petted the phoenix on its head.
Keeva? Seth hissed from underneath Harry's shirt.
No Seth, this is another phoenix I know, say hello to Fawkes Harry replied.
Seth poked his head out from Harry's sleeve as he slithered off Harry torso. Harry couldn't help but smile as he saw the two interact.
"I was wondering who your friend was" Dumbledore chuckled as he gestured to Seth who was still half up his sleeve.
"This is Seth, I found him this summer along with Keeva" Harry answered as he kissed the top of Seth's head.
"I was wondering where you found her as well Harry, but we can discuss this all in a moment. Now you told me that you and Voldemort had an interesting discussion. What exactly did you discuss?"
Harry held back a deep sigh and sat back for a moment. He knew how this was going to turn out. Dumbledore was just going to jab and ask questions until Harry told him everything from start to finish. He had been anticipating this very moment since the other night and was also rather amazed it had taken Dumbledore so long to ask. Without warning Harry stood up and walked over to Dumbledore's cabinet. With a thud, Harry set down the headmaster's penseive on the desk and pulled out the memory of his encounter.
"I believe this is what you're fishing for. I'll come to collect my memory tomorrow night after dinner. Now if that's all I rather call it a night" Harry declared.
"I still have many things to discuss with you Harry I'm afraid. I'll examine the memory later. I also wanted to ask you about Mr. Vipera" Dumbledore informed, with a very solemn expression.
"What about him?" Harry asked neutrally.
"Harry do you remember when I told you about the new wizard that has joined Voldemort's inner circle?"
"Yes" Harry replied, afraid of where this was going.
"He has managed to conceal his identity very well so we only just found out recently, which is another reason why I am telling you just now. His name is Ganado Icar Ramon Vipera, Alexander Vipera's father."
Authors Notes:
First of all I want to say I'm sorry for taking so long. I just started a new job and I have a lot of stuff going on. This chapter was supposed to end with the duel I have planned with Draco, but if I didn't end it now I doubt it would have been posted for an even longer time. Do you guys want me to make shorter chapters to try and update more or do you want to wait for the longer chapters? Well let me know and I'll do what I can because I really want to finish this fic before book 6 comes out. So anyway, even though this chapter is short, I put a lot of important information. Also I put in a big clue about the animagus form of a character in here. Will any of you figure it out? Also, I want to point out that this is not a Mary sue fic. Alex is going to become an important character, but Harry is definitely the one in the spot light. Also, I'll through you guys a bone about something. Alex will be an animagus, along with his dad. In this chapter you find out one of their forms. Now on to the commentary:
SheWolfe7: You won't get his explanation very soon but one is definitely coming up. And I'm definitely flattered you think my HP/OC character is so good.
Raclswt: You will get the answer to that question in the next chapter I hope.
Shdwolf: thanks for the kind words and as for the dragons, you'll have to wait and see.
Mitzu: Thanks for the review; I'm glad you're enjoying the story so far. And I hope you continue to do so.
sean's grrl: I'm glad you like my pairing especially since its slash and no one seems to like that very much.
Heala: Sorry I didn't update, but it's good to get back up to writing.
Melshenia Kari: Sorry for the demands but it seemed like no one was reading my fic anymore. Don't worry I wont be demanding anything for a good while. And sadly I did get writers block, on top of the fact the real life kept me busy for so damn long. I hate it when I leave my stories unattended, but hopefully I can update sooner.
K: First of all I want to say thank you for the honest criticism. I know I haven't been putting in as much detail as I wanted but I have still put in some important info and as for the predictable thing, I said I was going to bring Alex back, and no Alex is not going to become the most important character. And there will be other relationships with Harry that will be just as important. And as for how powerful Alex is in those areas, he isn't as all-powerful as you think, and neither is Dumbledore or even Harry. They all have their limitations and you're going to see them all.
Webweaver: Alex's last name is coming from the symbol of his family the viper, and I needed something that sounded Spanish so I went with Vipera. I've been hinting at it since earlier chapters, with the tattoo and his chain. And yes he comes from dark family, but you'll here from Alex about what that really means. And as for being his 2nd, well I sort of have a surprise waiting for that choice.
Purpleoutcast: Yes, Alex is back in all his glory. Harry is definitely going to have problems with the students but not in the way you think. And I hope you like the Dumbledore/Harry clash in this chapter, there will be more in the next chap.
Lap: Sorry this chapter is so short but I hope you like it anyway. And I also hope to update soon.
Ters: I hope you liked the uncensored chapter 13. Let me know what you though of it.
Nogoalielikeme: There are definitely a lot of possibilities, and I hope you like them.
Huro: Yeah it does feel weird, but it's definitely a nice weird. And I hope you like who Harry's second is going to be.
Jonna594: Yup, I write all the poems myself, and im flattered you like them. How did you like chapter 13?
And thanks to: angelkitty77, jbfritz, yuiop, Shorty-Shit, CastusAlbusCor, BEE, ficfan, oracale, Silver Angel 7, i live in darkness9, jonna594, wind, Leeanna-Marie-Malfoy, Meggplant, kensa, hellen rowena potter, storytime, Vindex, angelXofXdeath, KatBell, CurruptedGothTheHeller, crazepainter.