A/N DISCLAIMER....Sad that I don't own it....sob,sob... anywayz, arigato to those of you who reviewed! Bows down I hope that you all like this chappy!!! Sorry for the delay my lovely reviewers! Enjoy.......

"........" dialogues

'........' thoughts

..... flashbacks/dreams/scenes

On the way home
Yahiko and Tsubame were just on their way back to the dojo until out from nowhere, a figure dressed in black immediately snatched Tsubame away by the waist from Yahiko. The poor girl let out a scream, "Help, Yahiko-kun!"

Yahiko quickly caught up with the black figure and grabbed Tsubame away from him before punching him square in the face. While the both of them fought, Tsubame was hiding behind a tree trembling.

10 minutes later, the mysterious person was lying on the ground with Yahiko looking down at him, one foot on top of his head, "If you ever and I mean ever do that again to her, I swear that I'll beat the crap out of you or maybe even kill you if you try to kill her." The man in black nodded right before taking off as Yahiko was glaring at him dangerously.

Yahiko smirked to himself, 'I'm good...I hope that I've impressed her..' "Yahiko-kun? Are you alright?" Called out the girl of his dreams timidly. He turned around to face her right after replacing his smirk with an assuring smile, "Yeah, I'm alright....Come we'd better get going.." Tsubame then hugged him, "I was so scared then...I'm glad that everything's alright...thanks for saving me.."

He returned the hug, "It's alright, I'll always be there for you...I really meant it when I said that I was gonna kill him if he harmed you in anyway." Tsubame looked up at him curiously, "Why?" Yahiko heaved a sigh, 'Ok, this is it...just confess the truth..' "I said that cos I care for you a lot...more than a friend...more like...a crush...And I don't want you to get hurt...ever..I've liked you for years..."

Tsubame blushed, "Really? Well, I've liked you for years also...But I didn't say it aloud till now cos I was afraid of rejection.." "Which guy would ever reject a beautiful and loving girl like you?" replied Yahiko right before both their lips touched.

Behind the bushes
"Good job Kenshin...Ooooo....that's a good one, zoom in...." exclaimed a certain rooster with a sly grin plastered on his face. Kenshin gave him a stern look, "Sano, I don't like the look on your face...Please don't tease Yahiko about this.." "I won't....yet...ok, ok fine...I won't...Hey you'd better tell jou-chan about it..." Kenshin then closed the video camera and dialed the number to call his beloved Kaoru...

Kaoru: "Mission accomplished?" Kenshin: "They finally told each other how they felt." Kaoru: smiling "Awww....young love... Now I can tease the li'l brat..." Kenshin: sweatdrops "Anoo..." Kaoru: "Don't worry...yet.." Kenshin: "Ok...Should we set up a matchmaking business?" Kaoru: "Oh we shall, we shall....hey gotta go sweetie...love ya.." Kenshin: "Love ya too..."

THE END...........

A/N How was it??? Thanks to my lovely reviewers who have supported me... S3r3nity – Arigato for ur review! Hee hee, it's alright for not reviewing...Hands over mysterious guy plushie Thanks for wishing me luck on my finals!!

SonJanusX – Glad that you liked the last chappie as well.....Hands over mysterious guy plushie Thanks for wishing me luck on my finals!!!

Thank you so much to everyone who read this!!! Ja, The evil witch