Boat Trip - Chapter One

Summary - The guys take a trip on Quatre's new boat. During the night they're hit with a violent storm, stranding them on an unknown island far from civilization. How will they survive?

Warnings: Violence in later chapters. That's about it.

Authors Note: I've been tossing this idea around in my head for quite a while, and now finally got around to writing it. It could be a while before I update, but then again, I could update really soon. I write when I have time, but extra encouragement will help me to move along! I'd really like some constructive criticism too, it helps me to be a better writer.

Well, on with the story.

*~Chapter One~*

Quatre stood, watching as his work of art slowly cooked atop the Teflon surface. The blond didn't have to wait much longer before his instincts announced it was thoroughly cooked. Reaching over, he scooped the pancake up and set it neatly atop a pile of others. Gently picking up the plate of food, and with his free hand, reached over shutting off the oven. He walked smiling over to the table, setting the plateful of food down beside two others. One of scrambled eggs, the other of hash browns and bacon. Breathing in, Quatre savored the smell of his wonderfully made meal. He was hungry.

"Come eat!" He shouted, taking his place at the table.

After only a moment, Wufei sauntered coolly into the room, his half closed eyes gleaming with anticipation. He sat across Quatre, and, remembering his manners, waited patently for the others. Staring hungrily at the meal laid before him.

Quatre smiled, "Here Wufei," he said, placing a pancake onto Wufei's plate, "You know how they are, you don't have to wait."

Wufei beamed. He reached over and piled his plate full of all the choice foods. Picking the best and warmest pancakes, the best pieces of bacon... it wasn't his fault the others were late.

"Mornin all." Duo stated while entering the room. His smile fading upon notice of Wufei. Glaring slightly, he frowned at Wufei's disregard, who was paying complete attention to the meal set before him.

"Did you know that all the hot water is gone?" Duo prodded while taking a seat next to Quatre.

"Yes." Replied Wufei, as he squeezed the remaining drops of water from his hair.

Duo merely raised an eyebrow, then turned his attention to Quatre, "This place is really nice, except for the fact that there's only one bathroom."

"You sound like a woman, Maxwell."

Duo chuckled, "Sorry, Chang."

"Well, actually," Quatre began, changing the subject, "I was thinking we could finish up our vacation on my new boat."

"Boat?" Trowa asked, taking a seat next to Quatre.

Quatre nodded, "I got it from my family for my birthday."

Trowa gave a meager smile, "It's your birthday?"

"Hey, how come we never heard about this?" Duo asked teasingly.

Quatre blushed at the sudden attention, "I didn't think about it." He smiled.

"And it's today?"


"How old will you be?" Trowa asked, taking a bite of egg.

"Sixteen." Quatre smiled.

"Ohh, sweet sixteen." Duo said, a far off look in his eyes. "I remember when I turned sixteen..."

"When?" Quatre asked, finally dishing something onto his plate.

"Oh, a couple months ago." Duo smiled, a look of mischief in his eyes, "Hilde and I celebrated that night by Relena's house."

Quatre looked a bit surprised, "Why Relena?"

"Oh, I don't know, maybe because she has a big house? It was Hilde's idea." Duo smiled, "Speaking of birthday's, when do you turn sixteen Trowa?"

"I'm already sixteen."

"Oh? When did that happen?"

"About three months ago." He stated, taking a bite of pancake.

"Ok, so your older than me and Q, what about you Wufei?"

Wufei glanced at Duo and then back to his food, "I'll be sixteen next month."

"We're older than you? Wow, there's some new information." Duo teased, "How old do you think Heero is?"

"I'm sixteen." Heero stated as he entered the room.


Taking a seat far at the end of the table, Heero pondered the question a moment, "A month ago." He stated and then began filling his plate.

"I'm older than you?" Duo exclaimed, "Now that's weird."

"Why, because I'm so much more mature than you?" Heero smirked.

"Uhh... heh."

"You walked right into that one Maxwell."

"Ok, back on subject," Quatre interrupted, "What do you guys think of going on a boat trip for the next couple of days?"

Heero looked interested. "Boat trip?"

"He got a boat for his birthday."

Quatre smiled.

"Sure. Why not." Heero said, and went back to his meal.

"Count me in."

"Why not."

"How about we leave today, after launch." Quatre asked.

"Sounds good to me."

* * *

After a filling breakfast each boy went to his room to pack. Heero made sure to bring his gun and Duo decided to bring a movie. They were all looking forward to the trip.

Heero waited patently in the living room, his one small bag of luggage tossed callously on the floor beside him.

Duo came bounding down the stairs in a fit of excitement. Making a bee line to Heero, "We're going on a boat trip!" he smiled, "This is going to be so much fun!"

"What's taking the others so long?" Heero asked apathetically.

Duo gave Heero a questioning look, "Don't tell me you're not even a little excited."

Heero sighed, he had to admit, he was looking forward to the trip. He had never been on a real boat trip; he'd barely even been on a boat. Anything during the war didn't count. That was business, this is relaxation. It sounded like, dare he say, fun.

"Well..." Duo started, while plopping down onto the couch, "Hmm, you're here and I'm here..." He smiled at Heero's sudden frown, and continued, "Trowa's in the basement getting out some old fishing rods, he said something about wanting to fish. Quatre's in the kitchen packing food and I think Wufei is in his room."


Duo smiled, "This is going to be fun Heero, think of it as an adventure."

"I've had enough adventures, Duo."

* * *

Well, thats it for now. Remember to review! I'll have the next chapter up as soon as I can.