Harry Potter and A Son's Love by Tansy1354

A/N: Well it here it is my first fanfic, please be kind and let me know how I am doing. I hope you like it as much as enjoyed writing it. NO FLAMES PLEASE.

Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter and his world, they belong to J. K. Rowling and I thank her for her them.

Summary: After the end of 5th year there are some things even magic can't fix. This was the summer that Harry Potter would find a mother and Petunia Dursley would find out what a son's love really was.

Chapter 1. Harry's Request

Sunday 7th July, 1996 - Late Morning

Hermione read the letter in her hand again and it still puzzled her. She knew it had been difficult for Harry to go back to Privet Drive. Although she had tried, she had been unable to get him to open up in anyway during their last hectic days at the end of term. She had seen how he had withdrawn into himself the same way he always did when something was really troubling him.

Dear Hermione

I need you to do me a big favour, but I beg you not to tell any of our friends yet.

Can you speak to your parents and ask them to visit me at Privet Drive as soon as they can. I really need to speak to someone who is not a wizard or witch.

But warn them to tell the Dursleys they are from the Child Welfare Agency (otherwise the Dursley's will not let them see me) I'll explain more then.

Please send Hedwig back with your answer soon.


Hermione was sitting on her bed, thinking. Her gaze fall on the desk by the window, luckily it was sturdy since it was piled high with books. She had been home from school for a week already and had been so worried about Harry she hadn't even finished reading next year's books.

This had been the first contact Harry had made with her since she had seen him leaving Kings Cross Station with the Dursleys. Ron had written to her to say that the order had received two short notes from Harry to say he was ok, but nothing else. It also looked as though Harry would have to stay put for at least another 3 weeks.

Her eyes then fell upon the picture of Harry, Ron and herself that had been taken at the Quidditch World Cup. The figures waved back at her gaily. They had been through so much since it had been taken-especially Harry.

If Harry needed something to lighten his load she would willingly give it despite her misgivings about his pleading that she should not tell any of their friends.

Hermione put the letter down, stood up resolutely and quickly moved to the door and down the stairs to find her parents who were having a late Sunday breakfast, as was their usual custom. She entered the front sitting room, which was warm and inviting with bookshelves to the ceiling against two walls. It had been painted in autumnal hues; the window that looked onto the front garden was draped in an embossed gold fabric.

Rosemary Granger's slender form was enveloped in a high back chair, which made her look younger than her 35 years; her long brown hair was falling out of a makeshift ponytail. She looked up from stroking Hermione's cat Crookshanks, as Hermione entered. Phillip Granger jumped up gallantly and pulled another seat around the table that was set up between the chairs.

Hermione grinned at her dad and sat down. She began buttering some toast then launched into her topic, "Mum, Dad you remember my friend Harry Potter from school?

"You mean the dark-haired boy with the scar, that you are always visiting and talking about" Phillip Granger said with a twinkle in his eye. Hermione could not help smiling as he gave her a big wink.

"Yes that's the one; well I've just received a letter from him. I am not sure if I mentioned that his godfather died in the last couple of weeks, although I'm sure I told you that both his parents died when he was one. Since then he has been living with his mother's sister and her family during the summer holidays, but they do not treat him at all well.

Anyway he asked if you two could go and visit him, I have their telephone number so that you can arrange a time. There's just one thing you will have to tell them that you are from the Child Welfare agency otherwise they will not let you see him." She stopped and took a bite out of her toast then busied herself pouring some tea into an empty cup.

Hermione's parents looked at each other with their eyebrows raised. Then Rosemary said, "Of course we'll help if we can. Perhaps you should come too though, so his magical friends will not be alarmed, didn't you say something about them watching his house."

Hermione nodded as she remembered this; she also knew that the Dursleys had seen her with Harry on many occasions.

" Ok, I suggest you ring them tomorrow at 9am, by that time his Uncle will be on his way to work. Harry's cousin Dudley should be out with his gang all day if he follows his usual pattern. Make an appointment to meet Mrs. Dursley and Harry after lunch, around 1pm should be good". She gave each of her parents a big hug and said "Thanks for doing this; I was really beginning to worry about Harry". Not for the first time was she grateful for their normalcy.

"I'll just go and send a reply to Harry's letter"

A/N This chapter revised on 11/5/09 to improve it and to add a date to establish a timeline. For those who have read this story already I will be going through and changing dates given so that they are chronologically correct. Those chapters that are changed will be marked as revised in author notes at the beginning. Thanks.