And they lived happily Ever After

So last time you checked, Jesse and Suze were expecting, Abby was about to meet one of Antonio's Rancho-friends, he hadn't show up yet in the story. And everything was just fine. Now fast forward a few  years (around 15) and we'll see what Jesse does when his daughter gets to high school. Oh, and Paul might be showing up again.

Chapter One: All I can do is love you.

Tan pura la vida y tu tan llena de paz, Y solo se me ocurre amarte. Llenas mi vida de luz, llenas el cielo, la tierra y el mar. Y a mi tan solo se me ocurre amarte No existe un corazón que lo resista, Por que si lloras quiero que mis ojos sigan cada lagrima tuya y hasta que la pierda de vista

La miro a ella y te miro a ti usa mi alma como una cometa y yo muero de ganas
de encontrar la forma de enseñarte el alma . Y solo se me ocurre amarte Como va a ser eso  si aun cuando sale la luna y da en mi ventana, ya no te puedo dejar de querer
Nos hemos reído y llorado los tres. Yo quiero darte mi alegría, mi guitarra y mis poesías. Y solo se me ocurre amarte...

            Solo se me ocurre amarte, Alejandro Sanz.

Life in the De Silva household had been quiet and peaceful for quite some time, but not today…

"C'mon, Daisy, lets go!" Isabel Tavares yelled from the bottom of the staircase "Daisy, we are late, do you really wannabe late on our first day of high school"

"She isn't down yet?" Suze came in with her first cup of coffee of the day

"Of course not, aunt Suze, what did you expect?"

This was a common scene at the De Silva's, Isabel Tavares was Daisy's best friend, and her cousin being the product of Abby's second date with Emilio Tavares,  a.k.a. Antonio's Rancho-friend. Today the two friends were starting at  Junipero Sierra Mission Academy.

"A miracle, perhaps" Suze answered smiling "Come, I'll make you breakfast," then a loud bump was heard in the upper floor, closely followed by an even louder "OW!" which meant that Daisy De Silva was finally awake "Daisy is going to take a while"

"We are so going to be late" Isabel lamented as she took a seat in the kitchen "Hi uncle, Jesse" she said cheerfully "Little comatose rat" she acknowledge her little cousin Hector-add-some-roman-number-because-there-have-been-so-many-Hectors-in-this-family  De Silva

"Dad, she called me rat, again"

"Suck it up, Hector, don't be a such baby" Daisy said entering the kitchen, fully dress and ready to go, she sure could dress fast

"I'm not a baby, I'm already nine"

"So old, and mature" Isabel said smugly , one of the girls favorite hobbies is to annoy and vex lil' Hector, or Comatose Rat as he is also known

"Girls, settle down, please" Jesse spoke putting down his paper for a second, for a guy who is nearing his forty's he still looked damn good. In fact, Suze is very proud of the masculine attractive of her husband. Jesse then looked at his daughter, or rather at the short skirt she was wearing "Margarita, no vas a ningún lado vestida así (Daisy, you're not going anywhere dress like that)"

"Pero, Papá (But dad!)"  Daisy pleaded "mom bought it for me, she said it was ok, and is just above the knee" which was true, but for Jesse still showed too much skin. The fact that his daughter, for him, was every bit as beautiful as Suze, never actually helped (they both had green eyes and pale skin, Daisy's hair was a bit darker but other than Daisy looked quite like Suze at the same age). Since the first time Daisy was invited to a boy-girl party two years ago, Jesse had been more of the overprotective father he already was.

"Jesse, is no big deal" Suze said placing a plate in front of Isabel, who was watching the little drama unravel in front of her, and sat next to her

"Is not a big deal?, is not a big deal? Susannah, of course it is a big deal, in my day there was such thing as modesty"

"But modesty went Punk" Suze made a pause before adding "Besides, lets don't even start about the things that were in your day"

"Hey, I resent that"

"Oh, look at the time, the sun, you're so late, didn't you promised Father D. that you would help him with the welcome assembly?" Suze got as soon as her words made Jesse jump from his seat  "And you still have to take Hector to school"

"Yes" Jesse said, forgetting about the skirt all together "Nombre de Dios, I'm late, pick your stuff, son, lets go" Suze was managing to get him out the kitchen door, had actually already gave him one good long good-bye kiss, and all before he could say anything else about their daughter wardrobe.

"Argh, Dad is SO outdated"  Daisy complained while helping herself some orange juice

"See, that's why I leave the house before even letting my parents to get a good look at me" Isabel is no angel, that's for sure, she isn't a bad kid, but lets just say that, besides the looks, she also has Abby's free sprit. It's often said that the only difference between mother and daughter is the difference in the eye color. Isabel's are blue.

 "Thank god he didn't offer to drive us, imagine the social stigma of arriving to school on a teacher's car!" Daisy exclaimed outraged

Together, Daisy and Isabel were quite a pair, both smart, sassy, funny and beautiful, they pretty much got everything. Including an ever ready-to-spoil-his-nieces  still single uncle that loved both girls at heart and would give them just about anything they asked for.

"Who is ready to go to school?" Antonio said cheerfully coming in, he still lived in the ranch but to take his girls to school on their first day in high school, he drove all the way from the ranch, in his candy-red Impala.

"Uncle!" both girls screamed running to him and hugging him "Thank god you're here, we are so late for school!"

"Oh, for my girls anything" he said kissing the top of both dark haired heads.

"Want a coffee?" Suze asked as the girls went to brush their teeth

"Just plug it into my veins" he said taking the mug, Being forty two, he wasn't really in condition to wake up as early as he had.


Suze's P. O. V.

Oh, my life couldn't any be better: my husband is hot as ever, I have a 14 year old daughter and a nine year old son but guys still check me out in the streets  (not that I actually pay attention but is good to know that some heads still turn), I have a great house, a great family, and a job that I love. I'm the owner of one of the more hip and cool boutiques in Carmel by-the-sea. Of course, I'm still a mediator and some dead people still bug me from time to time but everything else is just fine.

What could go wrong?


Later that day…

"Argh!!!! Dad you're ruining my life!!!!!" Daisy De Silva, the all around drama queen, yelled as soon as she entered her house, it was three.-thirty in the afternoon.

"Daisy, come her, lets talk about it" Jesse was right behind her and trying to make her speak to him

"Oh, it was the biggest embarrassment, the king of embarrassments!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" She clearly wasn't listening "I should have gone to the Louis Stevenson, or to the Sacred Heart or to China for crying out loud!!!" And with that she stormed up the stairs and into her room "I can't set foot in the school again"

"What happened?" Suze asked entering the house with Hector, after picking him up from school, and an extra-large pizza. Jesse looked at her, murmuring things in Spanish, like: "Es tu hija (That's your daughter)" "Claramente saco eso de tu familia (Clearly she got that from your side)"  and alike, things he always said under his breath when he fought with Daisy, which happened more and more often as she ventured into her teens.

"Which part you want to know, aunt Suze?" Isabel asked politely "The part where all we heard all day was how hot uncle Jesse is?, or the part where Uncle Jesse threats a boy that was helping Daisy to open her locker?"

"Oh, boy, how embarrassing!"

"Now you're taking her side, Susannah?" Jesse asked outraged

"I'm not taking sides" Suze said "Isabel, dear, help me to set the table"

"What side are you?" Jesse asked suddenly to Hector who had gone to the livinroom and was watching TV

"Well, dad, quite frankly I hate my sister and all girls in general so I'm totally on your side" Hector answered not taking his sight off the screen

"That's my boy" he said proudly ruffling his boy hair.

End of Chapter One



So this is the sequel of Dream On and Cielo, I wasn't going to write this, but then I thought "What the hell! I love trilogies"  So here you have the first chapter. More on Abby and Emilio later. And on other things. Just a question, would you guys like if Isabel and Daisy were mediators too? Considering that their moms are. I don't know… Well, Paul might come back. I want to do something different this time.

Well, hope this works out.

Much love


Ahh, the song. It means "All I can do is love you", Alejandro Sanz wrote it for his daughter Manuela, it basically says that he wants to give her everything, the whole world but that all he can do is love her.