Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters that pertain to the movie/book "Holes". They belong to the writer of the book, Louis Sachar.

Chapter 1

"Alan," his aunt said from downstairs. "You're going to be late for work," Squid sighed and quickly grabbed his baseball cap and put it on. He grabbed his backpack and went downstairs. He walked into the kitchen and grabbed the piece of toast that rested on the plate. "You look wonderful," his aunt smiled.

"Thanks," Squid rolled his eyes and quickly drank the glass of orange juice.

"You graduated from high school," his aunt smiled. "You are out of that camp and so are your friends," his aunt nodded and sighed. "I'm so proud,"

"Aunt Jessie don't start," Squid shook his head and grabbed his car keys for his black Pontiac GTO. "I'll see you later," he kissed his aunt lightly on the cheek and headed out. Squid unlocked the doors and got in. He threw his backpack in the back and started the ignition. He pulled out of the driveway and headed to the movie theatre. He stopped at the red light and looked at his watch. "Shit,"


"Alan you're late again," a tall man said.

"Sorry Mr. Travis it won't happen again," Squid said.

"All right you are my best employee and I don't want to lose you," Mr. Travis sighed and headed in opposite direction. Squid went behind the concession stand.

"Hey," a girl about Squid's age said. She had black straight hair and dark brown eyes. She wore very little make-up. Squid took off his bowtie and shoved it into his pocket.

"Hey Bridgette," Squid smiled and looked at her. Bridgette smiled back.

"Mr. T yelled at you again," she said as she buttered the popcorn.

"Yeah like always," he helped her. "You're the only working right now," he glanced at her.

"Yeah and you of course," she smiled and looked at him. He looked back at her and kissed her lightly. Bridgette and Squid had been together for about 5 months. They seemed very much in love. She brought out something inside of him that no one could. He told her about his past. She understood what he was going through and he loved that about her.

"You busy tonight," he asked her as he got a cup of Dr. Pepper and drank some.

"I don't think so," she shook her head and leaned against the counter.

"All right I'll pick you up at 8," Squid smiled and walked over to her. He kissed her lightly. Bridgette nodded.

"All right but that's tonight and right now we have to get to work," she smiled and stood behind the register as the people began to pile in.


Squid's shift had ended and he headed to his car. He noticed a figure standing near it. He couldn't make out who or what it was. He continued walking toward the car but at a slow pace. He got closer and the figure was crying. "You okay," Squid said as he got closer. The figure turned it's back toward him. "You okay," Squid reached over and touched the figure's shoulder. The figure was shaking. "Do you need help," Squid insisted. The figure finally turned around.

"Hey," the figure spoke. Squid looked and he was lost for words.

"Nayel," he finally spoke. He looked at her. She looked as if she had been crying all night.

"What happened to you," he touched her cheek. She turned away.

"Can we go somewhere and talk," she spoke softly.

"Of course. Get in," he unlocked the doors and Nayel got in. Squid got in and started the car. He glanced over at Nayel before taking off. She had her hands clasped together and she was looking out the window. Her eyes looked empty. She had no more life in her. She was shaking. "Are you cold or anything," he reached for his hoodie and handed it to her. She slowly put it on. She looked thinner and weaker. Squid headed to a small diner near his house. They both got out and headed inside. They sat in booth. Nayel leaned back and Squid tried not to stare at her but couldn't help it. She seemed scared and worried.

"What can you for you folks," the waitress asked while popping bubblegum in her mouth.

"Um..I'll have coffee," Nayel said but didn't bother looking at the waitress.

"Same," Squid nodded. The waitress went to get their cups of coffee.

"Two years is a long time Alan," Nayel finally spoke.

"What happened to you," Squid looked at her.

"After you got out I turned into a ghost. No one listened to me. No one bothered with me," tears began to roll down her cheeks.

"What do you mean," Squid asked. The waitress brought their coffees. "Thanks," Squid smiled at her then went back to Nayel. Nayel took a sip of coffee.

"I lost myself," Nayel sighed and looked at Squid. Squid looked back at her. She wasn't the same person. She was someone totally different. Did Zig's death tear her a part that much? Did she blame Squid for everything?

"Nayel I don't get it," Squid said and felt like just tearing out his hair. His best friend was hurting and he didn't know why. Nayel looked down and sighed.

"I thought everything was fine. I thought everything was back to normal but it wasn't," Nayel's voice began to fade in and out. She tried not to cry. She did enough crying.