Finding the Place Where We Belong by HieiKitty
Written on February 28, 2008 at 7:15 pm

Chapter Fourty Eight: Arguing

Deciding to think too much on the situation that had just happened, Rebecca quickly followed after Sesshomaru. She found him quite preoccupied with their visitors a few rooms down the hall.

"Damn you, Sesshomaru! Just give us those jewel shards that kitsune had and we'll leave. It's not like we want to be here anyways!" Inuyasha yelled at his older brother. It seemed like he always had to yell when his brother around. Actually, he seemed to always yell. Sara just sent him a look before turning to the inu taiyoukai. "Forget about all that. Just tell us what that whole scene was about. Since when did you and my baka cousin get together?"

"You should be addressing her as Lady Rebecca, you know." Toga wagged a finger in Sara's face in a teasing way. Sara scowled before trying to bite Toga's finger off. Luckily for him, he was able to withdraw his finger before any damage could be done.

"And you know that I told you that it's just Becca. There's no reason for me to be called Lady anything." Rebecca said as she entered the room. Sara readily agreed with her as she joined her, throwing an arm around her shoulders. Both inu brothers immediately tensed and atmosphere quickly grew uncomfortable. Then at the same time, Inuyasha grabbed Sara's arm and pulled her to his side while Sesshomaru did the same with Rebecca. It was obvious that they didn't like the fact that their women were associating with the enemy.

"What the hell, Inuyasha? What was that for? Aren't I allowed to talk with my cousin?" Sara asked angrily as she huffed and placed her hands on her hips. Inuyasha turned his attention away from his brother and on to his mate. "Not when she's fraternizing with the enemy. It's Sesshomaru!"

"You realize he's standing right here, Inuyasha." Rebecca said as she tried to look over at the couple. Sesshomaru had shoved her behind him and it was difficult to get around him to see them. Sara's angry expression faded off her face when she saw the scene before her.

"You know, Becca, you look very short compared to Sesshomaru. You're like a little child." Sara teased her cousin with a huge grin on her face. Instantly, a deep blush covered Rebecca's cheeks as she began to glare at Sara.

"I am not short!" Rebecca yelled at her and went to jump her back but her attempt thwarted. Sesshomaru was easily able to keep her in place with just his arm and for good reason too since Inuyasha had decided to pull out his sword at that instance.

"Jeez, well, this sure is a love-fest, huh?" Rebecca said as she huffed and stood back; Sesshomaru dropping his arm back down to his side. Sara nodded her head and thought it over. "Well, I guess with me becoming Inuyasha's mate and you being taken in by Sesshomaru, there would be some tension considering they're not really good friends in the first place."

"Don't forget that, that damned kitsune betrayed us already two times, maybe even more! We can't trust what she is going to do now." Inuyasha spat out, pushing Sara behind his back for protection even though she tried to resist. It was a good thing too since Sesshomaru had quickly drawn Tokijin and most likely have injured Sara in the process since they were in such a small room.

"Watch what you say, half breed." Sesshomaru told him in a blank tone though it was obvious he didn't like how Inuyasha was speaking about Rebecca. He had been present for one of the times that Rebecca had betrayed the rest of their group. There was one fact that he couldn't ignore though. Rebecca was helpless against her own father who had just tried to kill her. His stupid younger brother had no clue what was going on. Rebecca was now in his care and his responsibility.

Inuyasha just scoffed and brought out his own sword, not caring for the small space that they were in either. He didn't care if he would have to fight his brother for the nth time if it meant it would keep his mate safe. Inuyasha was aware that Sara cared for Rebecca and had a deep bond since they were best friends and cousins but he couldn't take that chance. Rebecca had shown many times where her loyalties laid and he was even surprised that Sesshomaru would dare defend her when he knew that she was the daughter of Naraku. But no matter, Inuyasha would always put Sara's safety first.

Before any fight could get started, however, Toga, who had seemed to leave the room a few moments prior, returned with another servant that Rebecca recognized as Mimiko. Mimiko bowed low to the ground then spoke to her lord. "Lord Sesshomaru, please excuse me for interrupting your conversion with your brother but I would like to remind you that you have other guest to entertain. I have set them up in another room and brought some tea. Would you like me to show your brother and his mate there?"

"Rebecca, take care of this." Sesshomaru said with a scoff before he sheathed Tokijin and left the room. Rebecca let out her own scoff and glared after him for leaving her to handle this herself. As much as she didn't want to admit to it, she liked to be in his company and it would have been great to have him there for moral support and to keep Inuyasha in line though now she had Sara for that. With a sigh, she looked over to Toga and Mimiko and nodded her head to go ahead. A knowing smile rose on to Mimiko's face.

"Now, Lady Rebecca, if you and your guests would just follow me, we'll join the others."


HieiKitty: Okay, I have no clue if I will ever update this again. In fact, I'm surprised I updated this at all but whatever. I'm going to try to continue it. Sorry that this chapter was so short. I'm going to re-read this whole story and try to get it started again.

Please, review.