AN: Hello again to everyone who has read "Child of the Crimson Moon," which was the story from which this piece of work will continue from. I am very thankful to those of you who praised my work and even gave me inspiration to continue, and hope I will live up to your standards with this series as well.

As always, Love Hina and its characters belong to Ken Akamatsu. Original characters are created by me, but may be used with permission.


For Love and Honor

Chapter 1: Continuing the Legacy

It was a dark and stormy day, with harsh biting winds and an oppressive downpour of rain. Upon a grassy hill which looked over the city of Hinata stood two figures, the first was a man with long black hair which spilled over his shoulders, with the rain plastering locks of his hair to his face, hiding his eyes from view. He wore a large black trenchcoat over his equally dark business suit, and stood to one side silently and emotionlessly.

His companion however, was a woman whose appearance contradicted his in every way. Though her long and beautiful hair was ghostly white, her face was of one that barely just graduated from high school. She wore an elegant white dress with delicate silk lining which reached her ankles, but where her companion's wore a stoic face, hers was lined with grief and sadness.

Slowly, the two made their way to the top of the hill, where a single tombstone stood against the onslaught of the storm. Silently, the woman stepped forward and laid a bouquet of flowers at the base of the tombstone, then traced her fingertips over the inscription:

Herein lies

Keitaro and Kaolla Urashima

Beloved parents, friends to many, loved by all.

May their souls find peace, for they shall be missed.

"Mom... Dad..." The woman smiled sadly, her tears mixing with the rain hitting her face. "I promised we'd be back on the day we pass the entrance exam for Toudai..." She then choked back a sniffle. "Sho and I passed it on the first try... Auntie said we must've gotten Mom's intellegence..." Unable to hold back any further, she lowered her face and cried sadly. "I miss you both so much...! Why...?"

The woman's companion watched on silently until her crying slowed down, then placed a hand reassuringly on her shoulder. She looked up into his face with her emerald green eyes, and knew that despite the cold face he showed to the world, deep inside he was hurting as much as her over the loss of their beloved parents.

"Come on Yuki..." The man squeezed her shoulder gently. "Mom and Dad wouldn't want you to get sick because of the weather..."

Sighing, the woman nodded and stood slowly, and together, brother and sister walked down the hill to a waiting car...


The sun finally began peeking through the clouds as the two siblings climbed the last of the steps and looked upon the Hinata-Sou, and immediately took notice of two women standing beside the front entrance. One was sweeping the front yard while smoking a cigarette, while the other is seen talking to someone over a cell phone. The two quickly turned their attention to the siblings as they arrived before them.

"Hello Haruka, Auntie Kanako...." Yuki greeted the two quietly, her voice nearly a whisper in the wind. The two elderly women nodded, and the ever business-like Kanako decided to speak...

"You know, you two could've waited until the weather cleared up before visiting them..."

"My Dad was never one to break promises..." Sho replied with a voice empty of emotion. "I don't plan to be the one in the family to break tradition."

"Hey, is that any way to talk to your elders?" Haruka cut in with a raised eyebrow, while Sho parted the wet hair from his face. The two elder women immediately became quiet and gave him a worried look, the two women both had troubled childhoods, ensuring that almost nothing would scare them easily in life.

One look in Sho's eyes, however, sent chills down their backs. They were not filled with rage, nor were they filled with sadness.

They were just two emotionless brown orbs, empty of life...

"My apologies, I'll be in my room if anyone needs me..." Sho exclaimed just as emotionlessly, before heading into the dorm quietly.

Shaking her head with a sigh, Kanako turned to Yuki, who was looking down at the ground sadly. "Have you ever tried to snap some sense back into that brother of yours?" Seeing the young woman nod, the Aunt shook her head. "He has to stop blaming himself for what happened, and carry on with life, we all do."

"He trains everyday as if he were possessed..." Yuki sighed. "I doubt any of us can talk him out of his depression for awhile..." She then smiled sadly to the two elderly women. "But I will go talk to him, it seems to somewhat help..." The two nodded in approval, then watched Yuki enter the dorm.

"Poor kids..." Haruka sighed, puffing out a cloud of smoke. "It's taken a heavy toll on them both..."

Kanako nodded, looking up at the Hinat-Sou. "Yes, even though it's already been two years..."


Login: sho851

Password: ********

Entry - Toudai

Tokyo University. The most prestigious school in Japan, the one everyone aspires to get into, the one that Mom and Dad went to... The entrance exam was so ridiculously easy, it almost made me want to laugh when Mom told me that Dad only passed it on his second try...

It's hard to believe that only two years have passed... it seems that decades have passed already. I miss them both a lot, probably far more than Auntie Kanako or even Yuki believes...

But I made two promises that day in honor of the Urashima name, and I will die before I break them...

I will follow my Mother's footsteps in Toudai.

And I will protect my sister until my very last breath.

Logoff? Y/N Y

Closing his laptop silently, Sho looked up from his desk and gazed at a framed photo of his family. Neither of his parents looked a day older than the early twenties when they married, and Sho managed a small smile as he remembered the day they took the picture. Sho was seen holding his mother Kaolla in his arms, his face showing a brillant smile at her, who was smiling back at him. Even his eyes and choice of clothing carried a joy which was now missing in life...

Yuki, as always, was like an angel blessed to the Urashima family. Her face also radiated pure joy as she was held by his father Keitaro. The four of them had just returned from a picnic on a warm summer day, and Kanako happened to be there with a camera. With a mischeivous grin, she shared her plan with the Urashima men in whispers, and the two complied by picking up Mother and Daughter in their arms as Kanako snapped the shot with laughs all around...

When a pair of slender arms wrapped around his waist gently, his mind snapped back into reality and his body tensed up. He then slowly relaxed as he realized that despite all his martial training, that only one person would ever be able to approach him undetected...

"We both miss them a lot..." Yuki whispered, and Sho nodded silently. "You know I'll always be here for you, Big brother..."

Turning to her, the taller Sho gently pulled his sister off her feet into a warm hug. "I know..." Sho replied quietly. He then showed her a rare, but genuine smile. "Thanks, sis..."

The rare moment of sibling bonding was not to last, as the pair heard a knocking at the front door.

"Who in the...?" Sho grumbled with an annoyed look, and decided to investigate.


"What's somebody have to do to get someone to answer around here...?" The person knocking at the door sighed to herself. Her long black hair trailed down her back and was tied back into a tail, she wore a simple white training gi and red hakama, with a samurai's daisho tucked into her obi sash. The screen door suddenly slid open, and the woman's black eyes stared up at the taller and more imposing figure of Sho, who looked back at her impassively.

"Master swordswoman of the Shinmei-Ryu." Sho addressed the visitor, calmly straightening his black suit and tie. "What business do you have here?"

The woman's jaw hung in disbelief for a few seconds, before she narrowed her eyes at the landlord. "You're kidding me, right?" She replied angrily. "Don't tell me you forgot who I am...!"

"Who's at the door, Big brother...?" Yuki appeared a second later, then smiled as she saw the visitor. "Emi!"

"Yuki!" The two women laughed and embraced each other, as Sho merely rolled his eyes and stood off to one side. "Come on bro, you remember Emi from before, right?" Yuki smiled up at her brother, who sighed as if he wasn't eager to talk to anyone at the moment.

"Of course, I remember now..." Sho replied calmly, then turned to the swordswoman. "And how is Sensei Motoko these days, is she well?"

"Mother is doing fine, thanks." Emi smiled warmly. "But the main reason I came today is to ask you two a favor..." Seeing the two Urashima siblings watching her, she continued. "The Shinmei-Ryu training camp is becoming cramped with new trainees recently, and with school coming up..."

"...You want to ask for a room here, right?" Sho finished her sentence. "I have no problem with that, on the conditions that you'll be my training partner each morning, and that you pay rent on time each month." He then turned and began walking away. "Show her to her room, sis, I have things to do..."

"Man, who shoved a stick in that boy's..." Emi began with an annoyed look, but stopped as Yuki shook her head at her.

"He's... been that way since the accident, please forgive him." Yuki sighed, looking at the direction her brother walked off to.

"Yeah, my condolences to you guys..." Emi sighed, putting an arm around Yuki to comfort her. "Must've been rough..."

"Enough sad talk, eh?" Yuki smiled slightly as she hefted up Emi's duffel bag. "How about we get you settled down, and the three of us go for a bowl of ramen like the good ol' days?"

Smiling cheerfully, the descendent of Hinata-Sou's swordswoman followed the landlord's sister inside, feeling as much at home as she did in her training camp...


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Before anyone lynches me, I'd just like to state that this is just a continuation of the fanfiction Love Hina universe I created before. It's also an attempt for me to write something with a pinch of darkness in it, hope you enjoy! More coming soon!