Title: A Good Man
Author: Meg Kenobi (afirmationaol.com)
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to Pirates of the Caribbean, its respective trademarks, etc., etc, and those restraining orders seem to suggest I don't own Johnny Depp or Orlando Bloom either . . . go figure.
Author's note: I lied! Back by some demand, I have decided to write another chapter and then take it from there. Huzzah! Also, forgive me if something smells slashy, I can't seem to help myself. Short chapter, all dialogue.
"Jack, what on God and the Queen's good Earth are you talking about?" Will rose, crossing the room.
"Don't worry on it, mate. We'll stay the night here. Tomorrow we find the Black Pearl and your duck. No, goose. That's not it . . . Swann."
"That is not helpful, Jack. Not even remotely comforting. I'm sailing tomorrow with a pirate. Not just any pirate--."
"Do I smell a complement coming?" Jack grinned impishly.
"But one who is completely mad," Will continued, "I am certainly going to worry on it."
"I knew you loved me. Madness is such an abstract quality, best not to worry yourself about your lacking. If it's any consolation, I sense a bit of the crazy about you. Throwing your lot in with a pirate to save a woman who is far above you. It smacks of old Bootstrap's logic."
"Jack, I want you to listen to me. You don't know me, neither do you know anything about my life. You may have known my father, but he has never been a part of my life. I am here only because I love Miss Swann and would do anything to deliver her from harm. I appreciate neither your abuse nor your drunken assumptions."
"Ouch, mate. You're only purpose is Miss Swann?"
"Why do you want to save her, even if you still can't have her?"
"I am not falling into another one of your none too clever insults," Will growled in frustration.
"I'm trying to understand. Explain it to me like I am the mindless, mad scoundrel you believe me to be," Jack implored, his voice startlingly sincere. Will looked at him, taken aback.
"Because I care about her, Jack. No matter how futile it is, I always will. Maybe it is shallow and foolish. Perhaps you are right, but when I look at her, I see perfection. Perfection in a woman who never can and never will love me. I happen to think that is a considerable concession to make on her behalf."
"But why do you love her if she doesn't love you?!" Jack bellowed, clearly unable to comprehend what Will was saying.
"Because I can never stop hoping she one day will love me! You damn selfish bastard! Why must everything be about getting something in return? You can love unrequited."
"How does it feel?"
"Damn you," Will spat, his voice thick.
"I'm trying to understand her! I can't do this by me onesy; pirate mind isn't capable. Give me some bloody help."
"For the love of God, Jack, is that what this is about?"
"I rather fancy the words "God" and "Jack" that close together. . . "
"Yes, it is, all right? I'm invoking your almighty wisdom. Happy?"
"Does this mean I'm a good person after all?"
"No, it means your as much a pitiful, dutiful puppy as she is."
"Well, if that's the case -- " Will rose to leave.
"Fine, you're a good man, now go to sleep; you're still going to make an awful pirate." Jack Sparrow extinguished the lamp and watched the darkness settle, trying not to think of the hollowness inside, wondering what had happened to his capacity to care.
Author: Meg Kenobi (afirmationaol.com)
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to Pirates of the Caribbean, its respective trademarks, etc., etc, and those restraining orders seem to suggest I don't own Johnny Depp or Orlando Bloom either . . . go figure.
Author's note: I lied! Back by some demand, I have decided to write another chapter and then take it from there. Huzzah! Also, forgive me if something smells slashy, I can't seem to help myself. Short chapter, all dialogue.
"Jack, what on God and the Queen's good Earth are you talking about?" Will rose, crossing the room.
"Don't worry on it, mate. We'll stay the night here. Tomorrow we find the Black Pearl and your duck. No, goose. That's not it . . . Swann."
"That is not helpful, Jack. Not even remotely comforting. I'm sailing tomorrow with a pirate. Not just any pirate--."
"Do I smell a complement coming?" Jack grinned impishly.
"But one who is completely mad," Will continued, "I am certainly going to worry on it."
"I knew you loved me. Madness is such an abstract quality, best not to worry yourself about your lacking. If it's any consolation, I sense a bit of the crazy about you. Throwing your lot in with a pirate to save a woman who is far above you. It smacks of old Bootstrap's logic."
"Jack, I want you to listen to me. You don't know me, neither do you know anything about my life. You may have known my father, but he has never been a part of my life. I am here only because I love Miss Swann and would do anything to deliver her from harm. I appreciate neither your abuse nor your drunken assumptions."
"Ouch, mate. You're only purpose is Miss Swann?"
"Why do you want to save her, even if you still can't have her?"
"I am not falling into another one of your none too clever insults," Will growled in frustration.
"I'm trying to understand. Explain it to me like I am the mindless, mad scoundrel you believe me to be," Jack implored, his voice startlingly sincere. Will looked at him, taken aback.
"Because I care about her, Jack. No matter how futile it is, I always will. Maybe it is shallow and foolish. Perhaps you are right, but when I look at her, I see perfection. Perfection in a woman who never can and never will love me. I happen to think that is a considerable concession to make on her behalf."
"But why do you love her if she doesn't love you?!" Jack bellowed, clearly unable to comprehend what Will was saying.
"Because I can never stop hoping she one day will love me! You damn selfish bastard! Why must everything be about getting something in return? You can love unrequited."
"How does it feel?"
"Damn you," Will spat, his voice thick.
"I'm trying to understand her! I can't do this by me onesy; pirate mind isn't capable. Give me some bloody help."
"For the love of God, Jack, is that what this is about?"
"I rather fancy the words "God" and "Jack" that close together. . . "
"Yes, it is, all right? I'm invoking your almighty wisdom. Happy?"
"Does this mean I'm a good person after all?"
"No, it means your as much a pitiful, dutiful puppy as she is."
"Well, if that's the case -- " Will rose to leave.
"Fine, you're a good man, now go to sleep; you're still going to make an awful pirate." Jack Sparrow extinguished the lamp and watched the darkness settle, trying not to think of the hollowness inside, wondering what had happened to his capacity to care.