"What do you want with me?" asked Hermione, trying to be brave, but the fear evident in her voice.

"We'll just have a little fun with you, Mudblood." Smirked one of the Death Eaters.

"Nott?" Hermione asked.

The dark figure said nothing, but let out a snort.

"I take it that is a yes." Said Hermione, some of her courage returning.  If she could just reach that bracelet…

"What is she doing?" asked Zabini to a Death Eater standing behind her.  He had noticed she had begun twisting around in her chair.

"She's trying to touch some bracelet of hers…" the Death Eaters replied.

Zabini's eyes narrowed and he went to look.  Hermione quickly stopped moving and tried to look innocent.  "My hand was itching." She said.

"A likely story.  This is a magic bracelet, a communication device, if I'm not mistaken.  Take it off." Sneered Zabini.

Hermione felt her stomach clench.  They had taken her only hope of getting out of here.

They untied her hands for a moment to take the bracelet off, in fear that if they might break it, it would activate or warn the other person something was wrong.

Zabini walked past her.

And suddenly she was untied, and standing up with her wand in her hand.

"How….?" Said Zabini, when a Stunning Spell flew at him.  With almost supernatural speed he avoided it, and the spell hit the Death Eater behind him.

"You shouldn't leave wands in your pockets, just for grabbing." Smiled Hermione, feeling safe once again.

"You stupid Mudblood.  You're outnumbered." Smirked Zabini, raising his wand and sending a Cruciatus Curse at her, which she deflected with a Shield Charm, deflecting another curse which had come from the Death Eaters behind her.

She suddenly snatched the bracelet and activated it.

"Delia!  Help me!  Death Eaters, house somewhere near the main road!…They've got me!  Hel…"

"That's enough Mudblood." Said Zabini, striking her with the Stunning Spell.