Disclaimer: I don't own any of these characters.

Rating: PG-13

Pairing: S/G

Notifications: English is not my native language, have mercy on me. And Syd's family was made up.

"Syd, Gage, we have a new case in our hands," Walker stated as he stepped into Company B. They both nodded and followed him to his office with Trivette. In there, Walker gave all of them files and started to explain. "In the last week, someone has committed several murders. Three, to be precise. We have to find whoever is behind this all," he finished, looking at them.

Syd asked quickly, "What connects these murders to each other?"

Walker took a paper in his hand and read, "First victim: Maria Sanchez, 32, white, security guard. Second victim: Iris Blake, 30, white, former police officer. Third victim: Gabriela Medina, 34, white, police officer. As you can see, they were all female, white, in their early thirties and all worked in law enforcements. They looked alike too: dark hair and eyes, 5'4 tall, petite figure. They were all killed with a single gunshot in the heart."

Gage let out a quiet whistle and asked, "Wait a minute, Walker. Do you know anything about their families?"

He nodded and replied, "Yep. They all had both parents and one to two brothers and are single."

Gage glanced quickly at Syd and then said, "I have a guess Walker. May I?" He nodded so Gage continued. "Okay, first of all, who comes into your mind first hearing that description?" They thought for a while and then looked at Syd. "What? You don't think that...?" She asked looking at them.

Gage nodded and answered, "Yes, I do. I think that this is a personal revenge and it may be directed to you."

Walker nodded to his guess and said, "He might be right. Syd do you have a lot of enemies?"

She rolled her eyes and replied, "You are kidding, right? I am a Texas Ranger after all, so I have a lot of enemies. If you really think that this guy is after me, then where do we start looking?" Trivette suggested, "Does the shot in heart mean anything to you? Maybe it's some kind of a signal or mark that he leaves behind."

Syd thought for a long time and said, "No, nothing particular in mind. I guess we just have to go through old files."

They nodded to that without enthusiasm as they took seats behind Trivette's computer and started to go through over 3000 files.

***3 hours later***

"Want some more coffee Syd?" Gage asked going to the coffee machine.

She nodded and replied, "Gladly, if there is any left."

Walker and Trivette had left an hour ago; Walker had to watch after Angela and Trivette was so tired that they just decided he could go home. They had gone through almost 3000 files and the end was nearing. After Gage returned with the coffee, they worked in quietness until Syd said, "Finally! This was the last file. So how many suspects do we have?"

Gage counted the files and said, "Umm.... almost a hundred and we have to visit all of them tomorrow."

Syd nodded and replied, "Fine. Would you mind closing? I'm really tired."

He looked at her tired expression and replied, "Of course. See you tomorrow, Syd."

She nodded and answered, "Bye, see you too."

After Syd left Gage shut down the computer, turned off the lights and closed all the doors. As he sat into his car in the parking lot, he felt something in his jacket pocket. It was Syd's cell phone. She must've put it in here by mistake, he thought and decided to drop it off to her.

***In front of Syd's flat***

Syd walked to his flat as suddenly she felt someone grabbing her from back. She quickly untangled herself and started a fight. As it went farer, she felt that this guy was definitely bigger and stronger than she. Despite it, she continued her fight.

Protecting herself with her legs and hands, she almost beat him, as she felt a needle in her hand. Everything went dizzy and kind of hazy but she remained enough consciousness to take off the mask in front of the man's face.

As she ripped it off, she gasped and tried to fight even harder, but it was no use. She collapsed and everything went dark.

Gage drove in front of her house as he saw someone fighting there. He had an inner feeling that it was Sydney so he jumped out and, pulling his gun out, yelled, "Texas Rangers, drop your weapon!"

The unknown stranger took a peak at him and then ran away. Gage wanted to run after but as he saw Syd lying still on the ground, his heart told him to stop.

He kneeled down, took Syd's head between his hands and called her, "Syd! Syd, can you hear me? Please open your eyes!" he caressed her hair and after a while she opened her eyes.

As she looked at him, she whispered, "I know who it was."

Please review, be so good! Then we'll see about the next chapter ;)