Summary: It's the end of summer and James Potter is heading into his 5th year at Hogwarts (obviously). After being Lily Evans enemy since their first year, James realizes knew things about her...

The 5th Year

As James Potter walked through the barrier of 9 and 3 quarters, he thought "Man, it's good to be back" just as he spotted his best friends Sirius Black and Remus Lupin. "Well, Mr. Potter, it's good to be back'", Sirius said. James smirked. Him and Sirius thought exactly alike. "And man, have you seen Jenni Ryans? She must have done something 'cause she looks hott" Sirius rambled on. "Alright, alright, Sirius. I don't want an early start about you and your girls," Remus joked. But James wasn't paying attention. He was buisy gazing at a beautiful red haired beauty. Well, he could tell she was a beauty, even though he was looking at her back. Her posture was perfect, she didn't toss her hair around to much like a ditsy girl, and she had excellent curves. "Hey...hey Sirius! Remus! Check out that one!" After a few seconds without any response, he slowly turned around to look at his two best friends. They were both trying to hide their laughs, but couldn't take it anymore and burst out. "What? What's so funny?" "N-n-nothing. J- just go talk to her, eh buddy?" Remus tried to say with a strait face. "Yeah, we'll go with ya." Sirius cackled. So James started walking toward the beautiful girl with Remus and Sirius behind him. "Hey there", James said smoothly. The girl turned around flashing a smile. For a split second, James though "Man, she's a total babe!" But in another second both of their smiles faded. "Potter!!!! You get away from me!!!", Lily Evans screeched. Her two best friends Eliza Burks and Jenni Ryans were behind her laughing their heads off, just like Sirius and Remus. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Lily and James had been enemies since their very first day at Hogwarts. Lily had made a mistake sitting next to James. He kept throwing food at her and as they were leaving, he poured Pumpkin Juice over her hair. "Well it matches your hair so I didn't think it would make a difference!" he had claimed. When Lily called him an arrogant jerk who was uglier then hell, they had made up their minds that the other was considered an enemy. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ As Lily stormed off with her friends giggling behind her, Sirius said "Man, you really mad a good joke outta that one!" Remus smirked. James and Remus both knew Sirius didn't get a lot of things right after they happen. It would take him a few hours to understand that James really had made that mistake-and not on purpose. The three friends walked off towards the huge castle, James was lost in his own thoughts. 'Am I crazy? I mean, Lily is getting pretty hot. Her eyes are Emeralds, or even brighter. And her hair. God, it's beautiful. Wait...what am I saying?!? This is Lily Evans here. Just snap out of it Potter." Determined to forget what had just happened in his head, James tried to joined Remus in being bored out of their minds as he talked about Jenni Ryans. But Jenni Ryans only reminded him that she is Lily's best friend, which reminded him of Lily's bright eyes and wavy hair. "This is gunna be a looong year." He told himself.