Author's note: Well here is Chapter One... EDITED. And there's a disclaimer this time too! Hehe...yup...I forgot to do that last time...

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha OR Harry Potter.

Chapter One: KWIKSPELL

On a slightly warm day, in a town that was, perhaps not quite what you and I are used to, but certainly nothing too unusual for it's time and place, the villagers were at ease. As much as everyone loved Kagome-sama, when she went home to her strange country things were a bit more subdued than normal. And not just because the general area was calm enough for her companions to allow her to leave in the first place. Of the said companions, the most troublesome by far was the one who by all rights belonged to the little village, for he had become so ingrained in their legends that the boldest of children fawned away from his gaze, though they all watched him with something bordering terror and worship. This was where the problem came in. For though many of the nasty things said of him were exaggerations or downright lies, Inuyasha did have a dirty mouth... A very, very, dirty mouth. And what is a mother to do when her youngest son calls her "that bitch who wouldn't let me stay out," or her daughter of nine summers tells her father quite eloquently to "get his ass in the house for supper,"? Every well meaning parent was on high alert, for even when Kagome- sama, Inuyasha, and their ever growing band of allies went of searching for jewel shards, there was always the possibility that Kagome-sama would come hurtling onto the horizon on that strange bicycle of hers, with Inuyasha on her heels shouting profanities at her until he was "subdued" which only made him louder. But then Kagome-sama would leave, and though they missed her, the people of the village were content, for it was during this time that Inuyasha was most quite. Though he would fidget quite a bit, nobody complained about the boy's seemingly insurmountable need for activity, as long as all that energy was used for their chores and not a blight on some anthill on the edge of town. Yes, they were content, for even at the end of their short peace they would be given back their Kagome-sama, who was wise, beautiful, and had the oh-so-satisfying ability to pound their resident hanyou into the ground if he swore in front of young children while she was around.


Inuyasha himself was not in the village at the moment. He was currently sitting in a clearing in the woods in front of an old dried-up well. He was scratching one ear with his foot in a suspiciously dog-like manner and staring off into space, having given up on glaring at Shippou and hoping the dumb kitsune would take a hint and beat it long ago. Kagome had gone home yesterday. Or rather, she had stormed off...

Inuyasha had the vague idea that he'd made her mad saying SOMETHING about either her time or her fighting skills that had really upset her. It wasn't that he WANTED her to be all upset, but how was he supposed to apologize if he didn't know what he'd said?

'Besides,' he thought, 'knowing Kagome it was probably something dumb.'

He had left Miroku in Kaede-baba's hut being nursed back to health after being knocked unconscious by Sango for (what else?) being a pervert. He snorted at the thought. In spite of all that talk about subtlety Miroku was worse than HE was sometimes.

Shippou was currently balancing on the lip of the well. He wondered vaguely if he ought to through a stone at Shippou to see if he could knock him in. How deep was that well? Ten feet? Fifteen? Well it couldn't be enough to cause serious damage. Besides, he was BORED! That matter settled, he picked up the rock, and successfully toppled Shippou, then ran off before said kitsune could pop into his pink balloon form and start gnawing on his head.

'Kagome would be pissed as hell if she were here,' he thought smugly.

All right, so maybe that was a bit immature, but a guy has a right to be petty when he's been slammed into the ground for no apparent reason by a person who then storms off without a word of explanation or apology.

'She was really mad this time,' he mused. 'I wonder what I did...'

But the thoughts were cut short as Shippou the pink blob, or 'Jaws' as Inuyasha had taken to calling him, attached him self to the dog-boy's head.


Kagome was in a good mood.

At first, she'd come home steaming mad and more than a little hurt at Inuyasha's comment about her battle prowess. How dare he say something about her latent Miko powers after all he'd gone through to master Tetsusaiga? And to make matters worse, she just knew he was comparing her to Kikyo. He hadn't said it out loud, but how could he not, when even she had been reminded of the Miko, when her training was brought up...

Well anyway, she'd gone home, and deciding firmly not to cry, had a nice hot bath, then ate some iced-cream, and all-in-all was feeling at peace with the world.

Except one thing was bothering her. She was tired of not having control of her magic powers! (And even as she thought that, she wondered what kind of brain fever her friends at school would think she had if they heard that.) She had been improving slowly since the first time she fell through the well, and her aim was getting better every day, yet she couldn't help but wonder if she would ever be able to make barriers like Kikyo did.

And so, in an iced-cream induced sugar-high mid-night stupor, she had decided to take matters into her own hands. Which against all logic had led her to e-bay at one thirty in the morning, where she purchased something called KWIKSPELL: A Correspondence Course in Beginners Magic (sold by someone calling himself BatWings), then promptly fell asleep.


Two days later found Kagome cheerful, caught up in class (more or less), and ready to diplomatically make up with Inuyasha whether he wanted to be made up with or not!

Then Mama found something quite interesting in the mailbox. It was that KWIKSPELL thing Kagome'd gotten off e-bay, probably junk, but bringing it along with her schoolbooks wouldn't hurt right? So with that decided, she put the KWIKSPELL course in her already bulging backpack said goodbye to Mamma, Souta, and Jii-chan, then made her way out of the house, and returned to Feudal Japan.


Mrs. Higurashi sighed, and sipped her tea. Sunlight filtered into the kitchen through half closed shutters. Buyo was curled up next to the cookie jar on the shelf, simply lounging because trying to get down without help would be futile anyway, and he really did not feel like causing a racket. The family used to have tea together when the children were not at school, but life had become so hectic what with Kagome's time traveling, and Souta's making the football team... Mrs. Higurashi made a mental note to thank Inuyasha the next time she saw him for helping Souta practice. He claimed he wouldn't have helped if Kagome had been willing to leave, but the little speech he'd given Souta had been quite sweet, especially since he'd refrained from swearing for the whole thing. She had thanked him for THAT, and he had turned bright red. Apparently he hadn't thought she knew he was a potty-mouth. Thinking about it made her snort into her cup.

'How could I miss the things you yell at my daughter when she sits you?'

She sat in contemplative silence, watching Buyo's tail wave slowly back and forth. All was quiet. Kagome was once again back in time, Grandpa was sweeping in the front, and Souta was... somewhere...


Mrs. Higurashi jumped to her feet, wondering franticly what Souta had done as she raced to the front hall, where the noise had come from. Only to find a group of the strangest looking people she'd ever seen standing by the door.

Souta came crashing down the stairs, and called out the second he saw her, "I didn't do it!" And skid to a stop behind her to stair at the strange visitors who were now speaking to one another in hushed and frantic English.

"Damnit all Brocklehurst! You missed!" One man in strange blue robes was saying to a tall wiry man in green.

"Now what do we tell them?" cut in one woman, also in green robes. "'Oh hi there? We had a question and really were going to knock, but we found ourselves suddenly inside your house?' Honestly, would apparating OUTSIDE the door have been so difficult?"

"Well I'm sorry Holms," Said 'Brocklehurst. "But it wasn't my idea to test the spell. Nonetheless use it to get all the way to Japan! Damn Fudge! He's so set on making progress now that 'you know who' is back that he's become illogical. We could have all just apparated separately, but no we have to test the bloody brand-new transportation spell while we're at it!"

"True, true." Came 'Holms' and the rest.

Mrs. Higurashi was a bit confused, and would have been even more bewildered had not she been used to the sort of things her daughter brought home.

"Can I help you?" She ventured in English.

At which point, the five adults in her hallway jumped and paled, probably not having expected her to understand their conversation. 'Holms' recovered first, and stepped forward.

"Good afternoon," She said holding out her hand. Mrs. Higurashi shook it. "I'm Ms. Holms, and I believe you are Mrs. Higurashi?" Mrs. Higurashi could only nod. "We are with the British Ministry, and we believe that you, under no fault of your own, have come into possession of a dangerous weapon. It would have come in a box this morning..."

"Oh!" said Souta. Mostly just to show the gaijins that he could speak English too. "You mean that package my sister got this morning? Cause I don't think it looked too dangerous."

"Well the original contents of the box were harmless, I'm sure," said Ms. Holms. "But it may have also contained of...a chemical weapon! So we will need it returned right away!"

It was Mrs. Higurashi's turn to go white. Kagome had left at least an hour ago. How would she warn her daughter against the package? Would Inuyasha realize if it smelled funny? She could only hope. And how would she explain Kagome's absence to these strange officials?

But then she was saved by the proverbial bell.

"What was all that racket? It sounded like an explosion!" Jii-chan came bowling through the front door, nearly knocking over Brocklehurst in the process. "And when did they get here?" He said, indicating the strangers, looking for all the world as over-whelmed as he had the first time his wards had failed to keep Inuyasha out of their house.

"It's alright, Jii-chan," said Souta patiently. "These are agents from the British ministry, I think they're looking for Kagome."

"Eh?" Was Jii-chan's intelligent response.

Based on the blank looks on most of their faces, it seemed that Holms was the only one who spoke Japanese.

"I'm afraid Kagome isn't home right now," Mrs. Higurashi said in English. "And I really have no way of reaching her for the moment. I have a kettle on the stove... Shall I get you some tea?"


"Oi Kagome!"

"Kagome's back!"

Kagome smiled. Inuyasha and Shippou had waited for her at the well had they? That was...sweet.

"Inuyasha, could I hand up my bag? It's too heavy to throw."

"Yeah, whatever."

Well... That was the closest to polite Inuyasha was going to get at the moment, so Kagome hefted up her bag, and pushed it up and out of the well.

"Oi Kagome! What the hell did you put in this thing? It's even heavier than it usually is!"

"Did you bring me candy Kagome? Or new crayons?" Shippou wanted to know.

"Yes Shippou, I brought you candy, but it's for later okay?"

"Hai Kagome." Shippou proceeded to perch on her shoulder. She started to walk to the village.

Inuyasha was left behind with the bulging yellow book bag.

He had been prepared for a big argument with Kagome once she got back. But she didn't seem to be mad anymore...

"Keh, stupid girl." He grumped, as he swung the pack over his shoulder, and followed after her.