Disclaimer: Don't own Inuyasha, never will. Don't sue!


A/N: When I posted the last part, I thought that was all there was to the story. But in many of the reviews, readers asked me to continue in some way. And the more I thought about it, the more I thought "why not?" So here's a part two for your reading enjoyment, though I don't think's it's as good as part 1.......

Please Review!!!


Reflections on the Water

By: Batbabe


Part 2


When she looked back up, he was gone.

The young woman sighed slightly, disappointed at his disappearance. Though he thought that she didn't notice him when he watched her, she knew everytime. Kagome seemed to have a sense for when he was around, so it didn't surprise her.

The first time she had caught Inuyasha watching her, she had been confused as to why. He never mentioned his habit, so she figured that he thought he was being sneaky about it. He could be so secretive about some things. So she never spoke of it and simply let him continue. To be honest, it made her feel special in some way.

He must have gotten tired of watching her. This was the first time that he had left before she had and the bothered her a little. She couldn't say why, but his departure made her feel as though he wasn't interested in her anymore. The thought scared her.

Kagome didn't know how or why, but she had fallen in love with the half-human/half-demon.

She had hated him at first. He was so smug, so egotistical. But she eventually saw the true him during the few times that he dropped his guard. He was a lost soul, like she herself was. They were kindred spirits. Though the term was rather strong, Kagome tended to think of them as soulmates.

She had traveled through time to find him, it was fate. Whether that was a result of his relationship with Kikyo, Kagome could not be certain. She hated to think of it like that, though. She wasn't the same person as the priestess, though she was her reincarnation. They weren't the same and never would be.

As these thoughts crossed her mind, she took a small stone from the ground beside her and skipped it across the water. It was so frustrating to think of Inuyasha's relationship with Kikyo. Kagome knew that he would never stop loving her, but she didn't like to think that he would never be able to get over her. The images of him holding her came into the young woman's mind, unbidden.

Her fist clenched around another stone. Jealousy was an emotion that Kagome didn't like to experience, like most people.

He always seemed to just toss her aside whenever the priestess showed up. It wasn't fair, and it wasn't right, but she couldn't do anything about it. Even if she confessed her feelings for Inuyasha, he would just tell her that he loved Kikyo and that he could never love anyone else. Kagome couldn't stand the thoughts of his rejection.

At times, it seemed like all she could do was suffer in silence. She would have to watch him pine for her, hold her, and love her. It was more than the girl could take sometimes.

But she would never leave him. Of that, she was certain. She loved him too much to ever desert him like that. Staying with him, if only as a friend, would have to be enough.

/Well, at least I can always sit him if he gets on my nerves./ she chuckled lightly at the thought. Sometimes it was nice to have some measure of control over the demon.

The raven haired girl dangled her feet in the water a little more, moving her feet in different patterns and shapes. It amazed her how simple life in this time was, not counting the abundance of demons in the area.

Kagome sometimes wondered if she could give up her time to stay here with Inuyasha. If he would have her, that is. She never really came to an answer. On the one hand, she would be giving up everything she had ever known to live in a time that seemed backwards sometimes. But on the other hand, she would be gaining a life with a man that she loved more than her own existence. This whole decision depended on, of course, if he could feel for her what she did for him. And he would probably never make the choice between her and Kikyo.

And if he did, Kagome doubted that she would be happy with his choice.

The sun had set many moments ago and Kagome still sat at the water's edge. She knew she should probably make her way back to camp, but she didn't know if she was in the best mood to be seeing the object of her unrequented love.

Another sigh escaped her lips as she stood and brushed off the bottom of her skirt. She'd have to face him eventually, might as well make it sooner than later.

When it came down to it, her feelings were meaningless compared to his. She'd do whatever it took to make him happy, even if it meant seeing him in the arms of another woman. Love's a funny thing like that. It can bring horrible pain as well as incredible joy, and Kagome would welcome every bit of pain and joy that came with her love for her demon hero.

She'd be everything he'd let her be. She'd be his friend. His companion. His confidant. And, perhaps one day, his lover. Until then she would be there for him, whenever and however he needed her. And that would have to be enough.
