*`I would like to dedicate this to my first reviewer ever…CassandratheEvil`*

(unfortunately I still don't know how to use this site very well and when I made corrections to my first chapter I accidentally wound up reloading the whole thing…I don't think that's supposed to happen…is it?)

Disclaimer: I'm sorry to say that I don't own any of the characters, only the scenes I make them go through. Everything you recognize is owned by JK Rowling and her affiliates.

Unexpected Pleasures

Before I could register what had just passed between us, I was led off of the dance floor. Severus had managed to guide me to a dark corner in the great hall to ensure some degree of privacy. I was in shock to say the least, I had always dreamed for him to return my affections, but for him to say so was flooring. I realized that we had stopped moving and gathered up my courage to look Severus in the eye, I needed to know his motives behind his words. Could Severus Snape actually find me attractive? I could feel his eyes penetrating into the depths of my soul, waiting for me to look up at him. I raised my eyes so that I could see him through my lashes, I thought perhaps it would be better to take a peek before I succumb to whatever fate offered me. I gasped as I realized he had a smirk playing on his lips, was he taunting me?

"Care to tell what could possibly be so interesting with the floor?"

I looked up at him questioningly, had he just teased me? I didn't know how to respond, so I did something I rarely allowed myself to do- I spoke my mind.

"I'm sorry sir, I was just trying to convince myself that I wasn't dreaming."

He openly smiled at my apology and bent down to whisper something into my ear, something for only me to hear.

"Miss Granger, are you aware of how incredibly sexy you are when you are unsure of yourself? I can assure you that this is no dream- would you care to join me somewhere more private to continue this … chat?"

All I could do was nod, how often had I dreamt of something like this with Severus? I was unable to little more than smile up at him. He took my hand in his and together we left the great hall, oblivious to any stares and whispers of students in the halls. We seemed to be descending, I could only assume that we were heading for the dungeons. I didn't recognize much of anything, we appeared to be in a remote section of the castle, I certainly had never seen this hallway before. The hallway was dimly lit with torches while paintings from ancient Greek mythology adorned the walls. We stopped at the end of the hallway in front of a picture of Helen of Troy. I smiled, "Fancy yourself a saviour of women do you?"

He smiled and spoke his password to the miniature Helen, "Resa dolce."

My vague knowledge of Italian kicked in at this point as I thought 'Sweet surrender'…interesting choice.

The entire wall behind the painting seemed to part to form the entrance to the snakes lair, and yet I was no longer nervous. I had been comforted by the warmth of his large, strong hand upon my own. As we entered his chambers I was delighted to see book cases filled the walls adjacent to a grand fireplace. A fire roared in the hearth, lighting the room with seductive shadows. Before the fireplace stood a very inviting black leather sofa flanked on both sides by matching armchairs. The room had a very pleasant atmosphere, as I looked around I became acutely aware of a pair of obsidian eyes scrutinizing me. I sought them out and found Severus looking…decidedly sexy, he had taken off his suit jacket revealing his lean and well sculpted upper torso.

I giggled when I realized I had been openly goggling his body, he didn't seem to mind as he was preoccupied watching my every expression.

"I'm glad to know you like what you see, would you care for me to do any tricks as well?"

I looked into his eyes as a slowly walked towards him, I stopped within inches of his body- I could feel the warm radiating out of him. He gave me an inquisitive look as I began to trace patterns on his chest.

"I would rather get to know you better…Severus"

I looked deep into his eyes, as I spoke, willing him to see the passion I so deeply felt. He brought one hand around my waist as his other came around the back of my head, pulling me closer to him. He slowly lowered himself and kissed me with such fervour I was quick to allow him access into my mouth. Our tongues seemed to dance, as they met each other movement for movement. I moaned contentedly into his mouth willing him to do more. I could feel his hardness through our layers of clothing and ground my hips against his. His breath caught for a moment before he swooped down and picked me up, one hand beneath my knees the other rapped around my shoulders. He carried me over to a painting I had not previously noticed, it hung between two bookcases on the wall, his voice was husky as he spoke, "dio del sesso."

That was something I had honestly never thought I would hear Severus Snape utter, 'sex god!' I giggled into his shirt as he carried through the newly parted portrait into his bed chamber. It comprised of a magnificent king size mahogany bed with matching night stands on either side and a large armoire on the adjacent wall. There was a single bookshelf on the opposite wall with a desk in the corner. Although the only thought I entertained at the moment was how to get into the bed. Severus solved this dilemma by gently placing me upon the covers which (surprise surprise) were made of black satin laced with silver. I pulled him down onto the mattress with me, he came eagerly, unbuttoning his shirt with one hand as he caressed my cheek with his other.

I was quickly becoming impatient and decided to help him, I undid the remaining buttons as swiftly as my fingers could without the aid of my sight. I was too occupied kissing Severus madly to be able to see what I was doing. I slid my hands up his bare chest, smiling into the kiss we shared when I elicited a response from teasing his right nipple. We quickly disposed of the rest of our clothes with magic as neither of us were able to contain ourselves any longer. We spent the rest of the evening in the wild throws of passion, unable to get enough of each other. Severus lived up to his password, he truly was a sex god- surpassing any and all of my school girl fantasies. I vaguely wondered what would happen next as I drifted off to sleep in the warm embrace of my new found lover, Severus Snape; Potion's Professor at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, winner of prestigious awards, and self proclaimed sex god!