Disclaimer: I don't feel like saying it.

Clash of the Anime Bands

Twisted Deception

Last time:

Throwing herself at Kagome, she cried, "I'm so sorry. He forced me to kiss him. I was looking for you and went to ask Hiei when he forced himself on me and started kissing me. Who knows what would've happened if you hadn't come in?"

Pushing Sango to the ground, Kagome said, "You looked pretty damn comfortable for him to be forcing you. Now get the fuck out of my way bitch."

This Time:

"I don't know who you think you're fuckin' wit Sango but listen and listen carefully. If I ever see you with my man again I swear I'll rip your fuckin' heart out with a spoon!" Kagome shouted as she stormed off.

Sango looked up stunned. Kagome didn't believe her. "Dammit!" she whispered. "I've got to break those two up some how. Hiei will be mine." Just then Sango's cell phone started ringing. "Yea?" she answered.

"Glad to see you still have some pride left after being to the floor like that," a voice said on the other line.

"You bastard!"

"Watch who you're calling a bastard, bitch. That perfume I gave you should've lasted for hours. Hiei should not have been able to break out of it. I've got a new assignment for you since you can't seem to even seduce a drugged man. Here's what you'll do…"

Sango listened intently as she was given her instructions.

Hiei awoke wit a pounding headache. Turning his head to block out the bright ceiling light, he saw Kagome asleep in a chair by his bed. "Ka-go-me?" he asked appalled at how dry his voice sounded.

Opening her eyes, Kagome smiled. "I see you are awake. You've been out for a couple of hours. I was worried."

"What happened?" Hiei asked gripping his head as if he had a hangover.

"From the looks of things either you got really drunk or you've been drugged," Kagome answered handing Hiei some aspirin and a glass of water.

Ok I know its short but I thought I'd give you a lil taste since I haven't updated in forever.


Midnightfoxkaori: I'm glad you think it's realistic. I tried to make it as realistic as possible.

Silver starlight kistune: I liked the title too. I thought it fit so well with the chapter. Oh and the song in the first chapter is The Anthem.

Mistress of Darkness32: I'm glad you loved it. I'll try and keep it interesting and suspenseful.

Lita: I'm glad u liked the Kurama Kagome fluff I had to put some conflict between Hiei and Kagome.

Raja crimson hunter: Here's the update you wanted. I hope u liked it.

I loved all my reviews. Keep em comin. I hoped u like dis chapter.


Twisted Deception