A/N: Thoughts are italicized...

Disclaimer: I don't own anything you recognize.


A seventeen-year-old Helga G. Pataki rests her head on her hands. Of course, this was a bad move on her part.

"Ms. Pataki I would suggest that you do not sleep during my class..." came a booming voice. "…and you would do well not to do it in front of me."

Even before she raised her head, she knew whom that voice belong to... Mrs. Webber. She was the most terrifying English teacher she has ever met.

"Oh bugger!" she mumbled hoping Mrs. Webber didn't hear her. But alas, luck was not on her side.

"What was that Ms. Pataki?" asked Mrs. Webber maliciously.

"Nothing Mrs. Webber." She replied doing her best to look innocent.

"Look at me." Mrs. Webber ordered.

Reluctantly, she did. She knew she was a great actress or at the very least a great liar. The best really, in her opinion as well as other people's.

Unfortunately, Mrs. Webber wasn't one of those people.

Mrs. Webber looked at her skeptically then said, "I don't believe it was nothing." Turning to look at the class she asked, "Has any of you heard what Ms. Pataki said?"

"I do! I do!" Rhonda said while waving her hand in the air like the bloody tattletale that she is.

Apparently, Rhonda still hasn't forgiven her for humiliating her during lunch.

Helga glared at her.

She glared back.

"Helga said bugger!" Rhonda alleged.

"No, I didn't. I said rubber." She quickly answered and gave Rhonda a death glare as if daring her to say something.

"I thought, Ms. Pataki, that you never said anything in the first place." She continued with a malevolent glint in her eyes. "Were you, perhaps, lying?"

She knew she didn't stand a chance at this point. She never did against that old hag.

"It wasn't- I just…" she trailed of noticing that Mrs. Webber was gleaning with mirth.

Ah fuck it! She thought.

"I guess I was. Thought you'd be too stupid to notice it, though." She said with a slight cock of her head. "Guess you learn something new everyday, huh?"

She gave her the most smug grin she could muster milking this moment for all its worth.

After all, she might not make it through tomorrow if Mrs. Webber's glare was anything to go by.

"So Ms. Pataki, I guess I was right all along, like I always am." Mrs. Webber paused for effect glare still in place. "I will not tolerate that kind of behavior from you... from any of you. I will give you a-"


The bell signaling the end of classes interrupted Mrs. Webber.

Every student bolted towards the door to freedom. Everyone except a certain blond-haired female that is held by a very frenzied teacher.

"-like I was saying" Mrs. Webber continued, "I will give you a one- well, let's make it a two-no- a three hour detention. I don't tolerate liars Ms. Pataki. And you have all three hours to learn it. Please take a sit."

She stood there shocked.


Three hours worth of detention!!!!

That bloody good for nothing hag!

Mrs. Webber sat on her desk with a very satisfied grin.

She was so close... so close to liberty.

"What are you waiting for Ms. Pataki? Have you perhaps forgotten how to sit? Just like you've forgotten your manners?" Mrs. Webber leered.

Fuming, she sat down and waited for the endless boredom she was about to experience.

She'll make her pay even if it was the last thing she'd ever do!

While walking out the classroom preoccupied with ways she would like to torture a certain someone, she caught a glimpse of two silhouettes talking.

Probably two people who has an incontrollable raging hormone. Wonder who it is? This is going to be a good piece of information. Helga thought gleefully her spirit lifting up a bit at the thought of a juicy blackmail.

"What is the ever so important thing that you want to tell me, Arnold?" asked a female voice.

Helga's jaw dropped.

Lila and Arnold are the two people who have an incontrollable raging hormone.

What are they even doing here three hours after school let out?

"Umm... well, Lila... I've been... er... thinking." Arnold finished lamely.

"What ever so about?" Lila asked again.

"Umm... you see... er... you know that I've liked you liked you for a long time, right?"

Realization dawned on Lila's eyes. "Arnold you know that I onl-"

Arnold interrupted. "Wait... you see I... er... I don't like you like you anymore... I... I..."

Helga's prayers were answered. Arnold doesn't like Lila. He doesn't like her.

Alleluia. Alleluia. Alleluia. Allelu-

"I'm in love with you!" Arnold blurted.

Everything stopped... and the next second, everything came crashing down on Helga.

Arnold can't love Lila. He CAN'T love her. HE CAN'T!

"Look I really am in love with you. Please just give me a chance. Just...Just... Just go out with me. And if you hate it I won't bother you again. Please…" Arnold begged.

Of all the bloody rotten luck…

"Arnold, I'm really sorry but I... I can't." Lila stuttered lowering her head.

"Why, Lila? Just tell me why? Why?" Arnold begged.

She wanted to run. Turn away from this and just run. But she couldn't.

She couldn't tear her eyes away from Arnold's broken look.

"I don't want to betray... Hel... someone."

Helga held her breath.

A minute of eerie silence passed.

Finally Arnold asked pleadingly "Don't you love me or even just like me?"

"I... I..."

Tears began falling in Lila's eyes and Arnold embraced her frame and tried to soothe her with words.

Helga didn't want to listen Arnold comfort Lila. She can't. Finally able to tear her eyes away from the scene, she ran as fast and quietly as she could... wanting to get out of here.


Helga told herself.


Too late...

Tears were already falling.

A/N: Should I continue? Please tell me what you think... It would be greatly apreciated...