Disclaimer: Harry Potter is the property of J.K. Rowling and Warner Bros., along with Scholastic Books, Raincoast Books, Bloomsbury Books, etc. I am not making any profit from this story.

Warning: Please be aware that this story contains slash and will eventually have a solid 'R' rating. Please desist reading if you're uncomfortable with this.

A/N: This has not been looked over by a beta. To be honest, I haven't even proofread this once after I wrote it. I was too tired. Please feel free to point out any and all errors, and review as nastily as you like. I'll update accordingly.



I. White Flag

It was too bright on the Hogwarts grounds that day. It wasn't uniformly white, like on an overcast day, when Severus found himself yearning for evening because the dull glare was more invasive than it was encouraging. Rather, the sun was welcoming today, and the only few clouds in the sky did not obscure its blaze.

There were warm yellow patches patterning the grass and fallen leaves beneath his feet, which moved as the trees swayed in a cool autumn breeze, their branches forming new shadows. It was this kind of light that Severus was fond of; gentle and fiery, the kind that warmed his back and shoulders under his black hooded cloak with the silver fastenings.

The lake was violently reflective for an early October afternoon, sending bright white glimmers across the rocks and trees that stood sentry on its edges. Reflective water patterns danced around though it was quiet, and they somehow made Severus appreciate his solitude. It was here, along the path around the Hogwarts lake that he walked, in search of some quiet reading.

It was also here that Severus found his reverie interrupted as he was reaching into his school bag and fumbling about for his book. Just as he found it, his thumb grazing along its worn, cracked spine, he heard whispering voices some distance away. These were accompanied by several loud, obvious cracks of snapping twigs.

Severus was on the ready. He'd been ambushed before, as he was picked on often - and he didn't instil much trust in people as it was anyway. They were unreliable, self serving, and wholly oblivious to practicality. Fingers curled around the soft wooden handle of his wand, Severus whirled around to face his impending attackers.

Two dark haired heads peered at him from behind a veil of thin trees, still and silent. Severus emitted an incredulous snort. Trust Gryffindors to attempt an encroachment upon the enemy whilst tramping along like trolls and conspiring in stage whispers.

Severus didn't want to play along with their juvenile pranks. "What do you want?" he enquired in a bored, yet wary fashion. His fingers gripped the hilt of his want with increased vigour, though the action was not noticeable to anyone who might have been watching him.

Finding that the game was up, James Potter and Sirius Black stumbled out of the trees and onto the narrow pathway. Both of them wore matched expressions of disappointment, like dogs denied extra scraps at suppertime. Severus sneered with disdain, raising his chin a little higher in the air as he held himself ready for an attack.

"Ooh, ickle Snivellus wants a fight," Sirius mocked, taking a step forward that was much too close for the defending Slytherin's liking. He shifted away quickly, but James was too fast, and had already arrested Severus' wand hand from behind.

Severus cursed himself mentally as James forcefully pried the wand from his fingers and held his wrists in a vicelike grip. Why couldn't he fight back effectively? Merlin knew he was the better wizard, even against the two of them combined.

"Too slow," James sang satisfactorily from somewhere near his left ear. The boy's breath was slightly warm on Severus' neck, and the wand was entirely out of his reach. Blast.

Sirius grinned. Apparently, they had something nasty in store for Severus - and all he'd wanted to do was read his fucking book in peace. No, he was going to have to endure more 'Snivellus this' and 'greasy-haired that,' merely for the sake of some extra laughs in the Gryffindor sixth-year boys' dormitory later that night. Not without a good fight, he wasn't.

James began to snigger as Severus growled and kicked backwards. The Potter boy was much too strong for him, and kept Severus' thin wrists held fast all throughout the struggle. He was only embarrassing himself further, so he ceased kicking and huffed, tossing his head and throwing his long hair back. "Give that back - you vile - you loathsome -"

Sirius started laughing too. "Snivellus," he managed between hearty cackles, "Most girls can fight better than that!" He began to shriek in an unbecoming falsetto, kicking his legs about effeminately. "Vile! Loathsome!"

Severus' dark eyes narrowed and his lips pursed in mute embarrassment; the two boys were playing with him as if he only existed for their trivial amusement. "Do you two not have anything better to do," he snapped icily, "than follow me around? Give me back my fucking wand and shove off."

"Never mind, Padfoot," James said airily as Sirius raised his own wand at Severus and started to mutter what was undoubtedly a hex of some sort. "We've not come to bother you today. We're supposed to - that is, we've been ordered to, otherwise we wouldn't have agreed -"

"Just state your business, Potter," Severus cut in smoothly. "I'd rather be elsewhere."

James' grip tightened menacingly on one of the smaller boy's forearms. "Fine. We're to collect rosehip and brindle thorns. That is, you and me."

Severus considered the statement for a moment. What were they playing at? He shifted his weight in a mildly irritated fashion. "I'm working alone on that project. Find someone else to harass."

There was an exasperated sigh from James, who still wouldn't let go of him; presumably they assumed Severus would run away. "I have. I mean, I did. Professor Platt didn't want me working with Sirius -- Or on my own, actually --"

"-- Probably because you'd poison someone --"

"-- And you were the only person without a partner left in the class," James finished lamely. "Sirius already paired up with Peter. He was the only other available option. We played chess for - "

"That's nice," Severus cut in again, sounding as if he had just stepped in something unpleasant.

He smirked inwardly as James fell quiet, likely realizing how juvenile it was to fight over who had to work with the outcast.

"Don't be a prat," Sirius growled at the oblique insult. "Prosterno," he muttered, and Severus found himself shoved to the ground by a violent, invisible force. He landed ungracefully on his behind, limbs sprawled in the thin carpet of leaves. He felt sore.

And he felt angry. The two Gryffindors howled with laughter, and everything seemed to be slow for a moment as Severus struggled to his feet, nearly tripping over his long cloak. That was it. Taking advantage of James' unguarded moment, Severus snatched his wand back roughly. "Work with someone else, Potter," he spat before stalking away and stuffing the wand protectively into his bag. Did James expect a willing partnership if they were going to continuously torment him? Not likely.

Severus was not a weak individual.

He followed the path quickly, all black billowing cloak and brusque manner, pleased at how fast the laughter from behind him died out in the air.

"Snivel -- shit, I mean Snape! Wait!" James was running to catch up with him, but Severus kept walking even when the other boy had caught up.

They walked together for a minute, a crisp breeze blowing against their strides and causing James to stuff his hands in the pockets of his cloak. The silence was his attempt to make peace, apparently. What a simple creature.

However, Severus wasn't averse to his company as long as he wasn't bothered by it. Some time passed; the afternoon light grew warmer as sunset neared, and the air grew colder. Potter's sidekick had seemingly found something more worthwhile to do with his time, which suited Severus perfectly. However, he'd come out to read, and that was just what he intended to do.

They reached the opposite side of the lake, where there were many trees and a rather impressive view of the castle. Stopping under a shady willow, Severus lowered himself delicately to the ground (his behind was still a bit sore from Sirius' attack, but he moved carefully anyway because he was not common) and brought his book out. James sat beside him.

"Potter, are you still on about that stupid project? Work alone. Platt won't kill you," Severus said flatly.

James shifted so that he was hugging his knees and resting his chin atop them. "But you're the best in our year," he exclaimed quietly. "I want to work with you."

"I -- what?!" Severus' book fell onto his lap, and the breeze played with its yellowed, dog-eared pages, flipping them forward in a slow pattern. He turned to look at Potter, to identify the malice in his eyes before some mocking punch line followed.

Potter appeared sincere. He must have really wanted to do well on the assignment, to be quite as civil to his rival as he was; to dispense of the banal name-calling and empty taunts. James offered the ghost of a smile before glancing down at Severus' book, which was now flipping pages rather wildly. The wind tousled the Gryffindor's ridiculously messy black hair at the same time, making him look as if he'd just been asleep, or playing quidditch, or both in sequence.

Severus suddenly felt faintly dizzy. He slammed the book shut. The rhythmic flapping of the pages gone, James tore his gaze away from the book and looked at the boy holding it instead. His eyes were hazel, and held a warm amber glow in the dying sunlight.

Truth be told, the boy was terribly attractive - thin and tall, where Severus was skinny and awkward; the delicate facial features Potter possessed far outshined his own. Severus hadn't really grown into his face yet, and his nose was commonly made fun of. It was rather ridiculous looking, if he was to be honest with himself. His teeth were crooked and yellowing, and James' were straight and white. Severus' hair was a stringy black that hung limply about his bony face. It was oily, and him look dirty. James' hair was the same colour as his, but soft and pleasant, and the messy look suited his features anyway. Severus felt an uncomfortable surge of jealousy.

It wouldn't have been so bad if Potter had had no brains to go with his looks. Severus could laugh if that were the case - stupid Potter, he's got the looks but he couldn't pour water out of a boot if the instructions were on the bottom. Unfortunately, the boy had looks, intelligence -- friends. Severus' friends were more like acquaintances, and they were a shady group anyway. The closeness Potter shared with his little clique -- Black, Lupin, and Pettigrew -- Severus would never have with anyone he knew.

"Um," James said eloquently.

Severus felt another odd lurch, and tucked his book away.

"Snape, I'm… sorry about earlier. I need your help. Please?" James gazed at him worriedly.

It was sort of odd. James Potter wasn't known for caring enough about his schoolwork to call truces, however temporary, with his archenemies. Severus was positive the absence of James' lapdog Sirius had something to do with the Gryffindor's recently acquired humility, but that couldn't have been the entire driving factor.

Suspicious, Severus hesitated. What's the worst that could go wrong? I can defend myself from Potter.

"Fine," he replied at length. "I know where to find rosehip. Let's get this over with."

Severus had already disappeared into the forest before James realized his plea had been successful. He smiled pensively before following.


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