Unexpected Arrival
Disclaimer: I do not own Buffy or any of its characters, unless Joss Whedon takes pity on my poor soul and gives them to me. Anyone who sues shall be paid in pocket lint and dirt.
Graveyard - Sunnydale
Willow cried out to the night sky "Osiris! Here lies the warrior of the people. Let her cross over"
Blood poured from the cuts on her arms.
Around her the sounds of the demon bikers cut through the night, the urn was smashed beneath a motorbike wheel.
As the Scoobies fled Willow realised that they had failed. Buffy wasn't coming back!
Graveyard – Sunnydale – The Coffin
An orange mist settled over the decaying form that had once held the soul of Buffy Summers. Slowly the body reformed and took its first breath with a gasp.
Buffy looked around her, she was in a small closed space, panic set in as she beat her hands against the wooden ceiling in a desperate bid to escape. "Coffin, I'm in a Coffin please no please no please please......" tears welled in her eyes as her thoughts raced and she began to tear at the coffin, dirt falling onto her face, into her eyes, her nose, her mouth, suffocating her.
Muffled thuds could be heard coming from the earth.
That is.......... if anyone had been there to hear it.
Graveyard – Elsewhere – same time
The orange mist swept its way through the darkened Graveyard; it was an older graveyard, those who had come to mourn long since dead themselves, the mist seemed to be searching.
Finally it stopped, hovering near a broken and almost nearly unreadable headstone. It settled into the earth, after a few moments the sound of muffled thuds could be heard coming from the ancient grave.
That is.......... if anyone had been there to hear it.
Sunnydale Three Months Later
Buffy wandered through the cemetery twirling Mr Pointy in her hand. It was slow tonight, she sighed she really needed something to kill, something, anything to take her mind off her break-up with Spike.
"No not break-up" she muttered, after all that would mean that there was something there to start with. And that would mean acknowledging the train wreck that her life had been for the last few months.
"Now let's count off Buffy Summers spectacular life" she said to the night as she settled onto a headstone and stared at the stars. "Hmm let me see ......... well Dawns a klepto...........Willows a magic junkie...............I hardly see Tara since she and Willow split up.........Xander jilted Anya at the alter.....................and she's missing.............hmmmm.............along with my watcher and sorta father figure. Well not missing just gone as far away as he could get.....................and I have been sleeping with my one time mortal enemy......stalker guy.' Buffy gave a wry smile "well not so much with the sleeping but having mind numbing.......turning my legs to jelly................howling at the moon sex."
She hopped off her perch and headed towards home "oh and don't forget I have that nifty deep cellular suntan."
"Stupid Buffy life can't even get resurrected properly".
Spike picked through the charred remains of his bedroom, trying to salvage anything from the mess. He picked up a tattered rag; he peered at it and surmised that it had once been his favourite red overshirt. "Bloody Bitch" he snarled as he tossed it onto the growing trash pile. His wardrobe now consisted literally of the clothes on his back. He cocked his head as he heard the door to his crypt open. "Hmm too quiet to be her, must be the niblet." He headed back to the upper level "Dawn" he snarled "your bloody sister has done enough damage without you.............."
Tara stood just inside the crypt "Hi Spike" she said as she lifted her hand in a timid wave.
"Glinda? What you doing here luv?"
Spike sidled over to the sarcophagus and picked up his smokes. "Damn" he muttered as he crumpled the empty packet and tossed it to the ground.
"I ........ um.........heard about what happened" Tara absently waved her hand towards downstairs as she spoke. "I came to see if you needed anything"
Spike looked down as he felt moisture invade his eyes. He let himself feel a moment of self pity then straightened himself up and threw Tara a smirk. "Nah luv..........me telly and fridge are up here.............what else could an evil soulless thing like me need." Well maybe more than a moment of self-pity.
Fuck he was turning into a poof.
Tara looked at him for a moment and gave him a small smile as she moved to put her hand on his arm. "What about your clothes and bed" she paused for a moment as she searched his eyes. "What about your box??"
During the months that Buffy had been gone Tara had often called in to check on him, worried that he would do something to himself in his grief. It was during one of these visits that she had found him sitting in the lower part of the crypt with a small metal box clasped in his hand. Spike had looked up at her when she had entered, the tears streaming down his face as he picked through the pieces held within. She had lowered herself to the ground beside him and laid her head on his shoulder and waited.
Spike's Crypt – Three Months earlier
"They were knocking down the old house in London" he said "The one I lived in before..........an they found this." He took a deep breathe and calmed himself "A guy........well a demon that I knew nicked it and sent it to me. He thought I might want it."
"What's in it?"
"Just bits n pieces..........a few miniatures, letters, jewellery."
"What's a miniature" asked Tara as she took the small card shaped item Spike had offered her.
"Well back when............well when I was a hopeless git, they didn't really have cameras. Not so much with the photography back then. Well you could have portraits painted or you could have miniatures done. They weren't cheap either. That's me mum by the way."
Tara studied the small picture "I can see the resemblance..........what's her name?"
"Anne" Spike gave a small chuckle "She had such high hopes for me. You know wife, family.........everything a proper Victorian gent should desire."
"What else is in the box" Tara lent forward and plucked out a broach.
"That was me mum's favourite piece, belonged to her mum, was meant to be given to my wife..........that and this."
Spike held a simple gold band between his fingers lost in thought as he stared at it.
Tara peered closely at the ring. Not as plain as she thought. There was an intricate pattern etched into the surface.
Spike place it back into the box giving it a loving caress with his finger as he did so.
"There's just a few more bits of jewellery, some more miniatures, letter from my Da, some of the gits poetry".
"Who's the git" Tara asked as Spike closed the lid and placed the box on the ground beside them.
"The git was William..................me..........before.......well you know .......Dru. Wrote the most god awful poetry. Always wanted what was above him.......well not much has changed heh still want what I can't have."
Spike stood and offered his hand to Tara and helped her up.
"Come on luv no use sitting here feeling sorry for the git..................suns gone down............lets go kill something."
Spikes crypt – present
Tara slid her hand down his arm and tugged him towards the entrance to downstairs. "I'll help you find it"
"Its ok luv...............not too pretty down there."
Tara gave a soft laugh "Hey I used to have to clean up after my brother Donnie. I think I can handle anything"
Spike smirked at Tara as he tilted his head to regard her. "Your something special.........you know that don't you Glinda?"
Tara demurely lowered her eyes as she blushed "Thank you Spike" she laughed then and fixed him with smiling eyes "But don't think I'm going to do this all for you.......move buddy." Tara emphasised her point by shoving him towards the ladder both of them laughing as Spike almost fell.
Tara's laughter soon faded as she saw the destruction "Oh Spike" she whispered.
Spike drew himself up "Don't fret luv...........m evil....remember.......anyways it was just stuff." Spike looked around, Buffy and Captain Cardboard had managed to destroy everything.
The next few hours were spent sorting through the destruction, adding to the growing trash pile in the corner.
Tara looked at spike, dirt smeared across her face "Why Spike?"
"Why what luv?"
"Why did you have those eggs here?"
"Owed a demon a favour"
"What for?"
Spike looked down at her sadness filled his eyes dulling there normal sparkle.
"He needed somewhere to stash em'...........he'd nicked em from some human who had taken em' from their mum. She was supposed to come get them an head back to her home. Apparently this human had nicked em' for the government or somethin', then double crossed em'. Musta thought he could get more for em' on the black market."
"But why did you owe him a favour Spike? It must have been for something pretty big"
"Yeah well..............he was the guy who got my box for me." Spike shrugged as he turned back to his task.
Tara felt the tears welling as she concentrated on the task at hand. Then there it was Spike's box "Spike! Spike I found it" she shouted excitedly.
Spike ran to her side and hurriedly took the box from her hands, it was twisted and warped from the heat but after a few moments he managed to get it open.
Spike surveyed the contents of the box, it was all ruined, the heat from the explosion had caused the ancient jewellery to melt and bleed together covering the bottom of the box in an unrecognisable mass.
Spike stared at it for a few more moments, he felt like his chest was being squeezed in a vice. All his memories, all that he had left of his past was gone, he slowly stood and walked towards the trash pile.
"Wait Spike.............no" Tara rushed after him "I...I think I can fix this."
Spike quirked an eyebrow at her "An how can you do that luv."
"Thought the use of unnecessary magic didn't sit well with you Glinda" Spike stared at the box in his hands, hope welling inside him.
"I know......It doesn't" Tara looked Spike directly in the eyes "But this is necessary." Her hand squeezed his shoulder "The contents of this box..........they're your link with your past...........they mean that William existed.........that he mattered to someone............that someone cared enough about him to keep his treasures." Tara stopped for a moment and searched Spikes face.
"Yeah well William was a git" snarled Spike "Best that he be forgotten"
"No that's not true.............he's in here" Tara placed her hand over Spikes dead heart "He's the part of you that makes this dead thing" she tapped his chest a few times "he makes this dead thing more alive and full of love than many of us whose hearts beat every day. He is important Spike." Tara leaned in close and whispered "you are important Spike...........You matter...........more than you will ever know."
Spike paused for a moment then handed the box to Tara "Thank you luv" he choked out the words then straightened up and gave her a gentle push towards the ladder. "Now get out of here, you've done enough for today, gonna be dark soon best be getting home before the nasties come out.
"Ok Ok I'm going" Tara laughed; she climbed the ladder out of the room then suddenly poked her head back through the opening. "Come by the Magic Box tomorrow evening and pick it up OK."
"The Magic Box?" Spike asked "What the demon bird's back is she?"
"Um no but she contacted me and asked me if I could open the Magic Box."
"What she rang you did she"
"Well more like direct dialled" said Tara tapping the side of her head "Popped into my head during class, I'm sure my Professor thinks I'm nuts now, started talking to myself." And with that she disappeared.
Spike chuckled to himself as he went back to work.
Next Day
Buffy lay in her bed listening to the sounds of life echoing through the house. Dawn was busy getting ready for school and Willow was humming to herself as she dressed after her shower.
She groaned and turned over; she hadn't gotten much sleep last night. She had run into Spike on patrol last night he had come out of nowhere when she had been attacked by several Basilisk demons.
They had instantly fallen into step tag teaming the demons slaying them in a matter of minutes. She had almost thrown herself into his arms when they had finished, her entire body was thrumming with adrenalin and his nearness, she had wanted nothing more than to cover his beautiful face with kisses and beg him to take her back to his crypt. Then she remembered that she had destroyed a large portion of his crypt, she felt the guilt about her actions settle into the pit of her stomach.
So she had turned on him snapping "Spike I told you it is over, stop following me around."
"Listen you bitch, I just helped save your ass............again."
"I didn't need your help Spike" she retorted "Now why were you following me.....I told..............."
Spike cut her off "I was on my way home you stupid bint. I do still live here you know." He waved his hand in the direction of his crypt, then stalked over and lifted a bag up from behind a headstone.
"Oh" Buffy mumbled "I'm sorry I........" She started to apologise but Spike was gone. She shook herself then muttered "What am I doing.....you don't need to apologise to evil soulless things...........they don't have feelings." And with that she walked off to finish patrol.
Buffy sighed and turned over taking her frustration out on her defenceless pillow "Damn" she swore as feathers went everywhere. Willow chose that moment to poke her head around the corner "Oops......think you slayed the evil pillow demon." Buffy sat up and blew at a stray feather that had landed between her eyes.
"Coffee" asked a giggling Willow
"Most definitely" replied Buffy
Both girls stopped talking when they heard the doorbell, quickly followed by pounding footsteps.
Buffy opened her mouth to yell at Dawn for running in the house when she heard a shrill scream. "Dawn" she yelled as she leapt from the bed.
Willow and Buffy raced down the stairs stopping short as they took in the scene before them.
Giles stood in the doorway with a squealing Dawn hang from his neck, he gave the girls a tentative smile "Hello Buffy.........Willow"
Both girls stared at him stunned before launching themselves at Giles wrapping their own arms around him.
Disclaimer: I do not own Buffy or any of its characters, unless Joss Whedon takes pity on my poor soul and gives them to me. Anyone who sues shall be paid in pocket lint and dirt.
Graveyard - Sunnydale
Willow cried out to the night sky "Osiris! Here lies the warrior of the people. Let her cross over"
Blood poured from the cuts on her arms.
Around her the sounds of the demon bikers cut through the night, the urn was smashed beneath a motorbike wheel.
As the Scoobies fled Willow realised that they had failed. Buffy wasn't coming back!
Graveyard – Sunnydale – The Coffin
An orange mist settled over the decaying form that had once held the soul of Buffy Summers. Slowly the body reformed and took its first breath with a gasp.
Buffy looked around her, she was in a small closed space, panic set in as she beat her hands against the wooden ceiling in a desperate bid to escape. "Coffin, I'm in a Coffin please no please no please please......" tears welled in her eyes as her thoughts raced and she began to tear at the coffin, dirt falling onto her face, into her eyes, her nose, her mouth, suffocating her.
Muffled thuds could be heard coming from the earth.
That is.......... if anyone had been there to hear it.
Graveyard – Elsewhere – same time
The orange mist swept its way through the darkened Graveyard; it was an older graveyard, those who had come to mourn long since dead themselves, the mist seemed to be searching.
Finally it stopped, hovering near a broken and almost nearly unreadable headstone. It settled into the earth, after a few moments the sound of muffled thuds could be heard coming from the ancient grave.
That is.......... if anyone had been there to hear it.
Sunnydale Three Months Later
Buffy wandered through the cemetery twirling Mr Pointy in her hand. It was slow tonight, she sighed she really needed something to kill, something, anything to take her mind off her break-up with Spike.
"No not break-up" she muttered, after all that would mean that there was something there to start with. And that would mean acknowledging the train wreck that her life had been for the last few months.
"Now let's count off Buffy Summers spectacular life" she said to the night as she settled onto a headstone and stared at the stars. "Hmm let me see ......... well Dawns a klepto...........Willows a magic junkie...............I hardly see Tara since she and Willow split up.........Xander jilted Anya at the alter.....................and she's missing.............hmmmm.............along with my watcher and sorta father figure. Well not missing just gone as far away as he could get.....................and I have been sleeping with my one time mortal enemy......stalker guy.' Buffy gave a wry smile "well not so much with the sleeping but having mind numbing.......turning my legs to jelly................howling at the moon sex."
She hopped off her perch and headed towards home "oh and don't forget I have that nifty deep cellular suntan."
"Stupid Buffy life can't even get resurrected properly".
Spike picked through the charred remains of his bedroom, trying to salvage anything from the mess. He picked up a tattered rag; he peered at it and surmised that it had once been his favourite red overshirt. "Bloody Bitch" he snarled as he tossed it onto the growing trash pile. His wardrobe now consisted literally of the clothes on his back. He cocked his head as he heard the door to his crypt open. "Hmm too quiet to be her, must be the niblet." He headed back to the upper level "Dawn" he snarled "your bloody sister has done enough damage without you.............."
Tara stood just inside the crypt "Hi Spike" she said as she lifted her hand in a timid wave.
"Glinda? What you doing here luv?"
Spike sidled over to the sarcophagus and picked up his smokes. "Damn" he muttered as he crumpled the empty packet and tossed it to the ground.
"I ........ um.........heard about what happened" Tara absently waved her hand towards downstairs as she spoke. "I came to see if you needed anything"
Spike looked down as he felt moisture invade his eyes. He let himself feel a moment of self pity then straightened himself up and threw Tara a smirk. "Nah luv..........me telly and fridge are up here.............what else could an evil soulless thing like me need." Well maybe more than a moment of self-pity.
Fuck he was turning into a poof.
Tara looked at him for a moment and gave him a small smile as she moved to put her hand on his arm. "What about your clothes and bed" she paused for a moment as she searched his eyes. "What about your box??"
During the months that Buffy had been gone Tara had often called in to check on him, worried that he would do something to himself in his grief. It was during one of these visits that she had found him sitting in the lower part of the crypt with a small metal box clasped in his hand. Spike had looked up at her when she had entered, the tears streaming down his face as he picked through the pieces held within. She had lowered herself to the ground beside him and laid her head on his shoulder and waited.
Spike's Crypt – Three Months earlier
"They were knocking down the old house in London" he said "The one I lived in before..........an they found this." He took a deep breathe and calmed himself "A guy........well a demon that I knew nicked it and sent it to me. He thought I might want it."
"What's in it?"
"Just bits n pieces..........a few miniatures, letters, jewellery."
"What's a miniature" asked Tara as she took the small card shaped item Spike had offered her.
"Well back when............well when I was a hopeless git, they didn't really have cameras. Not so much with the photography back then. Well you could have portraits painted or you could have miniatures done. They weren't cheap either. That's me mum by the way."
Tara studied the small picture "I can see the resemblance..........what's her name?"
"Anne" Spike gave a small chuckle "She had such high hopes for me. You know wife, family.........everything a proper Victorian gent should desire."
"What else is in the box" Tara lent forward and plucked out a broach.
"That was me mum's favourite piece, belonged to her mum, was meant to be given to my wife..........that and this."
Spike held a simple gold band between his fingers lost in thought as he stared at it.
Tara peered closely at the ring. Not as plain as she thought. There was an intricate pattern etched into the surface.
Spike place it back into the box giving it a loving caress with his finger as he did so.
"There's just a few more bits of jewellery, some more miniatures, letter from my Da, some of the gits poetry".
"Who's the git" Tara asked as Spike closed the lid and placed the box on the ground beside them.
"The git was William..................me..........before.......well you know .......Dru. Wrote the most god awful poetry. Always wanted what was above him.......well not much has changed heh still want what I can't have."
Spike stood and offered his hand to Tara and helped her up.
"Come on luv no use sitting here feeling sorry for the git..................suns gone down............lets go kill something."
Spikes crypt – present
Tara slid her hand down his arm and tugged him towards the entrance to downstairs. "I'll help you find it"
"Its ok luv...............not too pretty down there."
Tara gave a soft laugh "Hey I used to have to clean up after my brother Donnie. I think I can handle anything"
Spike smirked at Tara as he tilted his head to regard her. "Your something special.........you know that don't you Glinda?"
Tara demurely lowered her eyes as she blushed "Thank you Spike" she laughed then and fixed him with smiling eyes "But don't think I'm going to do this all for you.......move buddy." Tara emphasised her point by shoving him towards the ladder both of them laughing as Spike almost fell.
Tara's laughter soon faded as she saw the destruction "Oh Spike" she whispered.
Spike drew himself up "Don't fret luv...........m evil....remember.......anyways it was just stuff." Spike looked around, Buffy and Captain Cardboard had managed to destroy everything.
The next few hours were spent sorting through the destruction, adding to the growing trash pile in the corner.
Tara looked at spike, dirt smeared across her face "Why Spike?"
"Why what luv?"
"Why did you have those eggs here?"
"Owed a demon a favour"
"What for?"
Spike looked down at her sadness filled his eyes dulling there normal sparkle.
"He needed somewhere to stash em'...........he'd nicked em from some human who had taken em' from their mum. She was supposed to come get them an head back to her home. Apparently this human had nicked em' for the government or somethin', then double crossed em'. Musta thought he could get more for em' on the black market."
"But why did you owe him a favour Spike? It must have been for something pretty big"
"Yeah well..............he was the guy who got my box for me." Spike shrugged as he turned back to his task.
Tara felt the tears welling as she concentrated on the task at hand. Then there it was Spike's box "Spike! Spike I found it" she shouted excitedly.
Spike ran to her side and hurriedly took the box from her hands, it was twisted and warped from the heat but after a few moments he managed to get it open.
Spike surveyed the contents of the box, it was all ruined, the heat from the explosion had caused the ancient jewellery to melt and bleed together covering the bottom of the box in an unrecognisable mass.
Spike stared at it for a few more moments, he felt like his chest was being squeezed in a vice. All his memories, all that he had left of his past was gone, he slowly stood and walked towards the trash pile.
"Wait Spike.............no" Tara rushed after him "I...I think I can fix this."
Spike quirked an eyebrow at her "An how can you do that luv."
"Thought the use of unnecessary magic didn't sit well with you Glinda" Spike stared at the box in his hands, hope welling inside him.
"I know......It doesn't" Tara looked Spike directly in the eyes "But this is necessary." Her hand squeezed his shoulder "The contents of this box..........they're your link with your past...........they mean that William existed.........that he mattered to someone............that someone cared enough about him to keep his treasures." Tara stopped for a moment and searched Spikes face.
"Yeah well William was a git" snarled Spike "Best that he be forgotten"
"No that's not true.............he's in here" Tara placed her hand over Spikes dead heart "He's the part of you that makes this dead thing" she tapped his chest a few times "he makes this dead thing more alive and full of love than many of us whose hearts beat every day. He is important Spike." Tara leaned in close and whispered "you are important Spike...........You matter...........more than you will ever know."
Spike paused for a moment then handed the box to Tara "Thank you luv" he choked out the words then straightened up and gave her a gentle push towards the ladder. "Now get out of here, you've done enough for today, gonna be dark soon best be getting home before the nasties come out.
"Ok Ok I'm going" Tara laughed; she climbed the ladder out of the room then suddenly poked her head back through the opening. "Come by the Magic Box tomorrow evening and pick it up OK."
"The Magic Box?" Spike asked "What the demon bird's back is she?"
"Um no but she contacted me and asked me if I could open the Magic Box."
"What she rang you did she"
"Well more like direct dialled" said Tara tapping the side of her head "Popped into my head during class, I'm sure my Professor thinks I'm nuts now, started talking to myself." And with that she disappeared.
Spike chuckled to himself as he went back to work.
Next Day
Buffy lay in her bed listening to the sounds of life echoing through the house. Dawn was busy getting ready for school and Willow was humming to herself as she dressed after her shower.
She groaned and turned over; she hadn't gotten much sleep last night. She had run into Spike on patrol last night he had come out of nowhere when she had been attacked by several Basilisk demons.
They had instantly fallen into step tag teaming the demons slaying them in a matter of minutes. She had almost thrown herself into his arms when they had finished, her entire body was thrumming with adrenalin and his nearness, she had wanted nothing more than to cover his beautiful face with kisses and beg him to take her back to his crypt. Then she remembered that she had destroyed a large portion of his crypt, she felt the guilt about her actions settle into the pit of her stomach.
So she had turned on him snapping "Spike I told you it is over, stop following me around."
"Listen you bitch, I just helped save your ass............again."
"I didn't need your help Spike" she retorted "Now why were you following me.....I told..............."
Spike cut her off "I was on my way home you stupid bint. I do still live here you know." He waved his hand in the direction of his crypt, then stalked over and lifted a bag up from behind a headstone.
"Oh" Buffy mumbled "I'm sorry I........" She started to apologise but Spike was gone. She shook herself then muttered "What am I doing.....you don't need to apologise to evil soulless things...........they don't have feelings." And with that she walked off to finish patrol.
Buffy sighed and turned over taking her frustration out on her defenceless pillow "Damn" she swore as feathers went everywhere. Willow chose that moment to poke her head around the corner "Oops......think you slayed the evil pillow demon." Buffy sat up and blew at a stray feather that had landed between her eyes.
"Coffee" asked a giggling Willow
"Most definitely" replied Buffy
Both girls stopped talking when they heard the doorbell, quickly followed by pounding footsteps.
Buffy opened her mouth to yell at Dawn for running in the house when she heard a shrill scream. "Dawn" she yelled as she leapt from the bed.
Willow and Buffy raced down the stairs stopping short as they took in the scene before them.
Giles stood in the doorway with a squealing Dawn hang from his neck, he gave the girls a tentative smile "Hello Buffy.........Willow"
Both girls stared at him stunned before launching themselves at Giles wrapping their own arms around him.