Chapter 9: Heavens A Lie

A/N: Thanks to all of my reviewers. Big Hugs for everyone. Sorry it has taken so long but I don't really watch Yugioh much anymore. Mainly because Seto and Shizuka never seem to say more then two words to one another and this just kills me. In fact, I haven't watched it in forever. Can anyone tell me if they are anywhere close to hooking up yet? Plezzzz. I would really appreciate it and it would inspire me to update more. Lol. Anyway, here's to anyone who actually thinks it's worth their time to read this crap. Lol. I really don't get what anyone sees in this story, but thanks anyway. By the way, I will not be updating this story until I first update my other story, Cruel Intentions which I am working on now.

For Shizuka, the day seemed to drag by with painful slowness. Every tick of the clock reverberated throughout her body like the rushing waters of Mount Everest. Or like the feel of Seto softly pumping inside of her. That thought seemed to wake her from her daydream. Why can't I stop thinking about how good it feels to make love to him? she asked herself. He is already turning me into some sort of sex fiend. What would Katsuya think? No. He must never know. He would freak out. Shizuka was so deep in thought that she barely heard the bell ring, signaling the end of school. She realized that everyone else was already out of their seats and making a mad rush for the door. She slowly sat up, grabbed her bookbag and joined her classmates in their desperate attempt to escape the tiny, cramped room. Once the crowd finally cleared enough for her to get through the door, she became aware that she was going to be late meeting Seto like he wanted. She prayed silently that he would wait for her, joy filling her heart that he had forgiven her for kissing Yugi.

Once she finally made it to the fountain, she was pleasantly surprised to find Seto waiting for her there. He smiled as she approached, letting her know that this whole thing was not just some beautiful dream that she was trapped in. "How was class?" he asked her, grinning like he knew something that she didn't. "Way too long," was her reply. Seto just laughed like he had already known she would say that. "I know exactly what you mean. So... what do you say we get out of here?" he asked, not even awaiting an answer as he took her arm and began steering her through the crowded hallway. Shizuka realized that he had already known her answer would be yes. He gives himself too much credit, she thought. He just assumes that I have nothing better to do than follow him around like a lost little puppy. But Shizuka voiced none of this, for she was too happy that he was actually speaking to her again and she didn't want to make him mad again.

As Seto led her to his limo, it occured to her that she should call Katsuya and let him know she would be late getting home. But as Seto gently pushed her down on the seat and began nibbling at her neck while his long fingers found her sensitive opening, her brain became mush and all reasonable thoughts flew from her mind faster than her blood began to boil at his touch. Through the faint haze filling her brain, she heard Seto give orders to the limo driver, but she heard not what they were, nor did she care for Seto was now unbuttoning her silk blouse, his tongue tracing a firey path across her skin as the material was slowly peeled away from her aching body. Seto pressed his body against her in an intimate gesture, his hand still firmly between her thighs as the pad of his thumb traced sweet circles on her clitoris, dipping inside of her wet vagina every few seconds or so. "Seto," Shizuka murmured breathlessly, her head thrown back and her eyes clenched shut in ecstasy.

"Shhh. Don't fight it Red," he responded in a low husky voice as he raised her skirt and unbuttoned his pants, breathing harshly against the delicate skin of her neck. Shizuka began to whimper impatiantly as she felt him hesitate. "Patiance my dear," he said teasingly and she could feel him smirking. She knew that he was teasing her and her body began to ache more as she became unsure of when her desire would be met. "Please Seto," she begged, rubbing her body against his furiously in an attempt to gain relief. "I need you inside." Seto gave a low, amused laugh, loving the power he had over her at this moment. The power to make her beg in complete need. The power to bring her what she needed more than anything else on earth at this moment. The power to make her scream his name in carnal savagery. "Naughty girl," he said when he realized what she was trying to do. For that, you will need to be punished." He laughed again as he heard her whine and whimper. Slowly, he slipped inside of her, taking as long as he could to become fully situated deep inside of her body. Once fully inside, he began to slowly pump her, her moans eliciting low guttural grunts from deep within his throat. With every pump of his penis, their mingled sounds of pleasure became more frantic and desperate until finally Seto felt Shizuka bucking her hips against him in a desperate attempt to bring them both over the edge. He steeled his resolve and drew back, fully extricating himself from within her. He could feel his eyes tearing up in pain, but he refused to give in. He had to punish her like he promised. He had to make her see that she needed him with every fibre of her being.

When Shizuka felt Seto withdraw, she moaned in pain and disbelief. As she watched him sit up, she brought her fingers down to her vagina, deciding that if he would not satisfy her, she would have to do it herself. Seto realized what she was going to do and grabbed wrists, bringing her hands up and pinning them above her head as he brought his lips down to taste her sensitive nipple, wanting to punish her more and not caring if that also meant punishing himself in the process. Shizuka began to whimper more, throwing her head back and thrasing beneath him. She wanted to beg some more, but every inch of her body was on fire and she couldn't create a single coherant thought, let alone use her voice for anything other than the desperate moans and whimpers that were coming from her.

The more desperate, unsatisfied sounds that Shizuka made, the harder Seto grew and the more resolve it took not to thrust inside of her with all of his force, losing himself in the pleasurable sensation. He gritted his teeth and clenched his fists together tighter, every muscle in his body strung tighter than the innerwalls of Shizuka's body. As the limo finally stopped in front of the Kaiba Mansion, Seto removed his tongue from Shizuka's hardened nipple and leaned closer to her ear, promising her sexual fulfillment soon enough.

When Seto sat back up, Shizuka could feel a cold air take the now empty place where Seto's warm body had once been, cradled against hers.

She began to button her blouse back up and followed Seto out of the limo and to the big expensive doors of the mansion. Her brain was still clouded with passion and the walk up to his room went by in a haze. When they reached Seto's bedroom, he threw her down on the huge, silky bed and slowly began to remove her clothing, throwing them in a messy pile on the floor. His clothes soon followed and Shizuka's pained moans soon turned to pleasurable sighs as his body covered hers and his hardened arousal stroked her, bringing them both to an excruciatingly intense high.

Afterwards, Shizuka and Seto lay tangled in a sweaty, messy heap, their raspy breaths slowly blending into the hushed silence of the room. When her heartbeat had calmed enough to move, she carefully untangled herself from Seto and sat up. "We should probably shower." Seto nodded his head in agreement and stood up. "We should shower seperatly otherwise I will never get you home," Seto added, smiling wickedly as he led her to the eastwing bathroom. After Seto had left her alone, Shizuka turned on the hot water, smiling to hserself. She had never imagined that she could feel so complete. She silently relived every sweet moment of their last encounter in her head as she relunctantly washed away every trace of his scent from her body.

After her shower, Shizuka rejoined Seto and was dissapointed when the first words out of his mouth were that he was taking her home now. She wondered if sex was the only thing that connected them, but when Seto smiled at her all doubt flew from her mind. Seto isn't like that, she thought and followed him back to the limo, the fresh ocean breeze scent of his cologne filling her nostrils and making her want to bury her face against his chest and fall to sleep in his arms. The drive home seemed to go by way too quickly and she was so enamored with staring at Seto, that as the limo pulled up in front of her street, she didn't even that the lights were on.

Once she had climbed out of Seto's limo, he followed her out and surprised her as she turned to go by pulling her into his arms tightly and kissing her passionatly. "I really should get going," she sighed sadly once he finally pulled his lips away from hers. "I know. Just one more..." Seto trailed off as he began to kiss her again.

"What is going on here?" Shizuka heard suddenly, the voice finally breaking the fog that had clouded her brain all day. She gasped in surprise and turned to see her brother standing in the doorway, looking shocked and angry at what he had just witnessed.