Disclaimer: As always I own nothing, but my soul.

Author's Notes: Sorry to those who already read this chapter, but there was an editing mistake that I really wanted to fix. :)
Sorry that it took me so long to update. I'm a college student and the last week has been absoute hell. I almost didn't survive with my sanity. Literally.

Thanks to all those who reviewed. Responses to your comments are at the end of the chapter. Thank you!!!! I have several future chapters plotted out and half written, the pace of the should pick up soon as well as the postings. Enjoy!

Thanks to all that Reviewed Already!!!

"" = speech

* * = thoughts

The Fall of Shadows - Chapter 3 - The Morning After

~*~*~*At Privet Drive*~*~*~

Harry woke some time later to find himself back in his cupboard. He stretched a bit, testing his muscles, and found that he felt a bit better than he had the last time he woke up. His head no longer hurt much and the weakness he'd felt in his limbs was gone as well. He reached his arms up in front of him, grasping the underside of one of the stairs above. He sat up a bit. Grabbing the next highest stair. And leaned, stretching his arms and back. He was beginning to think that he was more sore from the extra work and growing and the cramped sleeping accommodations, and less because Duddley kicked him in the shins, and his uncle kicked him in the back and pushed him around. I mean it wasn't like they ever actually hit him or anything. He sighed. Maybe if he did more stretching at the beginning and end of the day.

He wondered how long he had slept. The grate on his cupboard was shut so he couldn't tell from some indication of light level. It was always pitch black in his cupboard when the grate was closed. Stuffy too.

He listened carefully but the house was quiet. It was either night, or everyone was out for the day. He was torn between which he wanted more. If it were only night, then he'd have to deal with the Dursleys. But if no one was home, then there was no chance of getting out and using the bathroom, and he really needed to pee. He shifted uncomfortably and decided that it must be night as he couldn't hear any cars on privet drive, and he was fairly certain, if he listened very carefully, that he could hear Duddley's wheezing and Vernon's raspy snore. Neither was loud, but both were obnoxious. It was the one good thing about being in the cupboard; their combined noise was far more muffled than it had been from his old room.

The quiet did not last long however, as one person thudded down the stairs above him. Dust fell from the boards, so Harry knew it was his Uncle. Even his whale of a cousin had to jump on the stairs to cause dust t of all like that, and besides he couldn't remember the last time that Duddley had been the first one downstairs in the morning. Harry pushed himself us so that he was sitting with his back against the wall across from the door. He didn't feel like getting kicked in the back, and since he was already awake he figured he might as well avoid it.

He heard the lock slide, and the door swung open. Harry couldn't decide whether the look on his uncle's face was one of surprise or disappointment, but he decided not to bother waiting around to find out, so he scrambled to his feet heading to the kitchen to get started on breakfast like normal. No one said a word to him as he placed everyone's plates in front of them and the platter of sausages in the center of the table.

As soon as he was finished he hurried upstairs to wash up before anyone thought to stop him. He grabbed fresh clothes from his cupboard on the way by, and didn't hesitate to jump into the shower as soon as he had disrobed. He was surprised to find that there was still enough hot water to have a warm shower. Harry took advantage of the warmth to wash his hair twice, as if felt oilier than normal. It felt good to be clean.

Harry got out of the shower and for the first time caught a glimpse of his face in the mirror. He groaned. He had a big bruise running all along the left side of his face, and another along the entire length of the right side of his jaw. HE also had a cut across the bridge of his nose where his glasses had broken. There was no way that it would go unnoticed by anyone who caught even the slightest glimpse of him.

He opened the medicine cabinet and tried to cover the bruise with some of his aunt's makeup. The result was even worse than the bruise was all by itself. He had always thought that his aunt's skin color was similar to his own, but after putting the makeup on his face it was glaringly obvious that it was not. His own skin color was far more sallow than he had noticed. But maybe it was just the bruising. Quickly he replaced the bottle, placing it in the exact position that he took it from. He washed his face, removing all traces of the makeup so that his aunt and uncle wouldn't yell at him.

Harry studied his face in the mirror. So many bits and pieces of his face were swollen that he felt like he hardly looked like the same person. He stared at his eyes. At least they hadn't changed. Still the same shape, still the same green. It was comforting, knowing that all he had to do was look into his own eyes unclose and he could feel at home, feel a connection to his mother that he couldn't get anywhere else.

Harry's thoughts were interrupted by a slam of his Uncle's fist on the bathroom door. Harry sighed softly,

*I suppose that it was too much to hope that he had just forgotten about me. * Harry thought to himself.

He opened the bathroom door to find his uncle standing impatiently. Vernon grabbed Harry by the hair hauling him downstairs until they were outside the door to the basement.

"Now listen here boy," Vernon began. You will stay inside. Under no circumstances will you go outside, or answer the door, or go near any of the windows. You will now be preparing all of the meals in this house. You are not under any circumstances to bother you aunt. If I hear that you have been a problem for your Aunt, then you will find yourself in a world of trouble. Do you understand, boy."

"Yes, sir" Harry replied looking at the floor.

"You will not make any attempt to contact those freaks again. If they send you any letters, you will present them immediately to either your Aunt or myself. We will approve any responses that you send. Is that understood? No exceptions!" Vernon growled.

"Yes, sir." Harry reiterated.

"You will begin today by cleaning the basement. If I find that you have gone anywhere near that trunk of yours, you will be sorry." Vernon continued, opening the door to the basement and almost shoving Harry down the stairs as he pushed him inside. Harry caught himself on the railing looking down into the shadows of the cellar with trepidation. He really didn't like the dark much.

~*~*~* At Grimmault Place *~*~*~

Snape paced back and forth across his suite on basement level of Grimmault Place . Molly had claimed that she assigned him these particular rooms solely because they had a private bath, study, and sitting room and because she thought that they would remind him of his dungeons. Severus had begun to believe, however, that there was also an element of putting him in a part of the house that no one else cared to inhabit.

It was dank and humid in the way that only areas located below ground were. In truth Snape was glad that he would only be occupying these quarters for the summer, the cool humidity was refreshing in the heat of the summer, but would be insufferably chilly in the winter. The dungeons in the castle could be effectively kept permanently warm because they were not entirely underground. The basement level of 12 Grimmault Place , on the other hand, was entirely underground and therefore the dampness and chill could not be spelled away permanently. The earth around the foundation caused these qualities and as such they would eventually over ride the magical conditions that they attempted to impose.

Snape took advantage of the length of the rooms, pacing from one end of his study, across the full length of his sitting room, before coming to the far wall of his bedroom, where he would turn around sharply and retrace his steps. He was bored beyond belief.

He had done a substantial amount of research for his first potion project. It was his goal, by the end of the summer, to come up with a potion that would block the connection that his dark mark had with Voldemort. Snape knew that his time as a spy was limited. It was becoming glaringly obvious that Voldemort suspected that he had a spy within his ranks. It was a mark of the Dark Lords trust that he knew that there was a search going on to find the spy, but it was only a matter of time until everyone else was eliminated, and he was discovered as the only possible solution.

If and when this happened, he could retain a certain amount of protection by being at Hogwarts, but Voldemort would still try to get to him through the mark. Snape knew that he had built a considerable tolerance to pain over the years of his service to the dark lord, but one body could only take so much pain before it became incapacitated.

If that was allowed to happen, he would be of no use as a professor and potions master much less a warrior for the light side. In fact, if Voldemort was set on it, Snape had no doubts that he would be so thoroughly incapacitated that he might as well be dead for all the use he would be to anyone.

The problem was that despite the research he had done he was at a stand still. He had accounted for the magical interaction of potential ingredients, both positive and negative. He'd run the necessary arithmetic combinations, determining possibilities to try for the necessary number of stirs and brewing times.

The problem with potions is that he could not determine the full effects of any recipe strictly on paper. Especially one this complex. None of these theoretical potions was guaranteed to work, but he was equally certain that none of them would be toxic either. It was a lot of educated guesswork.

Which ingredients were likely to produce the right combined effect? Could he substitute fluxweed for knoxgrass and extend the duration of the potion? Would seven stirs counterclockwise be enough, or would an eighth be necessary in order to fully weaken the poisonous aspects of the Asphodel? Would the potion be more effective if it were ingested, or if applied topically?

These were aspects that could only be determined in the actual brewing, through trial and error, not with a quill on paper. No, he could progress no further without actually trying one of the many recipes that he had devised. He would need time in a proper lab, not the little micro-lab that he had set up in his study. He needed to test his hypothesis, other wise he could go no further.

* Blasted Dumbledore - won't let me in my labs. Oh no, I have to stay in this forsaken hole for months. No matter that Hogwarts is particularly safe, especially if one is only there for a day or so. No matter that Snape Manor is still under fidelis. I'm not allow *
Snape fumed to himself, putting as sarcastic a tone behind his thoughts as he could.

In the back of his thoughts Snape did recognize that he could, potentially start his research on the big problem that Dumbledore had asked him to undertake, but he hated to have two projects going at once. Moreover, he still had no idea of where to begin.

He had no idea if there was any way to counter the effects of a magical object with potions. He'd already checked the school library; there was no record of ever having combated the effects of a magical object with potions. Spells, charms, and other magical objects – yes – but not potions. It hadn't helped that Dumbledore had either been unwilling or unable to tell him anything about the object other than it was a dagger with a blade about the same length as his hand. Nothing on what the dagger does, or how it had become magical. Just that it was a magical dagger.

Snape sighed. He knew that he should look into ways of using potions to make a magical object, but he truly had no desire to brake his own rules and have two projects going at once. IT was not how he liked to work. Developing new potions worked best when he was able to remain focused on one issue. He found that when he didn't, he missed things, made mistakes, and if nothing else became distracted from one project by having brainstorms about one potion while working on the other. It made his notes messy and disorganized, and ultimately became counter productive.

"Arrrrrrrgggg" Snape screamed at his ceiling in frustration. He sat flopping on his sofa like an insolent teenager. Snape stared at the fire, hoping for inspiration and a solution to his problem. It was only morning, but he kept the fire in his quarters perpetually lit in an effort to ward of the cold and darkness that kept invading.

*This is ridiculous. Dumbledore cannot keep me from my labs. I am a grown adult, fully capable of defending myself, and in no need of defending myself as long as the death eaters think that I am on their side. I need to complete this research, he know that. I will simply tell him that if I don't spend time in my labs, then I will never get to answering his question, much less completing this one. *

Snape extracted himself from the depths of the squishy sofa and strode to the door, making his way to the kitchen where the fire was connected to a closed circuit voice floo system.

* I will merely tell him that it is both of our interests that we find some way of blocking my mark. I will at some point have to stop spying and when I do, it will be necessary. Besides, it may have some ability to be modified to apply to blocking Potter's connection as well, and as occlumency obviously did not work well. Even if it only was due to the child's lack of effort. Perhaps we can find some other way of keeping him from becoming possessed by the Dark Lord that is not dependent on the child actually exerting any effort. After all his lack of attention to his studies puts us all at risk. * Snape thought.

Snape nodded to himself. Yes that was good, when losing an argument with Dumbledore, always fall back on the golden boy card, Dumbledore would agree to anything if there was a possibly that it would help his precious Boy-Who-Lived.

Snape stormed upstairs, slamming the door to the main floor of Grimmault Place open. He swept into the kitchen, and was entirely unprepared to see Dumbledore sitting at the kitchen table. Quickly he hid his surprise, slipping his neutral mask ingot place yet again.

*This is even better* Snape thought to himself. *I will merely mention in an off-handed way that I'm heading off to Hogwarts today. Then it won't even appear that I am asking for permission, because I'm not. *

"Morning Albus" Snape greeted the Headmaster, careful to keep his voice neutral.
"Good morning to you too, Severus" Dumbledore responded, a twinkle in his eyes.

Snape narrowed his eyes examining the headmaster wearily. It was never a good sign for him if the headmaster greeted him with eyes twinkling, it often meant that the old wizard was about to ask him to do something that he did not want to do, but that Albus felt was 'in his best interest.'

"How are your studies going Severus? Any interesting developments? Do you need to do additional research" Albus continued probing

"Actually, Albus, I'm off to Hogwarts to begin testing today. I have several theories, but really there is nothing to do until I see what the results of these combinations are, and whether any of them work. I plan on spending the bulk of the day trying my three strongest variations. I don't expect to return until nightfall." Snape continued. When he finished he was breathing heavily through his nose. In truth he couldn't remember breathing as he had rattled off his plans.

He stared defiantly at Dumbledore, readying himself for the fight that he was sure was coming. But the old wizard was smiling at him, openly smiling, eyes twinkling vividly, practically laughing. What was going on? This was not the reaction he had expected. In fact this was the complete opposite of the reaction that he was expecting. No Albus only behaved this obviously gleeful with him when he had walked right into one of the older wizard's traps.

He glance towards Molly, quirking one eyebrow, hoping that the witch would provide some answers as Dumbledore was quite obviously unwilling to offer an explanation for his behavior.

Molly was also grinning. "Perfect" she said" you can take the children with you. They've been trying to find some way to remove Mrs. Black's portrait from the wall, but they've had no success researching ways in our library here, so we thought they might like to look through Hogwarts' library and see if they have greater success there. If nothing else it will keep them busy and distracted for an afternoon."

She smiled looking proud. Snape knew in that moment that it had been entirely her idea to have her children go to Hogwarts for the day.

"Doesn't that sound like a wonderful idea Severus." Albus said, " A perfect coincidence, isn't it. You can escort the children to Hogwarts, and do your work in the lab without any inconvenience to your self. The three of you can even have lunch while you're there, I'm sure that the house elves will be eager to have someone to cook for, they do yet so upset when we are all gone for the summer."

Albus, you can't honestly tell me that you're ok with this!?!? " Snape shouted incredulously.

" Why Severus, of course I think it is a fine idea. A perfect distraction for young Ron and Virginia. I only ask Molly, that the children are responsible in their use of the library. They will be unsupervised, but I think that we can trust them to behave themselves." Albus said, turning to Molly.

Unable to keep his peace or his temper any longer, Snape nearly exploded shouting "Well I have issue with this. No offense Molly, but your children are hardly to be trusted alone in Hogwarts. They cannot be trusted alone. Are the two of you forgetting that they along with Mr., Potter and Ms. Granger have managed to get themselves into more mischief and trouble than all of their classmates combined?!? And before you say that they won't be alone - I DO NOT have the time or the patience…"

"Oh that's an understatement" Molly interjected under her breath.

Snape glared at her continuing and talking over her "…to baby sit them while they do their research, which has no greater purpose than getting their little friend to visit."

"Oh come now Severus," Dumbledore said, patting a very disgruntled looking Molly on the shoulder as he spoke. " The children will be fine. You only need be there in case of an emergency and to protect them to some extent while in transit. However, I will open a closed-circuit floo connection between here Hogwarts, strictly for the time it takes you to get from here to Hogwarts. I don't foresee any problems however, as Hogwarts wards are at full strength."

"Fine" Snape snapped. "I will be departing in one hour. I suggest that if the children desire to accompany me, that they be prepared to leave then, or I will depart without them."

With that Snape sat down at the table and proceeded to tuck in to the breakfast laid out before him.

He ignored the fact that Molly was glaring daggers at him as she strode out of the kitchen. He was fairly sure that he heard Molly call him a name that he really had never expected to come out of that woman's mouth. Molly Weasley often yelled, but seldom swore.

Snape mentally smacked himself. He felt bad, he really had nothing against Molly. He didn't even have anything against her two youngest children who were, for the most part well behaved – even if trouble did always seem to find him, he had to admit that it was rarely their fault. But he'd been in a bad mood and he hated it when Dumbledore tricked him, and he had taken it out on the poor woman.

Snape stewed in his own guilt, ignoring the look that Dumbledore was giving him. The old wizard's eyes were no longer sparking. Albus sighed heavily, moving to sit next to Snape. He placed a heavy arm across the younger wizard's shoulders.

"I really which you would try to make more of an effort Severus. Part of your staying in Grimmault Place is so you won't spend the length of the summer entirely by yourself. Molly tells me that they hardly see you except at meals. And that even then you hardly speak to anyone. We all need other people Severus." He said squeezing the younger man's shoulder. " Even you."

*End of Chapter Three*


So... Slightly plot bunnish, but a couple of good hinty things... what do ya think? - as always R&R- and again sotrr for the wait.

Thanks to those that reviewed chapters one and two...

leggylover03, angel74, gohan/videlgoten/trunkslover , booger, Fire Tempest , WeasleyTwinsLover1112 , Tia Evans, Jedina, water drifter, Jazzylady Mikee, tia, Vista 21.4.1990, Amber 1, Gina -- I'm glad you enjoyed the chapters! Sorry it took so long for this third one.

southernangel , Flashfire, yasha, relative1983, Anora- short chapters it is . The vote is unanimous – I will try to get them up every few days from now on.

HecateDeMort - Logically I agree with you, it should be 24 - 7 – 52. I've always made that argument, but anytime I've ever heard it actually used It has always been 24 – 7 – 365. So I went with that. Glad you liked things otherwise.

kateydidnt - drat – I've wanted to stay with cannon overall. I might try to explain this away, or I might just leave it. The problem is that I wanted this to be a 6th year fic, but I need Harry to inherit the bulk of his parents estate for my plot to work. After all they had to have more than they few things that have survived… so I will decide within the next chapter or two whether explaining the discrepancy is just lame and it is better to ignore it or whether I can pull of the explanation in a good way.

Anora – The music video is fab! Way to go. I found it really inspiring. I love the shots of Snape looking all pensive.

Rubberduckie713 – yes I have a plot planned, I know what you mean though, without one I am tempted to write plot bunnies forever…  Love your fic by the way!!

Remo Con – thanks – the pen name is a nick name that I received as the result of a little accident that I had during the first week of my freshman yeah in high school – eight years ago. I accidentally lit a blender lid on fire at home one weekend. Yes accidentally. My older sister of course told everyone we knew. Ever since then I've been known as kind of a pyro. Believe it or not there are at least three people that I was friends with in high school that never knew my real name.  lol.

Angeline-dark – thanks for the correction – the problem was that I switch programs so that I was typing in html, and I fogot to proof in my haste to post. Lets see if things improve, and if they don't then I might take you up on your offer.

If I've forgotten anyone, it was not my intention to forget you, I merely missed you on my list!!!