A/N; This is just the introduction to the story.. If I get interest in it, I'll do it.. This really kind of a test. :x Mwha!

Disclaimer; Yadayada.

The first few months in Gondor had been wedded bliss for the Royal Couple. They spent long days together, when the King's attention was not needed, and many of the advisors would blush at their public displays of affection. But slowly, things changed. Aragorn was needed for far more than just meetings. The city was in near ruins from the war. The structure was in dire need of rebuilding, and the economy was suffering miserably. As time passed, he found that the former Steward had done a horrible job, though he would never admit that out of respect. He had to spend long hours observing the rebuilding of the walls, towers, and homes. And so he lost his ability to spend as much time as he could with his wife, as he devoted his time to being the King he never wanted to be.

And equally was Arwen busy. She found that there was more to being just a pretty figure that would be beside the King at times, she was required to help in the redecoration of the palace as well as entertainment. The pressures of being not only Elven but far more beautiful than most of the women of Gondor meant that she had to be as nice as possible, despite her true feelings on anything. It was obvious that few in Gondor trusted her, unless they knew her well. She was a foreigner on the throne with their king, and many of the aristocracy thought the King should leave his pretty wife and marry a mortal woman. It was wearing her thin to put on a daily mask and attend gatherings and small parties, to pretend that she was just so happy to be there and that she didn't want to run every time someone spoke to her. She heard what they said about her, many had taken to calling her the King's Whore rather than the Queen. But she could never speak to Aragorn about this. She and Aragorn rarely had a moment together, and when they did she did not have the energy to express such negative thoughts that would only upset him. Those blissful first months seemed to have been years in the past.

Well? I have great plans for this story, but only if people show interest! I don't want to waste my time on a story that no one is going to read. So review if you want to see more!