Most Popular Boy Epilogue

Disclaimers on previous chapters

Warnings: LEMON (edited version for FFN)

A/N: For those of you reading on FFN, this is LIME. If you want to read the unedited version of this, got to my site.

Months had passed since the death of Duo's family. He had entered a depression that he seemed unable to break out of and without his childhood friends, Heero was at a loss as to what to do about Duo's condition. Duo wasn't going to start school until the fall unlike the rest of his friends and because of this, he had stayed with Heero in his house those summer months. Duo had done nothing but mope around and sob quietly when he thought no body was looking.

Heero hoped things were about to change though. Their relationship had pretty much been put on hold since the accident that night, although Duo would allow Heero to hold and comfort him when he was upset.

Hopefully, things would change. Heero had a plan to get Duo out of that depression. He just hoped he wasn't going too far…


"Duo?" Heero walked into the darkened bedroom Duo now occupied. True, they would often sneak into each other's room at night but for the sake of appearances, they each had their own assigned living quarters.

"Go away, Heero."

"Duo, you have to stop this now. It isn't good for you to keep this up…"

"I can't help it Heero! It was MY fault they died!"

Heero ducked as a projectile pillow whooshed toward his face. This had gone far enough.

"Duo. You can't blame yourself…" Heero went in the rest of the way into the room and sat on the bed, bringing along the pillow and found Duo's hand under the blankets.

"Yes it is," came a muffled voice and a sniffle.

"How was it your fault?"

Duo sat up then, Heero could see the dark circles around Duo's eyes and the puffiness that accompanies tears. "Grandpa and Auntie were driving home from MY graduation. If I hadn't insisted that they be there, Grandpa wouldn't have been driving Auntie home and they wouldn't have gotten hit. They would have been just fine drinking coffee and eating Auntie's home made cookies right now. It's not fair, Heero! They were the only ones that wanted me when I was a poor little nobody and now they're gone. Grandpa raised me and Auntie was always there when I needed her… but they're gone and I'll never get that back. Ever."

By the time Duo finished speaking, fresh tears had found their way to his eyes and down his flushed cheeks. He was feeling more alone now than ever. Now that all his friends save Heero were gone, the feeling of loneliness only intensified.

"You don't understand what I've lost, Heero…"

"Yes I do."

"You're mom… I'm sorry… I forgot…"

"Yes, her, but not only that. I had to leave everything I had ever known to come to America, where the language is different and the customs are different and to top it all off, I had to come live with a man whom I had seen about three times in the entirety of my existence. I thought I lost everything, but then I found you."

"You're just saying that, Heero… and besides… that wasn't what I meant…"


"The loved me, Heero. They loved me with all my talking and being hyper and…"

"I love you."

Duo stopped talking and just stared at Heero.

"What did you just say?"

"I said, I love you."

Duo gaped at him disbelieving his ears. Had Heero just said that?

"Don't worry about saying it back, Duo… just let me help you get through this. Will you let me help you?"

Duo nodded. He knew he couldn't feel this way forever.

Heero leaned in and kissed Duo's cheek gently, "Let me help you Duo. None of this was your fault at all… Please don't blame yourself." He kept kissing Duo along his jaw line, "Let me help you forget the pain… if only for a little while…"

Duo felt himself melt into Heero's arms. He hugged Heero tightly and le t him run his hands up Duo's exposed sides. It had been warm so Duo had taken to sleeping in boxers but right now, it was getting a little too hot for even those.

Heero pulled away momentarily and stood, taking off his shirt and jeans. He was about to get back on the bed when Duo stopped him.

"Aren't you going to take those off too?" he asked, looking at Heero's blue bikini briefs.

Heero felt himself blush a little, "Do you want me to?"

Duo gave him a shy little smile and nodded. Heero blushed a little more and removed them, letting Duo watch, before he climbed back on the bed. Duo moved the blankets to let Heero underneath them then hugged Heero tightly again. It had been a while since anyone had told Duo he was loved, and now that Heero had, he would do anything to hear those words again.

Heero couldn't believe how easy it had been to get Duo to forget his pain. 'Maybe all Duo really wanted and need was a little affection,' he thought. He leaned in closer kissing Duo's lips gently. He let his tongue trace Duo's bottom lip, lapping at the entrance, begging to be let in.

Duo timidly opened his mouth, granting Heero permission to enter, and was pleasantly surprised when Heero's shy kiss became more aggressive. He felt Heero roll them over so that he was laying under Heero's weight, their groins pressing together as Heero whispered hotly in his ear.

"Let go, Duo. Tonight, you're mine. I'll make you forget everything… if you want to stop let me know right now, I don't know if my control can hold up if you tell me to stop once we've started…" Heero licked the outer rim of Duo's ear letting one of his hands trail down Duo's side while the other suspended him above. "What do you say, Duo?" Heero asked, grinding his pelvis against Duo.

"Please… don't stop… make it all go away…" Duo was panting by now, he felt his erection straining against his boxers and being teased by Heero's grinding motion.

Heero smirked above him, "Okay."


Both boys fell asleep in each other's arms that night, finally, they had crossed the line between intimate friends and lovers.

Tomorrow, their new lives were to begin. Tomorrow, they were going to their respective schools. Tomorrow,

everything was going to change… But for tonight… tonight, they were home.

Jess' Rant

Okay, this is the end of this… I've been thinking about writing a sequel… Would it be a waste of time? I hope y'all enjoyed this and I'm sorry it took a while to get this up. You just have to be in the right sort of mood to write lemons, ne?