The most popular boy


Disclaimer: I don't own them. *sniffle* Warnings: Shonen ai, tiny bit o' angst, I'm not sure what else yet. C&C: Yes please. I'm kinda new at this writing bit, so let me know if I should spend any more time on it.


Duo Maxwell was the most popular guy in school. His charming smile and dazzling personality won over even the most cold of hearts. He was playful yet respectful and he had this incredible zest for life that just made everyone love him. He was the star quarterback, captain of the wrestling team, an award winning swimmer, and all around MVP. But not only was he the most handsome jock in existence, the boy had a good head on his shoulders, too. Duo was in practically all of the writing events plus the science events on the school UIL team (1). His coach said he was the best writer on her team and he was really proud of his accomplishments.

The most popular boy seemed to have a charmed life, it would seem. He was perfect in every way. He always had a warm smile and a kind word to say but his life was far from perfect. Duo Maxwell had his share of secrets and no one even had a clue. He wasn't always as happy as people thought he was. He was downright miserable half the time. The reason he was such a good writer was because he had no other outlet to pent out his frustration with the world. He knew that things would get better, though. They just had to be.


Heero Yuy hated high school. He was on the nerds and dorks list. His being short, thin, and Asian didn't help things either. He was always getting picked on and his fascination with math, science, and computers only served to stir to life all those stereotypes about Asians being geeks. Heero did keep himself fit, he was strong in his own right but his muscles were dense, so they didn't bulk like the jocks' muscles. Since he had transferred to the US from Japan that year after his mother died, there was that "new-kid" thing floating about. He didn't have any friends because everyone at this school knew each other already and his difficulty in speaking English without an Asian accent didn't help in the least.

Now he lived with his American father. He'd learned English with his mother and he could very well understand, read, and write it. The problem was, when it came to orate, he's get tongue tied, or the listener would make fun of the way he sounded. No, he didn't like school in the least.

What made things worse about this school is that people seemed to be a little closed minded. This was what seemed like an "all American" Christian community (2). The kind where everyone went to church on Sundays, students did regular community service hours, food drives were held, and everyone seemed to be rather conservative.

Heero rather felt like he was in an Old Navy or American Eagle commercial. Back in Japan, he was used to seeing people with odd hair colors, interesting new looks, and basically a more open attitude about everything. Things seemed a little off here in America. Maybe it might not be wise to look for a boyfriend any time soon.


About a week and a half into the school year, schedule corrections were finally being put into action. It never fails. Every year, about half of the schedules are wrong in some way, shape, or form. For Heero, the problem was that the classes they had put him in were remedial because of the supposed language barrier. Heero was angry that they had put him in such classes because especially in the math and science areas, he was the best. He was also good in American literature, but again, because he couldn't really speak it without causing himself embarrassment, they had put him in the "English as a Second Language" class that started everyone out with the Alphabet song, and counting to ten. In other words, humiliating.

So now, Heero was all set with his new schedule of AP courses (3) and a back pack full of remedial books to trade in for AP books at the bookroom.

After taking care of that pesky little book problem, Heero set off for his new class.


'School Day number eight,' thought Duo. 'I wish we could finally get some real work done. The first two weeks of school are always slow because they always mess up in the office. I wonder if this class will be getting anyone new.'

Looking around the room, Duo saw that most of the students in here he'd had for various other classes throughout the day. They were the elite group of over achievers and the like. Sighing, Duo looked back at the vocabulary list he was supposed to define. 'Busy work is all they give us these first few days, it's totally pointless, no body is going to come into our class. All the brains are already here.'

Just as he was thinking that, there was a knock at the door, which the teacher promptly answered. Duo didn't bother to turn around, it was probably a student getting the teacher's permission to drop the class. He was surprised when someone came and sat next to him on his left. When he looked up, there was the most adorable looking guy sitting next to him.

The guy looked small, he had dark brown hair that obviously refused to be tamed, an angular face, golden skin, and the most beautiful blue eyes Duo had ever seen. He wondered briefly if they were contacts, but thought not to ask about them since it annoyed him when people asked him the same thing. The boy in front of him was really the most beautiful and exotic thing he'd ever laid eyes on.

'No, Maxwell. You're supposed to keep this a secret. No one is supposed to find out you like guys. A community like this couldn't stand the outrage it would cause. Remember what happened to that other kid, her parents had to move because she was into other girls. Just be nice to him, and maybe you'll get to be his friend, that's about as much as you can hope for anyway.'

Duo noticed at the end of his mental rant that his teacher was standing on the other side of the boy.

"Duo, this is Heero Yuy, he just came from Japan this summer and I'd like you to be his student guide. For now though, help him catch up with what he's missed and show him the assignment." After that, the teacher left to finish composing the Student Portfolios she made every year to keep track of her students' essays and projects.

Duo grinned his Maxwell grin and held out his hand, "Hey, nice too meet you, Heero. I'm Duo Maxwell. Welcome to our advanced English class!"

(1) UIL stands for University Interscholastic League. For those of you who don't know (I'm not entirely sure if UIL is just a Texas thing), this is basically an academic competition that happens about every week when the season for it starts. Schools in the same area compete in meets and as they go, they go advancing. The furthest I've ever made it is to Regional. Anyway, they have every event known to man: Science, calculus, several speaking events, ready writing, journalism, music memory, current events, the list just goes on.

(2) Not trying to bash anyone here, I'm just using Christians so that we can set up the conflict. Everyone has the right to their opinion, but as pattern dictates, this group of people are the most likely to discriminate what they don't understand. Sorry if anyone is offended.

(3) Advanced Placement. Heero is no dumb bunny!!