Last chapter, people. The exciting conclusion. If there is anyone out there and I'm not just talking to myself.

…Cricket, cricket…

Disclaimer - I don't own Yugioh - if I did, I'd fire the scriptwriters for the dub and change all their names back to the Japanese.

These wonderful characters are based on the work of Takahashi-sensei.


Chapter 5 - Light and Dark, Hikari and Yami

"You'll both die for this." the robed man growled, pulling another knife from his robes. Hands grabbed Yugi's arms, holding him still. He struggled as Atem collapsed, blood staining his blue cloak purple. The robed man leaned forward and stabbed Atem again, in the lung, then turned to Yugi.

"Die." he hissed, drawing back the knife.

"Mind crush!" Atem's voice rang through the hall as he unleashed his power. The robed man screamed as it slammed into him; he dropped the blade and clutched his head, falling to his knees. Kneeling propped on one hand, blood dripping from his mouth, the Pharaoh glared at the people holding Yugi's arms. The Sennen eye blazed under his crown and his purple-crimson eyes promised his judgement on any who touched Yugi.

The people holding the smaller teen ran screaming as Atem's shadow powers consumed the soul of their leader, leaving only an empty corpse.

Yugi ignored them, running up to Atem as the Pharaoh's eyes rolled back and he collapsed again. Holding the bleeding body in his arms, Yugi wept helpless tears.

"Aibou…" Atem whispered, barely loud enough to hear. "I love you too…" He coughed, a wet, ugly sound, and shuddered. His eyes went wide and blank as a bubble of blood ran down his chin.

"NO!" Yugi screamed, and something deep within snapped.

Pain and glory beyond words washed through him. His blood burned with power. Yugi screamed, a sound like a hawk's cry, as the fire of the Sun blazed through him; the world held nothing but light and brilliance and the dying shadows on the floor beside him. His yami, his darkness…

Atem heard the Yugi scream but had no strength left, no power, nothing. Suddenly lashes of heat entered his body and he gasped - they burned like fire. He opened his eyes and saw the Sennen Eye blazing on Yugi's forehead, his eyes bright as amethysts but unseeing. He held his arms wide, hands open, producing bolts of light that dove into Atem's body, granting him strength. The knife in his back landed on the floor with a clang - the pain vanished abruptly. So did the light around Yugi.

Seeing his yami awake, Yugi gave him a watery smile before he passed out. Atem checked, but the young teen was only unconscious. He smiled a little himself. Yugi would be fine. How could he not, with the very radiance of Ra at his command?

Lifting him in strong arms, the Pharaoh carried his light outside into the night.


They weren't that far from Domino and the Kame Game shop; it was nearly false dawn when Atem, staggering with fatigue and the weight of his still unconscious aibou, knocked on the back door. Grandpa answered; from his expression he was plainly astonished to see the Pharaho, regalia and all, carrying his grandson.

"What happened?" the older man asked. "I was worried about you!. How can you be solid now?"

"I'll explain later, jiisan." Atem said, exhaustion in his tone. "It's a long story, but Yugi-chan and I had a difficult evening."

"Hai, I can see that." The old man was wise enough to let them alone, and simply followed the Pharaoh up the stairs to Yugi's attic bedroom.

Although he was tired enough to fall asleep right there on the carpet after he tucked his aibou in bed, Atem turned to face Grandpa. "Is it alright if I take the spare room, jiisan?" he asked, bowing slightly in Japanese style. A wry grin appeared on his tired features. "It's either that or I sleep right here."

"Of course you can use the spare." Yugi's grandfather nodded. "But I have a better idea…" he turned and walked back down the hall. Atem was too tired to follow, so instead he sat down on the edge of the bed, gently brushing Yugi's hair out of his eyes. The young teenager smiled gently as though in a wonderful dream.

"Here." Grandpa pulled in a futon and a pile of blankets, along with a pillow. He arranged these on the floor and gestured for Atem to settled there, which the Pharaoh did gratefully. He was so tired that all he did was slip off his crown before his newly-forged body collapsed in slumber.

Grandpa looked on as Atem crashed. This looked as though it had a very interesting story behind it. Gently he tucked the Pharaoh under the sheets.

Atem was smiling in his sleep.


Like? Don't like? Think I should commit seppuku? Let me know! Please!

Okay. Now here's my options - I could write a rousing, action - packed sequel, or I could write a lovely interlude with Yaoi and lemons. Please let me know which you would like to see!


Or I could just flip a coin…sigh

R&R please