Author's note:

I don't own any of the characters of either Inuyasha or Witch Hunter Robin.

I always wondered what would happen if Kagome was hunted by the STN-J for being a witch, so I decided to write a story about it. It's my first fanfic, so I hope you like it.


He sat back in his chair, an evil grin on his new face. Taking this man's life had been annoyingly easy. 'These humans. So weak and pathetic. The man died in a manner of seconds. An unfitting end for such a leader.' The man smirked as he looked in a small mirror, noticing his gray hair and wrinkles. His eyes narrowed a bit. 'In this time, I will have to adjust my strategies. This isn't like back then.' A sudden flash of memory invaded his consciousness.

The sky was dark with his miasma. Any human would perish in a manner of seconds, but this strange girl was not affected. It didn't matter to him. Sooner or later she would succumb to the dark poison, and die painfully. He watched with amusement as she pulled her bow, ready to strike his black heart. This human couldn't touch him, he was sure of that. She tried before, but only succeeded in weakening him for a short time. He watched as she shot her arrow, and rejoiced at the look of pure hatred on her face. 'The jewel will be tainted' he thought as the arrow drew closer to him. His smirk turned into surprise, however, when he saw the pink energy surrounding the arrow become larger, and whiter. He tried to dodge the arrow, but it was too late. The arrow hit its mark, rendering him unconscious.

His eyes narrowed at the memory. 'They buried me, assuming I was dead. That dumb Miko.' he scoffed. 'She was using powers she only thought she had. She didn't know she only sealed me instead of killing me. How unfortunate for her.' He chuckled as he thought of the scheme that would feed him the power he hungered for, and bring him the revenge towards those he hated most, while putting the jewel into his hands, finally. The first phase was finished, and soon he would have that Miko and that hanyou protector of hers right where he wanted them. He chuckled as he stood, and walked to the units containing those he fed off of. The powerful ones in this time-witches.

* * * * * * * * * * * *

Kagome walked out of the well-house and looked up at the stars. 'They look much prettier in the past.' She sighed and looked down, dejectedly. 'The past. Where my biggest love, and my biggest heartbreak waits.' Kagome looked at the sky again, and sadly walked into her house. She tip-toed to her room so she wouldn't wake her sleeping family members. She reached the door to her room, and walked in. She threw her backpack in the corner, and dressed in her pajamas, happy that she could finally rest in her bed. Before she did, she took out a small mirror, and stared at the girl looking back.

Her long, ebony hair reached the top of her thighs now. The thick, silky tresses still hung wildly without restraint. Kagome's reason for this was simple. She didn't want to bear more resemblance to Kikyo than she already did. Keeping her hair tied in a ponytail, or swept up would make her Kikyo's exact replica. Kagome didn't want that. It was bad enough looking like her. She didn't want her hairstyle too. Kagome looked at the ceiling, and flopped down on her bed. 'That isn't the main reason,' she admitted to herself. She picked up the mirror, staring at her face. Somewhere along the recent years, her girlish expression had been replaced by and older one. Her face had matured, and with each year she became more stunning. The face always staring back at her had slowly became Kikyo's. The only difference in the features were her eyes. Kagome's eyes still held fire, where Kikyo's had become ice. Kagome put the mirror away. 'He's always reminded. Even now, I know he loves me, but he is too pained remembering her to want to be with me. I will always remind him of her, and what should have been, but never was.' Kagome flinched inwardly as she recalled the first day he recoiled from her touch. From then on, he always looked through her, not at her. He ignored her. He didn't even follow her through the well anymore. Of course she still had some hope because he always acted jealously when Kouga was around, but after he left, he donned his mask of indifference. 'Like Sesshomaru.' She thought. She smiled at the comparison. Despite those two hating each other, they had teamed up a few times. Maybe there was some hope of a reconciliation left. She pulled the covers over her, tired of thinking. Tired of remembering. She drifted off to sleep, thinking again of the pain Inuyasha must bear. A single tear rolled down her cheek as she slumbered.


Kagome shot up in her bed. She narrowed her eyes, and cautiously moved toward her window. There was a man in modern clothing and long, black, billowing hair. Her eyes widened.

"It can't be," she muttered under her breath. The man just gave her an wicked grin. Running out of her room and down the stairs, she came to the front door. She slowly opened it, and stepped out into the moonlight.

"You." She stated, coldly. "I killed you once before, I'll do it again." The man gave her another evil grin, his eyes daring her to take his life again.

"Naraku, I'll sent you back to hell!" She shouted as she pointed two fingers at him. A bright pink blast tore from her fingertips, ripping through Naraku's body like a warm knife through butter. He only smiled as blast consumed him. A second later, it was over. When the light faded, Kagome walked over to the spot where Naraku stood. For a minute, she wondered if it were a dream, and she was sleepwalking. She knew it wasn't, however, when she reached down and picked up a stick with a piece of hair wound around it. She hurried to her house to collect her things. 'No rest tonight,' she thought as she hopped back through the well, hurrying to Inuyasha and the others to tell them the bad news. Naraku was still alive, somehow.

* * * * * * * * * * * * *

"Michael, play that footage again," a tall, dark-haired man commanded. A blonde-haired man with glasses nodded and played the footage on his computer.

On the tape they saw a beautiful woman send a large amount of pink energy at a man, and kill him.

"Wow. That's some witch-power," A younger man commented.

"Headquarters labeled her top priority. They told us to drop everything and hunt this witch. She must be very powerful."

A poised brunette in a business suit walked closer to her colleagues. "What information do we have on her?" She asked.

"This is strange," the man they called Michael began. "Her family aren't seeds. There are no witch powers in her line. Her grandfather is supposed to have spiritual powers of some sort, but Solomon tested him years ago, being suspicious, and genetic evidence shows that he doesn't have any. We have no genetic information on this witch, and we have no background information on this witch except that her first name is Kagome, and she lives at a Shrine. We just got this information this morning, along with the surveillance video. I haven't had a chance to do any background information on her yet."

The tall, dark-haired man silently turned, and started to walk away.

"Amon?" A young blonde girl dressed in black whispered, as if asking a question. The dark-haired man turned and stared at her over his shoulder.

"Robin, stay here," he said emotionlessly as he walked out of the room, feeling something would be different about this hunt..

Chapter 1 in a few days...