:: I own nothing except this story::

Author's Note: Ok This Story will make no sense if you have not read the previous story "Never really a Goodbye."

So be smart read the other story before you read this and don't forget to review please thanks. Now you may

continue. This take's place at the end of the series where he was sliced and diced and you know Murkuro saved him.

(That was the tragedy I was referring too in the first story, never seen the whole series though, just read about it.)

Sequel to "Never really a good bye" and inspired my Usher's "Confession's part II." From his new CD.

Is it That Easy?

Flash Forward 3 Months later after the tradedy:

"I can't believe it...why...did this have to happen?...I can't do this on my own...I can't."

On the floor of her bathroom in Reikai, Botan sits and cries.

"Why did you...Why did you have to leave me Hiei ?"

"Why...did you have to... leave us?" Staring into the mirror, looking at her reflection she held

her stomach tightly. She was pregnant, three months pregnant, and she and Koenma were the only ones to know.

She remembered confiding, breaking down and revealing everything and all to Koenma. Telling him of her

relationship with the Fire demon, the forbidden affair they had, had. Yet Koenma did his best to comfort the Ferry

girl, he was flabbergasted by the fact that Hiei of all people was capable of pregnateing a Ferry girl which in so terms

in the Reikai book was absolutely impossible and very well forbidden. Koenma thought for the tiniest second maybe

it was a miracle, but thought once more that Botan in herself had no past, making her a special case, a different case,

a rare case. A Ferry girl giving life to a child to, kodomo (child or children) in that matter, was impossible but

apparently Botan was able to overcome this fact, and none the less it was a forbidden child 's child as well.

With Botan:

"What am I going to do?" Botan said aloud.

"How do I tell the others?" She spoke out loud once more.

::Koenma sighs::

"To tell you the truth Botan am not quite sure" Koenma responded stepping into her quarters.

" But Botan...you are aware that you can not stay in Reikai, much longer due to...well you know."

Botan stood up from her place on the bed.

"Hai (yes) Lord Koenma...I know." She puts on a smile.

"I will leave as soon as possible...as a loyal servant to you Koenma I shall not disgrace you" Botan said on the

verge of tears.

"Botan..."Koenma began, but before he could speak further Botan threw herself on him, hugging him tightly.

"Thank you Koenma" she sobbed into his shoulder. He patted her back with sympathy and remorse.

"Thank you for...everything!" she said pulling away from him and wiping away her tears with her hands she tugged

on the hem of her kimono and bowed to him.

"Gomen, for my outburst." Botan apologized.

"It's fine Botan, but after you leave to Nigenkai the only contact we will have with each other ,is the fact of being

acquaintances from the Reikai tantai is that clear."

He continued "you were never a Ferry girl, you never worked for me, and you never lived in Reikai."

"Hai,Koenma...I understand." Botan reassured.

She was to stay Nigenkai and live her life there with Genkai,Yukina, and the others. She had not seen them for the

last three months and missed them dearly, but nervous to break the news to them she had no idea what to say to them

all. She knew that Koenma had informed Genkai of the situation and that Genkai was considerate and agreed to help

Botan throughout her pregnancy and her life in the Human world. She was going to miss Koenma, work, and

Reikai, but her new life would be good she hoped, with the new arrival of a baby, and maybe even more.


AUTHOR'S NOTE: Well that's just the first half of the story and yeah. I will continue of course oh yeah no despair for you avid Hiei fan's he will appear in the story.......sometime during the mess of story I have made and well hope you enjoyed. I will update soon as possible, please read and review thanks a honey bunches bye.