Disclaimer: All the FFX material belongs to Squaresoft Enix. Only thing I own is the plot and the extra character.

Author's Note:
I know it's been a long time since I updated. I apologized for that. I have a major writing block a huge project to do for school. Mainly because I just started play FFX-2 and was seriously bothered by Yuna's change in personality. Not exactly the same girl I had in mind when I write the chapters. So I have to plan a bit how that is going to affect my plot. Still, sorry for the delay.

Reply to the Reviewers:

To Daniel Wesley Rydell: Well I didn't really know Paine when I wrote the first 4 chapters. I just found out that she was nicer than she looks haha. (She'd probably take my respect points off for saying this heh?) O wells, I will make it up her later.

To YuniX-2: Painfully I had to agree with you on lagging a bit on how get to the part where Tidus can become real. It is annoying for people who just want to see. Nevertheless, I want to emphasize a bit on what point Yuna and Tidus' relationship is at. But I promise "THE WAY" will all be revealed in the 7th chapter, latest.

To Vent silencieux: I am sorry if I confuse you with the tenses. I must admit English is not my strong suit. Although I did really find too much trouble with the tenses, that could just mean I suck at it. Sor-rie about that.

To ALL Reviewers:
Thx for your reviews. They really give me the push necessary to continue the story!!

Chapter V: A Dream of the Past

Yuna was running on the Bersaid Beach. Somehow, she just knew that Tidus was going to be there....and he was. Yuna ran straight into Tidus' arms and buried her face into his chest.


Yuna looked up and saw the sad look on Tidus' face.

"Yuna, I have to go"

Yuna shook her head wildly.

"You will be ok. You are starting to move on. I don't hold as much weight as I used to in your heart."

Grabbing Tidus' arms, Yuna tried to yell out to Tidus that he was wrong, and that he always held a piece of her soul, but no sound came out. Her tears flew down her cheek. In her fear, she found her fingers were grabbing through nothing more than thin air.

"Don't die Tidus...." Finally managed to sound out her voice, Yuna begged.

Tidus seemed to be surprised by Yuna's plea. He smiled a little and whispered in Yuna's ear.

"Yuna, dreams don't die. They just... fade."

As just Tidus finished his sentenced, he had disappeared, fade into thin air.

---------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------

"NO!" Yuna screamed and woke up.

Yuna put her hand up her chest, feeling her heartbeats. It was horrible, seeing Tidus faded away again. She couldn't help but think that it was her fault for Tidus to fad in the first place. As it wasn't enough, he was fading again, in her dream. Was it because someone else had replaced Tidus in her heart? Was it because of attraction she felt for Tikku? Yuna shook her head and sighed. Just as she prepared to get off bed and take a shower, suddenly, a scream....


Yuna immediately recognized the voice, it was Paine's. But in her memory, Paine had always maintained to keep a straight face and be cool just about everything. Yuna could never imagine Paine screaming. For her, it was just a fact like birds can fly and fishes can swim. Paine does not scream, period. If she did.... then something really bad must had happened. She woke up Rikku, who slept on the ground right next to her bed. "Rikku wake up!! Something is bad happening!"

Before Rikku knew what the heck had happened, Yuna ran toward Paine's hut.

As Yuna ran toward Paine's hut, she saw a black-skin, bold headed, red eyes creature running toward her with Paine's sword. Must be one of the Fiend, Yuna thought. She immediately raised her tiny bees and prepared to empty the whole clips of bullets to stop the fiend. To her surprised, the friend yelled, "Yuna, it's me, Paine!"

"Paine?" Yuna's jaw dropped. She took a good long look at the creature and realized it was Paine indeed. She was, nevertheless, shocked at Paine's image. "Uh...Paine where's your hair....and why are you skin is black?"

Paine rolled her eyeballs. "Gee Yuna, do I look like I have a clue? As far I know, I have been bombed with sleeping gas, then when I woke up, I was like this. I don't who did it. But mark my words, I'm going to lay down some serious hurt to whoever did this." Paine was grinding her teeth as she finished her last sentence.

A more relaxed Yuna was trying really hard to stop herself from turning her grin into a laugh. A bolded Paine in black is just too damn funny to look at.

Paine looked at Yuna and sighed. "Oh, go ahead and laugh. You look like if you don't, you will explode."

Yuna finally had finally lost it, "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA" She laughed so hard her stomach hurts.

Paine on the other hand, had run off to find the culprit. She said to herself viciously, "Someone is going to SUFFER!"

"Haah-Chu! Haah-Chu! Haahhhh-Chu" Tidus sneezed. He robbed his nose and murmured, "Gee, somebody must really miss me or something." Tidus were on board the newest transportation made for people in Spira, "Airbus I", to calm land. He was surprised to find an airship dock on Bersaid this morning. Apparently people were getting more comfortable with machina theses days. This airship was built for people who wanted to travel around Spira for sight seeing. In another word, it's a "tourist ship." Not that it's a bad thing. After all, this airship saved him from walking all the way to Calm Land. He smiled when he remembered Rikku told him about how Yuna tried to get monkeys to mated with each other so these monkeys can dominate Zanarkand and stop tourists from coming. He couldn't believe the Yuna he knew would go with such a reckless idea. She really had changed. He signed, feeling a little out of the loop. After all, it's been more than two years after he disappeared.

Tidus looked at his weapon, the brotherhood, which he and Rikku "stole" from Yuna. Last night, Rikku drugged Yuna so they can go through all Yuna's stuff to find the warrior sphere that contains the sword. He felt kinda guilty about it.


"You drugged you own cousin?" Tidus couldn't help raising his voice. He couldn't believe Rikku would do something like that.

Rikku shrugged, "What else could I have done? Do you want me to say 'Hey Yuna, give me the damn sword. Why? Well, Tidus is back and doesn't want to see you but he needs the sword. Dun Dun Dun' "

"Haha, that is very very.... NOT funny!" Tidus replied.

"Who said it is? But even though it's not the right thing to do, guess what, you gotta do what you gotta do." Rikku shrugged.

Flash ends

'What Rikku said make a lot of sense that night. There are things in this world that have to be accomplished...even if it's not the right thing to do.'

The airship had landed in Luca so it could pick up some more people. Tidus was sleepy so he decided to take a nap on the deck. He took the elevator and went up. To his surprised, no one was on the deck. He lied down with a smile. 'With sunlight like this and no one is getting tan? Guess Spira still got a lot to learn." He murmured.

Tidus lied down and soon fell into sleep.

In Tidus Dream

12 year-old Tidus was crying alone on the deck close to his boathouse.

Someone walk toward him and kneeled down. It was 10 year-old girl with dark long hair and deep brown pretty eyes. Although she was younger, there was something different about her. She is....mysterious in someway that make Tidus feel that this girl is a lot more than she looks. "What's the matter Tidy?" the girl asked.

Sniff "Jecht took my blitz ball."

The girl raised her left eyebrow, "And why is that?"

"He said I don't sniff have what it take sniff to blitz. Jecht said I played so bad that I might as well not play as all." Tidus said through sobs.

The girl put her hands on her waist and said, "Well that's not very nice. But you shouldn't cry. You are a man you know. Just tell him to HAND IT OVER!"

Tidus answered, "But I can't. He is bigger than I am."

The girl shook her head. "O fine, I'll get it back for you. But it's not for free."

Tidus stood up and searched his pocket for some gils.

"I don't want gils," The girl said. "I want you to do something for me."

"What is it?"

"I'll tell you after I get your blitzball back ok?" The girl grinned and gave Tidus her handkerchief. "Here, wiped your face you cry baby."

Several Days Later....In the Boat House

Tidus was just sitting in front of boathouse, bored. His mom was out visiting friends and Jecht was taking a nap. He was just alone with nothing better to do. Suddenly, he head a scream from Jecht's room.


He rushed in to find out what happen. What he saw was a bolded Jecht screaming...."MY HAIR!!!"

Jecht saw Tidus and grabbed him. "Did you do it boy. Because you did, I'm gonna...."

"I did it you big bully" A voice said with satisfaction.

Jecht turned his head and saw the girl who talked to Tidus on the deck. For a moment he didn't know what to do. He had standards, and one of them is not to hit girls or women.

"Why you beep beep beep !!!" A frustrated Jecht yelled. Tidus could have swear he saw Jecht veins' were popping right his head.

The girl remained unfazed by all the yelling. She wasn't intimidated. She took out the potions and said, "All right, here's the deal. You give Tidus back his blitzball, and I'll give you the special potions that will make your hair grow back in one hour."

Jecht eyes widened "Wait a minute, are you telling me that you bolded the STAR OF THE ZANARKAND ABES for that cry baby?"

The girl shrugged, "Yep. Well do you want the potion or not."

Jecht looked defeated, he went to his room, grabbed Tidus' blitzball, and threw it to Tidus, hard.

The girl looked satisfied and threw the potion to Jecht. "Here is the potion for your hair. By the way, I have to warn you. Do NOT take Tidus' blitzball ever again. Because guess what, this potion I make only work once per person. So if you bolded next time, not even God can help you." She chucked at her last sentence.

Jecht grunt and went into his room.

Tidus said, "Wow, I can't believe what you just did. That was awesome."

The girl smiled, "It is nothing. Now, about my payment."

"What do you want?"

"I want you to be my knight."

"Be your what?" A puzzled Tidus asked.

"You know, be the hero who saves the girl when she is trouble and always stand on her side?" The girls answered and blushed a little at the same time.

"Yeah I can do that, I guess." Tidus said, scratching the back of head.

The girl smiled and said, "Ok, it's a promise then."

"It's a promise."

Tidus woke up by the vibration of the airship. He sat up and wondered.

'It's funny that after I have come to Spira, I have forgotten much about my home and friends. Then again, they are just dreams...nothing was real. My home, my friends, even the girl I promise to be her knight to...isn't real. What was her name again? I can't remember. Oh wellz, it's probably not that important anyway now. I have to focus on finding a way to be real.'

Tidus let out a sigh and walked toward the elevator.