Godforsaken writers block had me in a bind. I apologize forever for doing this to you.
By the way, look forward to the upcoming parody surprise from me and the Vice President of the Fluff Club, Black Pixie. It'll be magnificent.
Alrighty, here's the chrismahanukwanzicka present from yours truly!
He left on a van in the middle of the afternoon Monday. I managed to cry even more than usual that day.
I feel like a shell. An empty shell with no brain, no insides and especially no heart. I find myself looking out onto the lake on the last day of camp while everyone signs yearbooks and generally makes a fool of themselves.
"Hey Mara," sighs Joan, sitting down next to me, "You okay?"
I smile and nod, "I miss him."
She grins, a sort of half smile, "I miss him too." she sighs quietly, "I've loved him since I met him, in a way."
"What…?" I ask, astounded. She loved my Robin?
"No, no, not like that, " she exclaims, wiping her eyes, "He was…is… like a brother to me. I'm not really into guys, myself."
She shakes her head, "Do you have any gay-dar at all?" she laughs, "I fit about all the stereotypes. Robin's cute in a boy-sort-of-way, but their whole biology really freaks me out. A lot. Come on, that's GROSS!"
I laugh, "Yeah, it's pretty gross. I don't like to think about it… but some parts of them are nice."
"How far have you gone with him, to be so obsessed?"
"Joan! You really have NO tact!" I cry, half-truthfully, half-jokingly, "and whaddaya mean, so obsessed!"
Joan rolls her eyes, "Oh come on! All you do all day is obsess over him. I know you love him a lot, but still," she swallows, "you shouldn't let him be your one source of happiness. You need to find another outlet."
My mind immediately flees to poetry. I haven't touched it since Brutus, but I've been craving a pen and paper to write down my thoughts.
"Another outlet?"
"Yeah. Like me and my sketching." She rolls her eyes, "Or, you know, possibly friends."
I look up at her, "What do you mean?"
"Well, I guess, ever since you and Robin got married-"
"We're not married!"
"You discussed it! Anyways-"
"How do you know we discussed it?"
"He told me! ANYWAYS…"
"He TOLD you?"
"Shut UP!" she explodes playfully, "ever since you and Robin started dating you've been obsessed with him!"
"You ignore me and Will and Allen all the time."
I never thought so…
"If he walks by, and we're talking, you just leave us, mid-sentence, then go off and grab hold of him and get all lovey-dovey."
"Joan… I…" I stop because she looks really upset. "I'm sorry… I guess I just never realized."
"It's okay." She says, grudgingly. "Do you wanna come over to my house after camp is over?" she asks, blushing.
"I…" I break off, trying to stop apologizing. "I'd love to! I'll ask my social worker when he visits."
She grins, and we both walk back to my room.
click click
Subject: Hey, Mara
I arrived yesterday. It's really weird here. Like- cleaner than the camp, with a bunch of kids from all over the world all with different issues. I have this room all to myself with a big ass computer, and a tv with a dvd player. I have this therapist too, who is cool, I guess, but he speaks absolutely no English. Which is awkward.
I'm learning how to speak Swiss German, which is like regular German, except it's pronounced differently. I've heard from some people that the language differs from village to village.
How are you and the others doing? I've decided to make Will in charge of the hacking, and Joan in charge of keeping anyone from figuring out who R0b1n H00d is. I think I'm going to make M4r14n (you) the one in charge of picking different projects. So it's like, you're all equally important. If I get any new ideas here in Switzerland, I'll e-mail you. None so far, and I think the e-mail is moderated. I had to build a firewall around my e-mail service so I could write this, and I want you to delete this message with the program I attached to this e-mail. It'll remove all traces of this e-mail for the computer.
I think about you all the time I'm alone, which is a lot. I miss you so much, my darling. I miss you I miss you I miss you. I can't wait until this is over so that we can be together. I love you so much.