A/N: allright! New story time! Aren't you guys like totally pumped? I know I am!! This one isn't quite as serious as the last one (yet), so we've got room for sarcasm and random comments!! Woo hoo!! See, I'm already doin it! Ok . . . yeah story . . .
Disclaimer: I don't own 7th heaven or it's characters, they belong to some meanie writers who made Mary marry Carlos! *sigh* sorry Im just a lil bitter.
Ok we begin our journey in a place called Buffalo. Mary accepted the proposal of her beloved Wilson, and she was so happy, she didn't kiss stupid Ben. Wilson and Mary will be married a few months from when we begin…
Billy and Mary sat squished together on the small couch with a magazine between them.
"Ok Billy, so we've narrowed it down to pages 17, 39, 62, and 107" she looked up at him, slightly stressed. "Which one do you like best?"
The little boy smiled, "I like all of them, you'd look pretty in anything Mary"
Mary smiled at his innocent face, but she was disappointed that there still was no decision. She was completely desperate for an answer. But what was she doing asking a little kid his opinion on a wedding dress. This planning stuff had turned out to be much more complicated than she had originally thought.
"Well I don't like the flowers at the bottom of the one on page 39" Billy spoke up
Mary looked down at the page, "yeah, me either." She high-fived him, "good work Billy! And then there were three" she said as she unfolded the corner of the page.
Just then, Wilson walked in the door, Billy quickly shut the huge bridal magazine, "You can't look!" Billy shouted, "It's supposed to be a surprise!"
Wilson laughed and covered his eyes as Billy quickly stashed the magazine under the couch. Mary got up and scurried over to give Wilson a hello kiss. She missed him so much after she had just sat around all day.
"Hey" he said giving her a loving squeeze, then he looked down at her, "so I went to Mrs. Corning's to get Billy and she told me you came to get him hours ago"
"Ooooh!" Billy said laughing. Wilson took Mary's hand and led her into the bedroom. It was Wednesday; Wilson always worked late on Wednesday. So Billy stayed with Mrs. Corning until he got home. Mary usually didn't come over until later, when her firefighting stuff was over. So of course he knew something was up if she had been over for hours.
"Why were you here so early?" Wilson asked her
"Um . . ." Mary started, " I . . .uh decided something today"
"And what was that?" Wilson asked her
"Promise not to be mad" Mary pleaded. She realized that she sounded like a teenager informing her parents that she had just wrecked the car. "I don't want to be a firefighter, I mean it just sounded cool at first. To be honest, I don't know what I want to do yet. And right now my priority is you and Billy, and getting this wedding together." She sat on the bed and looked up at Wilson with puppy dog eyes. "So are you mad?"
Wilson sat down next to her, "of course I'm not mad. I want you to be happy, because if you aren't happy neither am I"
She smiled, Wilson really was the best. But she wondered what she had done to deserve such a great guy. She kissed him and then jumped up and pulled Wilson with her.
"So what else did Mrs. Corning tell you?"
He laughed; Mary had quickly learned who the source of gossip was in that building, "well she did tell me there's a new lady in 3C"
" An old cranky lady? Lots of cats I bet" Mary had been spending way too much time with Mrs. Corning.
"No, she's a little older than me. She used to live here when her and her husband first got married. But I guess it didn't work out, so Mrs. Corning begged her to come back and live here"
Mary didn't know of anyone else even close to their age range in the apartment building. But she figured that she should make a new friend, she still didn't know a whole lot of people in Buffalo.
"What's her name?" Mary asked, now curious.
"Cari, I think" Wilson said, " I think you should meet her"
"I think I will"
Yeah, short and a little plot-less, but it will pick up soon enough.
As always, let me know what you think, give me a review or feel free to send me an e-mail!! I'll love you forever! I just love getting e-mail :D