Hi guys sorry I haven't updated for awhile but I decided too since I'm bored. I don't know much about harry potter so bear with me if anything is wrong.

"Hey mom" Kagome said as she walked down stairs like nothing happened.

"Kagome" her mother gasped as she looked at her daughter. Before Kagome was always happy and smiling now she wore only black and she always wore shades to cover her eyes. Also Kagome was not happy and had lost most of her color on her face.

"Hey mom can you tell gramps and Souta that I'm going to Hogwarts to learn about magic and will be back in a year or two." Kagome asked as if it were nothing again.

"Yes honey, but make sure to owl us every now and then" the mother replied knowing this would get Kagome's attention.

"Hold up, how did you know about that mom?" Kagome asked

"Right now that's not important Kagome just go and get your stuff for your new school. And with that said Kagome vanished and appeared at Diagon Ally.

'How did my mom do that?' Kagome thought in her head as she wandered around the town.

Kagome first went to Gringotts and scared the Gnomes by saying she wanted to go faster on the rail ride. She got to her vault and picked up about 4 pockets worth of money. Then after Kagome left the bank she fumble for her list in her pocket it read:

1: Wand

2: Broom

3: Books for potions, writing, herbology (sp?), metamorphosis, curses and ancient spells, and Interaction with Mystical Animals.

4: Owl

5: Cloaks

Kagome first decided to get a wand so she headed over to the store with a wand on the sign.

"Hello? Is anyone here?" Kagome asked around.

"Hello Kagome I have been waiting for you to come" A guy said from behind the desk.

"Right any ways I need a wand," Kagome said a little creeped out.

"Yes I am aware of that lets try this one" the guys said as he went a found a wand that was made up of a phoenix feather.

"Give it a wave child" the guy replied when he saw Kagome give him a funny look.

Kagome waved it around and all the boxes flew off the shelves and attacked the poor guy.

"Ops" Kagome said as she put down the wand

"No it is most defiantly not that one lets try this one since you seem to have a interesting quality" the guy said as he went to the back of the room and returned with a strange box and gave Kagome the wand.

"Right" Kagome, said in disbelief as she waved the wand around.

This time the wand made the boxes get up of the ground and dance around her for about two minuets before going back on the selves.

"Very interesting" the guy said.

"What?" Kagome asked.

"Well you see that wand is made out of a dragons fang, unicorns horn, and has a curse on it. I chose this one because before I saw you had a black aura around you and it was a bit silverish meaning you are a person who has ancient magic like curses in them but you are also pure at heart.' The guy explained.

"Oh" Kagome said as she thanked the guy for the wand then paid and left.

Kagome started to walk over to a broom store when she spotted three kids two boys arguing over something and a girl who was just sitting there listening.

'I wonder who they are' Kagome thought as she walked up to them since her curious side won the better of her.

Well how was it? I'll try to update more often now that I know where this story is going and now that I don't have school anymore. Please R&R thank you.