Authors note: I can't believe I only got one review but I suppose it's better then nothing and the reviewer brought up a good point which I'm going to come to in this chapter. Well that's about all really so lets get on with it.
Warnings: Gore, torture, swearing.
Disclaimer: I own nothing that you recognise I only own the plot. You want to use it tell me first. If anyone finds another fic like mine can you please tell me.
I wanna run away
Never say goodbye
I wanna know the truth
Instead of wondering why
I wanna know the answers
No more lies
I wanna shut the door
And open up my mind
Runaway from Linkin Park
Remus Lupin was worried. He had heard from Dumbledore that Harry or now known as Lord Emerald Scar was terrorising Hogsmead. Reemus couldn't understand why Harry had become evil, why would he kill his best friends and torture the people he knew. Was it because of Sirius being killed did that push him over the edge. Reemus understood that Harry just wanted to get away from it all. He understood that Harry hated being lied to and if there was one thing Dumbledore did best it was lie to people.
When Remus first got told that Harry was terrorising Hogsmead that night there was a large meeting in Dumbledores Office. Noow Remus wanted to go as did McGonagall and Snape but Dumbledore made them all stay behind. He said that if anything happened to him or the order then they were the best and strongest wizards and witch that he knew which could protect the students. Noow here he was, sitting in a chair fidgeting. He was worried as is it had been six hours since Dumbledore had left and still nothing was heard of him.
"Do you think Albus is alright?" Minerva McGonagall asked.
"Of course he is. Why shouldn't he be? Albus is a cunning bastard so he could easily get out of any predicament," Severus Snape potion master of Hogwarts said scathingly.
"If you should be worried about anybody it should be the rest of the order. We all know that Dumbledore only really cares about himself," Severus said.
Just as Remus was about to respond the door to Dumbledores office burst open and in stumbled a very bedraggled looking Dumbledore. He was pale and looked shaken. Hiis long silvery hair was dishevelled and he looked like he had been sick.
"Albus are you alright?" Minerva gasped as Dumbledore stumbled into a chair.
"I never thought he could be so evil," Dumbledore mumbled.
"What happened?"
"We got there and saw Harry and his followers torturing innocent people. When Harry saw me and the order he commanded his followers to torture them all and make me watch. He then ordered Draco Malfoy to use my wand," Dumbledore replied shakily summoning a pot of tea and drinking deeply when he poured himself a cup.
"Oh my god!" Minerva gasped putting her hand over her mouth and looking pale.
"What do we do then Albus?" Severus asked.
"Well we have to train Lelia after all she is destined to destroy Harry," Albus said and Remus could see a cold glint in the depths of his blue eyes. Remus didn't say anything though. He couldn't Albus would deny it and make Remus look like a fool and then turn it aroud and make it seem like Remus was going against him.
"Her? She's a muggle how the hell is supposed to defeat Potter. I hate to admit it but even though he was always a attention seeking brat he is powerful," Severus sneered.
"She will, she has to," Albus replied forcefully. The teachers nodded then stood up to leave.
"Train her as much as you can without her knowing what you are doing because if she does she will refuse your help," Albus said when they went to the door.
"Oh and don't fail me," Albus said darkly causing the teachers to share a stunned look.
"Goodnight Headmaster," they said in unison and left to go to their quarters.
Dumbledore was pleased it was all going as planned. They were going to train her as much as they could and then she'd win and Dumbledore will be thought of as the strongest wizard again. Yes it was all coming along nicely.
Lelia woke up the next morning disorientated and groggy. She looked around lazily then looked at the magical clock beside her bed. When she saw the time she bolted upright and jumped out of bed.
"I'm Late!" she exclaimed then as she looked around the room she saw she was indeed late as everybody had already left. She ran around the room like a headless chicken and pulled on her trousers quickly jumping around. She quickly put on a t-shirt then just pulled on her shirt not doing it up. She put the tie around her neck not tieing it, then she grabbed her jumper and robe on one arm then quickly slipped her feet into her trainers. She got a brush and quickly pulled it through and decided to leave it down. She ran out of the dorm and down the stairs and into the great Hall. When the doors barged open she stopped. Everyone was staring at her and she had to admit she did look a bit of a mess. She had her hair down and it looked windswept, her shirt was untucked and undone, basically she looked like a scruff. She quickly put her head up in the air as if she didn't care if people were laughing at her and walked over to her new friends.
"Why didn't you wake me up?" she asked grabbing a slice of toast.
"Because we thought it'd be funny to see you like this and we were right," Larna replied laughing. As Lelia looked around she saw all her new friends were laughing at her.
"I always like to cause an entrance," Lelia shrugged grinning and started to button up her shirt and tied her jumper around her waist. She left her tie undone and pulled her robe on.
"So what we got today?" She asked drinking some coffee.
"Well first thing we have Defence against the dark arts, then charms, transfigurations for a double period, then we have care for magical creatures all afternoon," Zeon said looking at her timetable.
"Is that good, bad, or the ugly," Lelia replied grinning.
"No that's a movie. That's actually quite an easy day. Who are we sharing the lessons with today?" Karla asked.
"Mostly Gryffindors for transfiguration, defence against the dark arts, and care for magical creatures," Tiffany said looking at her own timetable and everybody groaned.
"Is that bad?" Lelia asked confused.
"Yeah. Gryffindors are the second worst house in the school apart from the Slytherins," Gianna said.
"Ok I'm confused why are they bad?" Lelia asked.
"Well before this thing with Lord Emerald Scar Gryffindor used to be nice after all I was in the school when he was here as a student up to fifth year, but as soon as he became evil all the Gryffindors decided to try and take his place and started to think that that house was just for the evil so they act like right pricks to all the other houses except Slytherin, who they join up with," Jessica explained.
"Come on they can't be that bad," Lelia said and everybody looked at her like she was crazy.
"Ok then maybe they are," Lelia said in defence.
"Come on we had better get to class," Larna said and stood up. Lelia stood up and followed them all down a corridor to a door that had a load of students hanging around it.
Lelia saw the difference between Ravenclaw and Gryffindor. The people in Gryffindor had hard faces and looked like right meatheads. Also they stood around as if they were the most important people in the whole corridor and also they had flat bags. The people from Ravenclaw looked sophisticated and brainy and they stood around as if they were here because they ahd to be. Also all their bas were overfilled with books.
"Looky here guys if it isn't the one to save us from Lord Emerald Scar," said a hard voice. Lelia looked up and saw a tall boy with blonde hair.
"Who are you?" Lelia asked.
"Dennis Creevey," the blonde boy said.
"Ok then."
"So are you going to save us then?" Creevey asked.
"Excuse me?"
"From our lord," he replied and Lelia inwardly groaned.
"Great another follower of a sadistic bastard," Lelia said dryly.
"You just wish you could be me," He said pompously.
"Oh yes it is my life's dream to be blonde bimbo that is gay and loves sadistic asshole. It is my deepest wish to have such horrible fashion sense I think boy george was a fashion guru," she said sarcastically. Just as he was about to say something Remus Lupin came down the corridor.
"Inside," he said. They all went inside. Lelia went straight to the back and sat next to Jessica.
"Hey Jess?" Lelia whispered.
"Why was that boy so into the dickhead?" Lelia asked.
"Why? Well Dennis knew Lord Emerald Scar when he was just plain old Harry Potter. Infact he was a big fan of Harry Potter just like his older brother Colin," Jessica replied.
"Oh ok then," Lelia replied. Now she was confused why was Harry Potter so important before he became evil. She knew he defeated an old dark lord called Voldemort but she didn't know why he was famous before that. This was a mystery and she fully intended to get to the bottom of it.
"Yes what is it," Harry asked. He was sitting on his throne with his legs hanging over the arm of the throne and fag in hand. He had to admit he was getting hooked on them now he couldn't stop smoking.
"We've got word that Dumbeldore has planned to train the girl to destroy you," said the cloaked follower in front of him.
"WHAT!" Harry exclaimed bolting upright.
"Yes supposedly he had three order members that didn't to Hogsmead and they are the ones going to train her," the figure explained.
"Damn him. Hee always seems to be one step ahead. If she gets trained she can be powerful I suppose I suppose I need to scare her," Harry smirked.
"Sir?" asked the confused follower.
"You see if she becomes scared and freaked out she won't be any good for him and she'll see the real Dumbledore and join me," Harry said. He stood up and walked out of the room without saying anything. He looked around then apparated to Lelia's old school. He saw her old friends hanging around outside and he smirked. This was too easy.
"Hey is one of you Eric Leon?" he shouted over to the bunch of people. He knew that they were all eyeing him up in his dark clothes and his longish hair he was hot.
"Yeah I'm him," came a hard reply from a blonde haired tall boy in a leather jacket and holding a helmet.
"Could you come with me please it's about your parents," he lied. Even though he was acting hard Harry could see he looked worried so he quickly followed. Nothing was said for a few minutes and Harry led him into the forest that was luckily right by the school.
"What's wrong with them?" he asked.
"Oh nothing I was lieing," and with that he had spun around and put a silencing spell on him. Despite him acting tough he now looked terrified and started to run through the forest.
"How I love a good chase. You can run Eric but you can't hide. Nobody can hide from me especially when they mess with what is mine," he said in a deadly voice. He unsheathed a wicked looking dagger with a very sharp point from the waistband of his trousers and walked silently, like a deadly predator through the dark forest. He had to thank his luck that they had come far enough into the forest for the boy to get lost easily. He heard his laboured breathing that wasn't silenced running through the bushes in front of him so he held his dagger lightly and threw it in the direction of the breathing. He heard the thump and a hitch in the breathing of the boy. He walked slowly through the bushes towards the now in pain boy and saw the dagger sticking out of the back of him.
He noticed with sadistic pleasure that he was in great pain as he was grabbing at the grass trying to move as Harry had thrown the dagger straight at his spine paralysing his legs. He made a twig snap and Eric looked over his shoulder. He screamed but as Harry had silenced Eric's voice his mouth just made the shape of an O. He pulled out a gun from a hidden holster and put on a silencer. He loved using guns. That was why he made a gun spell for when guns didn't work in a wizarding environment. He smiled a blood thirsty smile and shot the boys' hands off from the wrist. Blood gushed out of the severed limb and died the grass a blood red. He saw Eric crying her eyes out in pain trying to move away but it was no good. Harry then shot his feet off but as Harry had paralysed him he couldn't feel it. So he felt great pleasure in picking up the feet and showing them to him. Eric's eyes widened in fear and as Harry brought the gun up to his head Eric started to silently plead with him. He just shook his head in disgust and shot Eric in the eyes, then in the head. He grinned sadistically and held on the body and severed limbs and apparated back to the castle.
When he was there he set around to cutting off all the limbs and gouging out the eyes and cutting off the tongue. He whistled sharply and a snowy white owl appeared next to him.
"Hello Hedwig," he said sweetly stroking the bird and his only true friend. Many people thought he had killed her long ago but she had been with him from the beginning so he would never get rid of her. She sat on his shoulder and nibbled his ear affectionately as he wrote a letter to a certain girl that was special to him. When he had finished writing he folded the letter and then chose two limbs off the floor and put that into a box with the letter.
"Take this to Lelia, Hedwig," He asked and the snowy owl flew off. He discarded the rest of the body to a freezer so it would stay fresh and stalked to his rooms to get a shower. Blood had spurted onto his face and into his hair so he had to get clean. That should teach her a lesson.
Lelia had finished Defence against the dark arts, Charms and Transfigurations so she now had lunch.
"Finally, I think I'm having a brain meltdown," Lelia moaned banging her head on the Ravenclaw table.
"You'll get used to it," Gianna said but Lelia snorted. A sqwauk of an owl caused everybody to look up in astonishment.
"What's the matter?"
"Post never comes this late," Larna replied. All of a sudden a beautiful snowy owl flew into the great hall and everybody looked at it in shock.
"Isn't that Lord Emerald Scar's owl Hedwig?" Zeon asked. Everybody around her nodded. So Lelia was shocked to find the owl landing in front of her. She was dreading opening the box.
"Come on open it," Tiffany said as Hedwig flew off. Lelia unwrapped the black paper with shaking hands. She slowly opened the box and suddenly screamed a blood curdling scream. Her friends looked into the box and they too screamed. Laying on red tissue paper was the dick and head of Lelia's ex boyfriend with a lily lying on top of it. Leelia knew this was from HIM as he called her his lily the time they met. She saw a note next to the lily so she slowly opened the letter up.
My Dearest Lily, (it read)
As you can probably see I have sent you a little present warning you. This is the head and package of Eric and I must say he screamed like a little girl when I hunted him down. Now you must understand that you are mine and nobody elses and if you so much as kiss somebody else you can expect their head as well. Now you must know I love you and that is why I am doing this, I am also doing this to show you that you can never beat me. I am much stronger then you and always will be so why fill your head with nonsense such as you can beat me. Now this is just a warning do not make me send you another warning. Also you may want to ask Dumbledore what he did to make me the way I am, he knows the truth although he only tells lies. Don't think about trying to escape me as I will always find you.
All my Love
Lelia was shaking by the time she came to the end of the letter and her friends who were reading over her shoulder looked at her shocked.
"Did you know about this?" Karla asked and Lelia nodded dumbly.
"Why didn't you tell us?" Jessica asked.
"How could I? I only met you yesterday. You can't just say 'Hey guys just to let you know the evil Lord Emerald Scar is in love with me' get real," Lelia said harshly. She quickly stood up leaving the lily, letter and limbs on the table and stormed off to the dormitory. Her friends followed at a much slower pace. When they arrived at the dorms they found her in the bedroom quickly packing.
"What are you doing?" Tiffany asked.
"I'm leaving, I'm going to run away," she said packing only a duffle bag. She quickly pulled off her trousers and shirt leaving on her t-shirt and pulled on some plain blue jeans that looked old and worn.
"But he said you couldn't escape him," Zeon said.
"Yeah well I have to try. I've heard there is a muggle group out there called something or other I can't remember but they fight him and they are much better then Dumbledores guys," she said pulling on her cloak she had got given. She pulled her duffle bag over her shoulder and looked at her new friends.
"Don't tell anyone," She pleaded.
"We won't but how are you going to get out?" Gianna asked.
"You guys are going to create a distraction for me," she said. They nodded and ran down to the great hall. Lelia followed slowly and when she heard everyone in the great hall laughing and shouting at the six other girls. Lelia used this as her cue and ran out of Hogwarts. She ran and ran never looking back. She found foul looking creatures with wings and new this must have been the things that pulled the carrages. She quickly jumped onto the back of one and was glad that her dad had forced her to go riding with his girlfriend. She forced it into a gallop and it ran off through Hogsmead. She then somehow and she didn't know how to fly into the air. It flew through the sky and she loved the feeling of being so high up. She felt as if nothing could bother her. Her and Deathwish as she had called the animal had flown for seven hours before she saw she was in what used to be New York city. She had never been here before but she could tell it had changed a lot. The tops of the tall buildings were all destroyed and it looked as if the city had been deserted.
Her and Deathwish touched down and walked through the deserted city. She pulled her cloak tighter around her and pulled up her hood as she felt very creepy. She could feel eyes on her but when she looked she saw nothing. She was just about to mount Deathwish and leave but was suddenly struck from behind and the world around her went black.
Remus Lupin had looked inside of the box that caused seven fifteen year olds to scream and what was inside made him want to scream as well. He couldn't believe Harry had become so evil to do this, Remus felt sorry for Lelia she was going to have a lot of problems if he was after her. Remus continuously thought about that night two years ago when Harry had stabbed Dudley and not even blinked an eye or looked ashamed just acted as if it was a normal day thing. Remus could still see the cold, empty look in his eyes and could still here his cold voice.
"What happened to you Harry?" Remus whispered to himself. He saw the girls make an appearance but saw that Lelia wasn't with them. After ten minutes the girl quietened down and quickly ran to the head table.
"Sir, it's Lelia," The girl Remus thought was called Larna gasped.
"What about Lelia?" Dumbledore said harshly and Remus was shocked by how harsh he said it.
"She's gone. She told us she wasn't going to stick around so she ran away," another one of the group said. Remus was further astounded when Dumbledore quickly stood up and with large strides walked out of the great hall. Only one thought resounded through Remus' mind, 'What was Harry going to do?'
Yes what was Harry going to do? At first he didn't even know she had disappeared because nobody had told him. He was standing in the middle of his torture room torturing some adults (never kids as he wanted kids someday) and was having a lot of fun hearing the tormented screams of his victims. He loved it when they pleaded with him but the people he was torturing didn't seem to be doing that anytime.
"SIR!" came the shout of Draco.
"What is it?" Came Harry's aggravated response.
"It's Lelia sir," Draco replied.
"WHAT?!" Harry snapped.
"She's disappeared. Our spy at Hogwarts told us that her friends had come in and told Dumbledore and he quickly strode out of the room," Draco replied.
"Do you know where she is?" Harry asked.
"No sir."
"Well find her before Dumbledore. Tell our spy if they can find out where she is they'll have a treat," Harry said.
"Of course sir," and with that Draco had gone missing Harry's smirk. Oh she did have spirit but he told her not to run after all he would find her. She didn't even say goodbye which wasn't very nice. He quickly skinned his victims and strode out of the torture chamber with one thought, 'I need a strong drink. After I drink I will find her and she will be punished for running.'
Authors Note: Well how was that. I'm iffy on this chapter I don't know about it. I like the death scene but I have no idea. So can anybody guess who the spy at Hogwarts is if you can I'll put you as a member of the rebel group that is going to help Lelia. The whole rebel thing wasn't actually planned but I thought that would make it interesting. Also can anybody think up a name for the rebel group. Please review. Well bye.