NOTES: To fit my ideas, I had to change a few things from the series. Not a lot, just a few things. First, knowledge of mutants is still not out (which means the whole Apocolypse thing hasn't happened yet, and probably won't in my story). Gambit is part of the X-Men, and Rogue has her strength and flying powers. No one has met Colossus yet. Also, I'm not very good at writing accents. You know that Remy, Rogue, Kurt and Piotr have accents. I'm going to type "normal", and I'll have to ask you to use you imagination when reading it. Also, I don't know where to throw in the random French and German for Remy and Kurt, so while reading if you think, "Hey, there ought to be a 'mon ami' or whatever right there", feel free to mentally add it in. :) If I think of anything else, I'll let you guys know later.

DISCLAIMER: I don't own any of these characters, and I'm not associated in any way, shape, or form with Marvel or anyone else related to X-Men Evolution.

Chapter One

Kitty shut her locker and made her way out to the parking lot. School was almost over for the year! Just a few more months, and she'd finally graduate. She sighed happily to herself. She was the last one in the Institute to graduate from high school. There were a bunch of kids there when she was a freshman who were her age, but they all had gone back home by junior year. Of course, Kurt was still around when she was a junior. She smiled at the thought of Kurt, and couldn't wait to get back to the institute and see him.
"Kitty! Wait up!" a voice called. Kitty stopped and turned, and saw one of her friends, Helena, running towards her.
"Hey, what's the rush?" Kitty asked.
"No rush," Helena said pleasantly. "Just haven't seen you all day, that's all."
Helena was...normal. As in, not a mutant. And she didn't know that Kitty was. They had a few classes together their junior year, but this year, senior year, the only time they ever saw each other was at lunch. Kitty wasn't there today, though, because she was doing research in the library.
"Well, I'd love to, like, hang out with you," Kitty said. "But I've got so much homework. Who knew being a senior was so much work?"
"Didn't your old roommates warn you?" Helena asked.
"Yeah, but I figured they were just, like, exaggerating," Kitty explained.
The reached Kitty's car, and she fished through her purse for her keys. She smiled at the memory of getting her license. Everyone was afraid of her then. Scott, Jean, Logan and the professor all tried to teach her. She failed her test three time before she finally got her license. It took almost a year for anyone to work up the nerve to be in the car with her after that.
"What do you have in there, anyway?" Helena asked, nodding at Kitty's overflowing purse.
"Ugh, I don't even know," Kitty answered. "I guess I'll, like, have to clean it out later." She continued digging, but kept coming up empty. She wondered for a minute if she somehow left them in her locker...
Something blinded her. The sun was hitting something, and the reflection went right into her eyes. Kitty pulled out her sunglasses (which she had no problem finding), and looked in the direction the light had come from.
Kitty groaned loudly.
"What?" Helena asked. Kitty tugged on the car door handle, then groaned again.
"I locked my keys in my car," she said.
"Uh-oh," Helena said, cringing. "What are you going to do?"
"Call Scott," Kitty said. "Kurt has a spare copy of my car keys, and he's, like, in class now, so I'm just going to tell Scott where he keeps it and beg him to bring it to me."
"Take a while?"
"Yeah, Scott's been, like, totally stressed lately, so it'll probably take a while for him to find the keys."
"Gotcha," Helena said. "I'll go catch a ride with someone else. I'll call you later."
"Bye," Kitty said, and Helena walked off. Kitty felt a little pang of guilt for lying about the spare keys, but she tried to make herself feel better my telling herself that Kurt being in class was true.
Kitty looked around. No one was there. She phased her arm in through the door and grabbed her keys. She thought about phasing through the door altogether, but she figured it was just too risky. She unlocked her car, got in, and drove home, anxious to get started on her homework, then later seeing Kurt.

Rogue heard doors slamming, and she looked up from her canvas at the clock. It was almost 3:30. Kitty was already home from school, Scott didn't have classes today, and Kurt wouldn't be home until much later. Remy, Logan and the professor were already there, so that meant it had to be Jean coming home from her oh-so-busy day at Columbia. Rogue rolled her eyes. She and Jean got along a lot better now than when they'd first met, but Rogue wasn't all the impressed with her.
Rogue wiped her paint covered hands on a towel and pulled her gloves back on. She flew out of the room and to the kitchen. Jean and Scott were in there, making out.
"Get a room," Rogue said , brushing past them. Jean and Scott quickly sprung apart like junior high kids.
"Sorry, Rogue," Jean said. "I didn't hear you come in. I'm still not used to those flying powers you've got."
Rogue shrugged, not wanting to discuss her encounter with Miss Marvel.
"How's your painting coming?" Scott asked her.
"Fine," Rogue answered shortly. She opened the fridge and pulled out a diet Coke. Scott shifted his weight. He still looked guilty from being caught making out with his girlfriend. Rogue never understood why he was always embarrassed about that. They'd been together for about three years. No one was that naive.
"Have y'all seen Remy around?" she asked.
"Yeah, I saw him a few minutes ago," Scott said. "He was going to the Danger Room to run through some sessions with Logan."
"God help him," Rogue mumbled. She decided to leave him alone with his training, although she really wanted to see him. Of course, she'd never admit that to anyone, although everyone knew. She decided to go lay down for a little while.
"I'll leave you two alone," Rogue said. She flashed them a small grin to show no hard feelings, and left the kitchen.
Rogue passed Kitty on the stairs.
"Where're you off to in such a hurry?" Rogue asked.
"Kurt got out of school early," Kitty said excitedly. "And his car, like, won't start or anything, so I'm going to get him."
"Well, don't keep him out too late," Rogue said. "Both of you have school tomorrow."
"Rogue, you're his sister, not his mother," Kitty reminded her. And with that, she was gone.