The bell rung and Drake was on his way to first period. First period was childcare. He needed an extra elective and he had always been great with little kids, so he decided to give it a go. Drake braced himself for a room full of screaming four-year-olds but found a fairly big sized room with pictures on the walls and toys everywhere. And it was quiet. The room was empty and Drake looked around, unsure what to do. Behind him he heard a door open, and then close. It was the girl from the parking lot. Amanda. She was carrying a huge box and Drake dropped his papers and ran over to her, grabbing a side of it.

"Want a hand?" he asked. She smiled and nodded.

"Yeah, a box full of paint, markers, crayons, and clay is a lot heavier then you'd think," she said guiding him towards a table. He dropped his end onto it and let her slide it on all the way. She wiper her hands on her skirt, and caused more dust to fly around. Drake placed his hand smoothly on the wall and shrugged.

"You come here often?" he asked, then realized he was at school, not a club or restaurant. She laughed.

"Yeah, a little too much. I'm trying to cut back on it though, you know dealing with little kids a couple hours a day causes major stress on me." Drake opened his mouth to say something but the teacher and three other girls walked in.

"Well hello, hello! A guy? Wow, we haven't had a guy in a while," she said looking at Drake. All the girls laughed in perfect unison and he shrugged and looked at all them.

"I have a soft spot for the little ones," he said. They all laughed, but Amanda just smiled up at him, then looked away.

"Okay, since I don't know you, I'm Penny. The kids call me Miss Penny but you can call me whatever you like. You've only signed up for one period with us a day. We have three periods open. If you want to take childcare for three period's straight just go to the guidance office, I have no problems with keeping you. Now this is Tara, Lisa, Drew and Amanda. Any problems? Ask Amanda. She's been taking this class since sophomore year," Penny said. Drake nodded and watched her walk away, where he was left with three girls.

"So, this will be fun?" he asked. Lisa nodded.

"Yeah! This class is so awesome! Except when someone throws up, they always make me clean it up . . .since I joined this class last. So, hey! Now Drake is now on throw up duty. This is so cool!" Lisa said rapidly and excitedly. Amanda's smile was gone and she shook her head. Tara grabbed a bucket out from under a sink and threw it at Lisa.

"Your still on throw up duty," she said with a hint of anger in her tone, and Lisa shrugged and walked off. Drake pointed in her direction.

"I take it you hate her?" he asked. Amanda shrugged and pulled out a bunch of paintbrushes from the bottom of the box and placed them on the table.

"Lets just say she isn't out best friend . . ." Drew nodded and chewed down hardly on her gum.

"Yeah, I hate that stupid girl, sometimes I just wanna kill her!" Drew said, being overly dramatic. Amanda rolled her eyes and started to unload the box. Tara and Drew were assigned to toy defecting and Drake began to help Amanda unload the box.

"So you all just hang out here for three periods a day?" Drake asked, handing Amanda a tapped up box of Crayons.

"Eh, pretty much. Three times a week get the kids for either two periods or the whole three. The kids won't be coming in until next week. This week we just clear out all the old pictures, go through all the items we have, pick the crappy things to throw out and we even do a fundraiser for new toys. We know a lot of people so it only takes two days to sell our candy and over the weekend we go shopping and buy the kids new things. Its a lot of fun, except for Lisa, she kinda annoys the hell outta everyone," Amanda said with a laugh. Drake nodded and took the box off the table, leaving them room to sort out everything.

"So you like little kids?" Drake asked, watching her test out markers on spare pieces of paper.

"Yeah, I love them. I can't wait to have kids. A lot of my friends aren't too interested in starting a family soon. I say the sooner the better. My mom says I'm crazy cause I want a set of girl twins and a boy all within a year or two of each other. But I can handle it, I've been taking this class for three years."

"That's cool. I never really gave much thought about having a family too much. Heck, I don't think any guys really do. That's why my mom was so surprised when I told her I was taking this class." Amanda smiled.

"My mom thinks it's a good idea for me anyway. I kinda wanna be a teacher so well, it's like a good life skill."

"I just did it cause I thought I'd be an easy class." She laughed.

"The last guy that took this class cause they thought it would be easy left two weeks into the first marking period. Said he couldn't handle the noise. Please, those kids were total angels."

Before they knew it, the bell rang, but no one made a move for the door.

"Don't you have to get to your next class?" Drake asked, grabbing his papers from homeroom. Amanda shook her head.

"We're here another two periods. Remember, if you wanna be here you can go to your guidance counselor," Amanda said tossing a box of old markers into the trash bin. Drake nodded.

"I'll do that," he said, then left the room. Amanda stared at the door, wishing he didn't have to go. Tara sat down next to her and watched the door too.

"He's really hot, go for it," she said pushing Amanda in the shoulder. Amanda shook her head and opened a different pack of markers.

"Naah. Guys like that don't go for girls like me," she said, wondering if maybe she should go for it.


"And she is only the coolest girl in the world," Drake said to Josh, finishing up his short summary on Amanda. Josh smiled and shook his head.

"Great, glad you like the class and the girl, but now you have to change your elective and do something else while staying away from this Amanda!" Josh said hastily while folding his clothes. Drake made an unsure face and jogged back over to Josh.

"Yeah but, see the thing is, I can't stop thinking about her and I really wanna get to know her. She could be different!" Drake innocently protested, but Josh wouldn't hear for it and shook his head firmly again.

"Drake, if you want to find a girl your going to have to wait and not dive into another relationship so soon." Drake looked as though he was going to say something, but then crossed his arms and raised an eyebrow.

"Your not the boss of me, I can see her if I want," Drake said, proud of his loophole. Josh shook his head.

"Your right . . .but just try to be friends with her at least. If you learn to really like this girl, you two could develop into something more then a monthly fling." Drake jumped on his bed and put his hands behind his head.

"Well, I do want to get to know her better . . .and I mean, I've already changed my schedule just to see her more. I don't know, we'll see where it goes," Drake said. Then closed his eyes, drifting into a nice sleep.