Chapter Twenty Four
Catherine became visibly stressed at the news about what Carvallo planned to do.
"What does it matter?" She asked. "Why is he doing this NOW, just months before the baby's born?"
Warrick, who was standing up, rubbed Catherine's back and whispered for her to calm down and go get some fresh air outside. She got up and she walked out of Grissom's office.
"Look Grissom," Warrick started. "Just send me in. Catherine has already been grilled about her mistakes, she doesn't need to go through that all over again, especially not now when she's just months from having my son."
"I'm trying to find ways around this," Grissom said. "Carvallo is on a rampage. He's done this to two other couples just in the police department. I've called him and asked him if he could hold off the appearances until a few months after the baby's born, but he won't budge. He wants Catherine in sometime late this month."
"No, she's not going in," Warrick said stubbornly. "She doesn't need this right now. She's already got hypertension. That's bad for the baby. I'm not letting her go in."
"That's not your decision to make, Mr. Brown," a cold, emotionless voice said from the doorway of the office.
Warrick had to run a hand over his face and walk to one side of the office to keep calm.
"Carvallo, I'm almost surprised to see you here," Grissom said in a tone that was less than cordial.
"I don't have time for games, Grissom," Carvallo started. "This is a serious issue. All of the cases that you've handled together since CSI Brown and Willows have been married is being called into question."
"I would really appreciate it if you would not impugn the integrity of my crew," Grissom said.
"The rest of your crew is not married to each other," Carvallo said. "Interoffice romance has been, even though it's not policy, discouraged in this department and you know that."
"I don't care what the rules and policies say," Warrick said, his anger now reduced to irritation. "I'm not letting my wife sit in front of that board."
"You are not the authority on that," Carvallo deadpanned. "CSI Willows-"
"Brown," Warrick interrupted. "She's my wife, have a little respect."
"CSI Brown will be appearing before the board, no questions asked," he said. "It's a wonder you didn't let her go Grissom. She's made too many costly mistakes."
"People make mistakes," Warrick said in defense of Catherine. "Catherine's no exception."
The air in the room was thick and heavy with tension, and Warrick was stewing while Grissom talked both of them through the entire situation.
"Look," Grissom started. "Catherine is almost six months pregnant and-"
"I hardly think that sitting before a board is a hazardous situation for Catherine," Carvallo interrupted with a slight chuckle.
Warrick balled his fists at his side before letting his hands grip one of the shelves.
"Maybe not physically hazardous," Grissom started. "But stressful. She doesn't need that kind of stress at six months pregnant. She has pregnancy induced hypertension, and if she has too much stress or she's in a high pressure situation, this could be harmful to both she and the baby."
"I assure you Grissom, there is no pressure," Carvallo said. "They just want to ask her a few questions, ask her to recall the cases that she's handled in the last year or two and ask some questions about the lab explosion. That's all."
"That is pressure," Warrick said, turning to face Carvallo. "You're asking Catherine to recall all of her cases from the last year that have already been solved and vaulted, you want her to feel guilty all over again about the explosion. Why don't you ask me? I was there with her, I was her partner, I should have made sure the hot plate was off. Don't make her the only one responsible."
"You're on the hot seat too, so you have nothing to worry about," Carvallo said coldly.
"Can't this wait until after she has the baby?" Grissom said. "I agree with Warrick. This is pressure, and she doesn't need that right now. Even her doctor said so."
"I'm sorry, but the board won't wait," Carvallo said. "I promise you that they won't be harsh on her."
"Some promises are hard to keep," Grissom said.
"Look, if she doesn't appear before the board, then I'm afraid that she only has two options," Carvallo said. "Either she can be suspended without pay for an undisclosed amount of time, or she can resign."
"This isn't fair to her and you know it," Warrick said, his anger boiling over. "Catherine has worked for ten years to get to where she is now and you're asking her to throw it all away because this board of people we don't even know can't wait until she's healthy enough to go through this?"
"She needs to make a decision," Carvallo said.
"I'll testify in her behalf," Warrick said. "I'm not letting her lose her job over this. She's worked too damn hard."
All of the men were silent for a few moments before a small, shaky voice could be heard.
"I'll resign."
Warrick turned to Catherine, who was standing in the door way.
"What?" He asked, coming toward her.
"I'll resign," she repeated.
"Babe, are you sure?" Warrick asked. "You don't have to do this."
"Yes," she said, looking into his eyes. "It's about that time anyway, I guess," she said putting her hand on her belly. "You're right Warrick, I have worked hard, but in the process, I've lost sight of what's important. I'm not making this decision just because of some stupid board," she said, looking at Carvallo with a benevolence that surprised them all. "I think this is the best decision for us, for the baby, and Lindsay."
Warrick ushered her outside.
"Sweetheart," Warrick whispered. "Are you absolutely positive you want to do this? You don't have to do this. I'm sure there are other options-"
"I want to do this," Catherine said. "I think I've run my course in this job."
Warrick caressed her face.
"You're so sweet," he whispered. "I love you. I'm willing to go the extra mile with you, you know that right?"
"Yeah," she grinned. "We've done that more than once," she quipped as she put her hand back on her belly.
Warrick chuckled and he leaned down and kissed her.
Catherine emptied out her locker in the best way she knew how so that it accommodated her belly. She sighed with every item she put into the bag.
She had to keep reassuring herself that it was for the best.
She shoveled some items at the bottom of her locker into the bag and then she took down the pictures one by one and went through all of them. There was a Christmas picture with all of them together, then there was one of Lindsay when she was about two, and then one at her current age. There was also a picture of Catherine on the day she and Warrick went in for the first sonogram.
She put the pictures in her purse.
Sara stood at the door way for a second before entering the locker room.
"Hey," she said.
Catherine looked up. "Hi."
"So uh, you're leaving for good huh?" Sara asked as she sat next to Catherine.
"Yeah," she sighed. "I really don't want to, but it's for the best."
"It won't be the same without you," Sara said.
"Funny," Catherine chuckled. "I always thought they were going to say that about you. I'm not anything special."
"Warrick thinks so," Sara said. "I swear, if you hadn't dropped in that office, Warrick would have kicked Carvallo's ass."
"I don't doubt that," Catherine said with a smile.
"We're friends, right?" Sara asked.
"Yeah," Catherine sighed. "We're family. Just because I won't be here anymore doesn't mean that we still can't be together. There's more to life than the lab, and I realize that now. My mother wasn't always there for me, and now I'm doing the same thing to Lindsay. I feel like she's been the one supporting me instead of it being the other way around."
"You're a great mom, Catherine," Sara said. "Lindsay loves you and Warrick."
"I know," she said. "But, I'm always thinking about my little girl and worrying if she's safe and healthy. I won't have to think about getting her to the sitter on time, or missing any of her plays, or not being there when she really needs me."
Sara put her arm around Catherine's shoulders as Catherine began to cry.