
Hiya everyone! I know, I know, I have a really bad habit of starting stories while I'm still in the midst of another story and then not continuing the other story. But this time It'll be different, I promise! Whahahahahah! Anyhow, the setting is when Ponyboy is around 10 years old and Sodapop around 12. Read on, my pretties!

Disclaimer: I don't own the outsiders. I do own minni and co. though!

Ch. 1 Steel and Lightening

"Gee-yup!" I called imitating what my father did when he rode. It looked so easy but when Steel shook under my grip, I trembled. The ground seemed so very far down and the stables so far away. Mommy and Daddy didn't know I'd taken Steel out. They'd KILL me if the knew!!! A ten year old riding the big prized and bad tempered stallion, they'd flip their lids! Daddy especially would bring the roof down on my head.

The only reason Steel had let me on his back at all was because he trusted me a smidge. I had always been kind to his two offspring, Bandit and Mickey Mouse.

But now, away from Daddy, Steel's eyes flashed as he sped from a trot to a gallop. I clung tightly to the reins knowing the horse sensed my loss of control. "Show them that you're in charge." That's what Daddy always said at riding lessons. So I tried.

I dug in my heels and turned the reins like I'd been taught but Steel just kept on, breaking for the corral gate. A chance at freedom.

"Woah!" I squeaked, pulling the reins and trying to keep the quavers out of my voice, "Steel!"

I concentrated my whole will on not falling.

Suddenly a voice broke into my thoughts, "Ponyboy! Get Old man Winters!"

I looked over to where the voice came from; one of the older boys was approaching carefully just as Steel reared. There was lightening in the horse's eyes.

My concentration snapped and I screamed as my grip on the saddle loosened and I went sliding to the ground.

I didn't hit the ground as hard as I thought I would. The golden haired boy pulled me away from Steel's trampling hooves. Then I thought for sure Steel would come down on the poor boy that was sheltering me, but the horse didn't. He turned away and snorted instead.

"Are you okay?" the boy was cradling me in his arms. I was trembling with fear and his grip tightened instinctively.

"I'm okay." I choked on my tears, "th-thank you"

My sun bleached blonde hair, was sweaty and fell into my blue eyes,

"It was nothing." The boy shook his head modestly, "me 'n my brother weren't spossed to be here anyhow. I just come her 'bout every day to see Mickey Mouse."

I knew Mickey! He was the young palomino colt that was Steel's older offspring. He was mean spirited like Steel but boy, he sure was pretty.

In fact he'd been named after me.

"I'm Minalia but you can call me Minnie." My tears were drying now, as I watched Steel prance away.

"I'm Sodapop you look real young to be riding that stallion, like that." Soda nodded with his head, "comin' towards us is my kid brother Ponyboy, you an' him look 'bout the same age. I sent him to get your daddy coz he runs real fast. Faster than me, even."

"I'm ten," I said shamefacedly, "but I can ride pretty good..."

"Minnie!" My father was coming towards me, holding my little brother by the hand, "you okay baby?"

Why was he sad? He was never sad about me, just always mad.

"Yes, Daddy. Sodapop and Ponyboy saved me."

Daddy picked me up and kissed me awkwardly on the forehead. That was weird.

My brother ended up on Ponyboy's back, "Ponypop! Sodyboy!"

We laughed. Little Kyle was just learning to talk.

"We better get going, Pon'" Soda grinned and rose to his feet.

"Your welcome here anytime, kids." Daddy tightened his grip on me, wanting me to say something nice.

"Come back and play sometime!" I waved, and told Kyle to do the same.

"We will!" Ponyboy's face was bright red and he stumbled along behind Sodapop.

"Ponypop!" Kyle waved byebye and waddled along beside me.


"I don't care what it costs. Just come and fix my damn horse!" my father was yelling on the phone after Kyle had gone down for his nap.

Mommy was bandaging my knees.

"I don't like your language, Dan." My mother didn't look up.

Daddy slammed the phone down and I jumped about five feet in the air.

"Damn rich bastard. The vet can't make it here until next week." My daddy's mood was as dark as thunder. Like Steel's.

"Why did you provoke him, Minalia?!" he turned on my suddenly, and I felt my mother's hand tighten on mine.

Was provoke a bad thing? Did I do something to Steel?

"Didn't do nothing, Daddy, I promise!" I was tearing now and I could hear little Kyle begin to cry in the other room.

Daddy picked me up, squeezing painfully on my arm. His nails dug into my skin and I cried out.

"Stop it, Daniel! Stop it now!" Mommy hung on Daddy's arm but she was weak. She was always weak.

"Get off me, woman!" Daddy shouted, slapping mommy. Her face reddened but she didn't flinch.

I remembered the purple spots on Mommy's arms and legs, did Daddy do that too?

"Go out and find Steel." My dad threw me out the door. I looked to my mom for help but mommy didn't say anything. . . only turned away from me to go to Kyle.

I choked back tears of hurt.

Slowly, it began to rain outside. The big raindrops hid my tears.

~Part II Rain

For an hour in the rain I hunted Steel. Our pasture was so darn big! If I didn't find Steel soon, he'd freeze and die out here. The sugar melted in my hands. My carrots fell in the mud and I tripped trying to pick them up. Dirt and mud covered the front of my jeans.

And still, half an hour later Steel was nowhere to be found. Daddy would be so mad. Daddy would have a fit. I shivered.

Shaking with tiredness and wet, I made my way to rest in the stables.

The sounds of welcoming neighs and pleas for sugar greeted me. There was Bandit, black as night with big sad eyes. Beside him was his brother Mickey Mouse who looked so much like Soda. Boxer (remember animal farm ^^) and Clover didn't even glance my way. They were in heat and not even the spring rain could disrupt that. Archie and Comet licked the melted sugar off my hands, soothing my owies from the fall. Oh, and there was Dasher and Steel with Soda, and Bluebell...

I stopped, "Sodapop!"

Soda turned towards me a huge grin on his face. It was kind of creepy since normally people don't smile that big (specially big kids!) but I raced up to him anyways.

Soda picked me up like he would've done to Pony, "Hey Minnie!"

"You found Steel! Thank you so much, you're my hero!" I wrapped my arms around his neck, and pressing my cheek to his.

"Nawww." Soda blushed, "He followed me home and I needed to bring him back"

I knew he was lying; kids have a real good sense of those things. But I didn't care.

It was then that I noticed Soda was about as soaked as I was. His eyes were still sparkling and bright but he shivered.

I didn't know then that the reason I began to cry was because I loved him. He stayed out in the rain for me and I didn't have anything to give him.

"Hey...hey Minnie" Soda seemed so wise, thought he was only two years bigger, "don't cry"

"I don't have anything to give you" I couldn't look at him. My blue eyes were filled with tears of shame.

Soda made a thinking sound like adults sometimes make. Kind of like, "hrmmmm..."

Suddenly I was struck with a brilliant idea, "I know, I'll make you a promise! Do you already have a best friend?"

"I do..." Soda looked thoughtful, "Steve Randall. But you can have more than one."

I looked down, "Oh." Honest, if I couldn't be number one, I didn't want to be anything.

"Will you marry me then?"

I choked, "What? Soda, stand up."

Sodapop was kneeling and looking up at me with big brown eyes, he looked ridiculous. But the look in his eyes killed my laughter.

"If we both don't have anyone to marry when we're old and lonely, will you marry me?"

I could feel myself blushing. This wasn't like the kiddie games I played in school.

"Okay. I'll marry you Soda" I grinned back at him and was sort of sad.

I pinky swore and we spent the rest of the rainstorm wrapped in a horse blanket, talking to the horses.

As I look back on that day now, I realize that I was sad because even then Soda was a handsome boy. He'd never end up single. Childhood Promises are so beautiful sometimes, before they break.


Hope you liked ^_^ read and review please!