The Devil's Whelp

          Meet the Family

After watching Secret Window and Hidalgo, I for some reason decided to write a fic. S/J pairing with little hints of Y/YY, B/R, M/YM.

Disclaimer: Me no own YGO or any of its characters...all I own is my imagination and my dust bunnies. I also don't own the quote down there but I'll give a cookie to whoever can guess where it's from ^^

I've needed to change the names and research a LOT @.@ this is not the first time I write a fanfic but this is the first time I write a story with a planning and research ^^'


Fernec: Jou meaning independent or free

(Jou's Nicknames)

    Rebel= called by his parents

    Disederius=the desired one...called by the people at the alehouse

Lykaios: Jou's dad, meaning like a wolf

Sere: Serenity...I made this one up at the drop of a hat

Amaranth: Jou's mother, meaning the unfading flower

Neferseti: Seto, meaning Beautiful man of Seth

Hebeny-pa-sheri: Mokuba, Little Hebeny (Hebeny meaning Black)

Khenemetra: Yami, One who is joined with Ra

Khenemetma'at: Marik, One who is joined with Ma'at (Ma'at meaning truth, he holds the M. tauk)

Ahmose: Ryou, The Moon is born

To lessen confusion, aside from Jou's Greek/Latin name, (I plan to chang his name when he gets to Egypt) The names above will only be used when outsiders address the characters, otherwise when they're talking as friends they will be using the names we know ^^

I still need names for Yugi, Malik, Bakura, and Pegasus.

The hardest part of writing is how to do I start? hm...


"The Children of Priests are devil's whelps...They say devil's whelp's make good soldiers, good soldiers and even better whores." (1)


Fernec was up, as usual, before Apollo rode the skies on his chariot with four flaming horses. The boy's beginning chore that day was to finish arrows for winter hunting. The cutting, seasoning, straightening, and fletching of the arrows were past and all he had to do was the adding of bone points to the arrow.

From the Cannon bone of a deer he cut the blanks out and sanded the bone into an arrow point. He then coated the bone with a special salve made with the essence of the Carthelas plant so the arrowheads cutting power would be equaled to that of a stone or steel arrowhead. (2) He laid the arrowheads on a stone table by the outside kiln just as the Apollo started his rounds.

The boy straightened. He was 15 years of age, blonde haired and golden-eyed. His clothes composed of a red, light, cotton shirt that had a V-line neck that was held together by leather strings. He wore leather armbands and a two-fingered archers glove on his right hand. Faded brown trousers covered his long legs. Black soft-leather boots covered his feet and reached up to his knees. A black bowstring tamed his otherwise unruly but soft and smooth hair into a ponytail that reached his lower back. A dagger was strapped to his thigh and a thin rapier-like sword (given to him, he claimed, by a water nymph) hung at his side. Despite the fact that his clothes gave a lot to the imagination he was still very desirable. He was nicknamed Disederius at the town alehouse, women and men alike tried to get the lad into a bed but Fernec kept his innocence even after 15 years of hungry eyes.

From the outside Fernec could hear his mother and sister preparing the morning meal. He suspected his father still in bed (as usual) and would not rouse until the food was laid out. Not that his father was lazy, no not at all, Fernec's father was known to work until his hands were bloody. He wasn't lazy...just not a morning person...not a morning person until the food was out that is.

Trusting the forest and Apollo to his work Fernec entered the house for what his belly had been moaning about.

"Good MO~RNING!" Fern greeted cheerily as he opened the door. "Ah! The birds are singing, the river is flowing, there's naught a cloud in the sky and Ada is still in bed, a good morning indeed."

His mother giggled, and Sere greeted her brother back, but there was a growl heard from the main bedroom. "Now, now Rebel that is not a good way of greeting your father good morning." The elder of the two women in the room chastised after hearing the growl, but laughter was evident in her eyes.

"Forgive me Mother. Right! I shall now perform my morning duty of greeting my father a fair morning." Fern said and walked into his mother and fathers room as quiet as only the most skilled hunters could. His mother and sister returned to their work. Slightly bending over the bed on his father's side. "GOOOOOOOOOD MO~RNING FATHER!" The lad bellowed into his father's prone form.

Growling savagely the elder grabbed his son around the waist, slammed him onto the soft mattress face first, and grabbing both arms in one hand and with the other started spanking his son. Not hard enough to bruise but firm enough to sting.

"Tisk, (slap) tisk, (slap) tisk. (slap) My son, (slap) my son (slap) haven't (slap) I (slap) ever (slap) taught (slap) you (slap) manners?(slap)" (3)

Freeing from his father's grip, Fern pushed his dad off the bed and jumped out to the kitchen. "Manners?" He tipped his head to the side "I'm sorry, I confess I have never listened to the ramblings of the man who raised Me." He dodged a flying pillow and hid behind his mother who slapped him upside the head.

After a few more moments of father and son wrestling, Fern and his father settled down to eat.

"Winter is approaching," Lykaios commented. "Faster than it should." The country had supposedly two fortnights more of autumn but snow had already started to fall, thankfully though there were no blizzards as was common around that area.

Sere smiled "Perhaps Lady Persephone decided to visit her husband early?" Fern, looked at his sister. She may have been the sweetest thing in the world, but sometimes she could be, very...fluffy. He suspected it had to do with that black haired kid in town. (4)

Fern frowned; he would kill that kid if he made a move on his sister. But she was reaching of age and he knew he couldn't keep her forever.

Lykaios laughed, "You, my daughter are the only one who would ever make that assumption. I doubt Lady Demeter would allow her daughter even a day overdue with Lord Hades."

When breakfast was done Amaranth and Sere got up and started to clean the dishes, mother and daughter getting into the latest gossips in town.

Lykaios picked up his axe and went whistling in search of firewood. "Hi ho, hi ho it's off to work I go..." (5)

Fern seeing the arrowheads ready to be attached to the arrows went to work.

Cutting the straightened Yew shafts slightly on the opposite side of the feather he inserted the broadside of the bone arrowheads and dropped some hide glue. He left the shafts on the same table near the kiln. After lunch he checked on the arrowheads, seeing as they were dry he took one strand of black sinew and wrapped the front and back tags of the feathers. He took another strand and wrapped it just in front of the self-nock. Then with two strands of black sinew and wrapped it around the point, to prevent movement of the arrowhead. Finally, with a thin brush he coated a thin layer of hide glue on the sinew and left the arrows to dry.

When he was done it was dinnertime. "200 arrows, not quite to quota but not too shabby." Fern grinned.

But snow had started to fall and a wind was picking up, he sighed. The snow was coming early, too early, which was not good, not good at all. The deer could have moved already and the winter would prove to be long and trying.

Fortunately dinner was noisy and laughter filled despite the foreboding weather, it started with father and son squabbling, Sere and Amaranth joined the squab around the main course. By the middle of the same course the squabbling became a debate, woman/girl against man/boy. They were happy, the season may have held bleak omens but they were together and thus were happy. (6)


A wolf-jackal, a creature only a god could tame, raised its head and sniffed the night air, wrinkled its nose and looked back at the figure beside it.

"So the gods wish to play eh? The fools."


Not so much of the Egyptians, they'll come in the later chappies. It wasn't mentioned but Fern's home is in Greece a town near Olympus I made up. Aw well.

(1) A cookie to anyone who can guess where this is from.

(2) Carthelas is just made up but bone arrowheads aren't really as strong as rock or steel arrowheads but I thought bone would be cool :D

(3) Sounds wrong...very wrong.

(4) Remember this, it may come up in the next chapter.

(5) ...not mine but I couldn't help myself ^^. BTW, anyone notice I didn't make Puppy-chan's dad a Bastard?

(6) Everybody knows what that means! ^^ they'll be separated and his parents will die and he and his sister will be separated. Any objections, give me an alternative plot and we'll see ^^

I actually typed at leas 3 pages without the comments XP wow, It's still short but I've never done that before :P

Should I continue or take the story off? R&R please no flames but constructive criticism is welcome