"At Last...I'm Not Alone!"

Chapter 1 - First Meeting


"Class settle down please." the teacher called trying to get the students attention. Gradually, the class quieted down and Mrs. Hiroshi, the teacher, continued with her speech. " Class, we have a new student joining us today, Miss Kagome Higurashi, from the private school across town. Please be kind to her as she may not know how things are done around here..."

" Hey! Inu-Yasha!" Miroku whispered jabbing his pen into Inu-Yasha's back, " What do you think of the new girl? Inu? Inu? are you listening? Hello? anyone home?"

Inu-Yasha, a very hansome young man of eightteen with long silvery white hair and amber coloured eyes was ignoring his friend and staring at the raven-haired beauty standing at the front of the class. "Wow," he thought as watched Kagome talk to the class about her old school, " She's beautiful!"

" Inu-Yasha! Will you please show Kagome the school today so she can find her way around?" Mrs. Hiroshi called to him.

" Yes Ma'am!" Inu-Yasha replied, snapping out of his trance.

" Thank you. Now Kagome will you go and take your seat please? There is an empty seat next to Inu-Yasha over there."

Kagome nodded and took her seat next to Inu-Yasha, who gave her a smile before she sat down.

" Now, class, please continue with your autobiography projects. If you need my help, I'll be at my desk."

Inu-Yasha started to take his books out when he felt a poke in his left arm. He turned and noticed that Kagome was staring at him. " Um...what are we supposed to be doing?" Kagome asked him with a slight smile.

"Didn't Mrs. Hiroshi give you a project outline?" Inu-Yasha asked looking slightly confused.

" She told me to ask you," Kagome said taking off the bandana she was wearing and shaking out her hair, " Besides this will give us a chance to get to know each other."

" I'd like that...Uh Kagome, what are those things poking out of your head?"

Kagome reached up and felt her head. "Oh, S**t!" she whispered and quickly tied the bandana back on.

"Kagome, are you alright? What's with the..."

"Listen," Kagome whispered, cutting him off, "Meet me by the fountain in the courtyard at lunch and I'll answer all your questions, alright?"

Inu-Yasha nodded and handed her the project outline and started going over it.

An hour later, the bell rang again and the class started to gather their books and leave. Inu-Yasha was about to leave the room when Kagome grabbed his arm. "Listen, I don't know where any of my classes are, could you help me?"

"Sure, let me see your timetable."

Kagome handed her timetable to him, and said "Here. I know my classes are mostly for guys but..."

"Hey! You take advanced self-defence? Cool, so do I!" Inu-Yasha exclaimed as he glanced at Kagome's timetable, "We have the all the same classes in the same time slots as well."

" That's great, now I'll know at least one person in my classes." Kagome whispered as she ran her fingers through Inu-Yasha's hair.

"Hey where are your..." Kagome started, but Inu-Yasha cut her off. "Shush, I'll tell you all about it at lunch ok?" he said as he grabbed her hand, " Come on, we're gonna be late for Chemistry."