The White Flower

Written By Illuminet

Disclaimer: The characters appearing within this story are only borrowed. They are property of the brilliant minds of Atlus Inc. and Nippon Ichi Software. The story itself is the only thing belonging to me.

Summary (Extended): An attempt at a multi chapter Disgaea story for me. This is based off the really bad ending when you pass over 100 bills by force in the Dark Assembly / Black Congress. Also takes a slightly different turn with how Laharl became the Tyrant / Lord of Terror and the story itself takes a darker and more serious side than my other Disgaea one shot fics. Will start out as a one sided Laharl / Etna kind of romance, but that will probably change later on.

"..."-Indicate Speech

'...'-Indicate Thought


Netherworld, Overlord's Castle, Balcony

She peered into the darkness of night, a heavy sigh leaving her parted lips. She always wanted to be an Overlord, but being it now, she wasn't so sure anymore. The crowning of the Demon Etna had been an unexpected one, but an easy task to perform. She became Overlord when she was still a child Demon, at the will of the previous Overlord after he unexpectedly ran from his duties. That of course, had been thousands of years back, and Etna soon grew into adulthood in Demon terms. She was now considered one of the most sexiest of humanoid Demons in all the Netherworld. She dressed in an almost dominatrix fashion.

"How was your day, your highness?"

Came a voice from behind her. Etna turned around to glance at her right hand Vassal, Aramis. The young teen Demon with violet colored hair bowed slowly in her direction. Etna simply gave a slight nod.

"It's been okay. Luckily for me, no suitors came to the castle today."

Etna answered. She was a very sought after prize of any of the male species, whether it be Human, Angel, or Demon.

"Are you sure? All you really do when you think no one's around is just sigh. It's HIM isn't it?"

Aramis asked. He saw a sliver of sadness show across her pretty face briefly and quickly regretted having spoken and bringing up painful memories.

"I apologize for being rude, your highness."

Aramis stated while bowing his head again to Etna. Etna nodded her head to him but didn't say a word as she turned back to watch the night sky.

'All because of a stupid flower...'

She thought bitterly as she leaned heavily against the railing.


Netherworld, Infinite Darkness, Wastelands

A flower with beautiful white petals shimmers pleasantly. The Demon peering at it looks anything but pleasant. His crimson eyes glowed dull and near lifeless. His red attire was smudged with dirt, as was his azure hair. He twirled the flower in his pale skinned fingers.

'You look as lovely as ever Flonne...'

He thought in his mind. The pain and loneliness didn't fade from his heart as it used to. Knowing his beloved had to remain as nothing more than a flower pained and angered him. He had hoped killing the one responsible for her death would ease the pain he felt. All it did was make things more painful, so much so that rage could no longer overcome his sadness as it once did. Laharl had once been the Supreme Overlord of the entire Netherworld. But that had all changed when the incident occurred.


Ceslestia, Seraphic Sanctuary, Sacred Alter

Seraph Lamington lay dead at his feet. The child Demon, Laharl, gave a shuddering breath, letting his sword fall to the ground.


The young Etna's voice barely registered in his head. Laharl lowered his head, letting his long bangs cover the top of his face. An emptiness filled his heart. He knew that things had been done and lost to time. He was disgusted. With the once child Angel Flonne, who taught him how to love, and with himself, for just standing there and not interfering as the Seraph turned her into a flower to clense her of her sins. A burning sensation filled Laharl's body. He looked to his left hand, opening his fist to gaze at the pendant that was once in Flonne's possession.

' burns me again...then there is no doubt...'

He turned to gaze at Etna, who flinched away at the sight of his lifeless red eyes.

"As my closest Vassal, I choose you to be my successor, Etna. The title of Supreme Overlord is now yours..."

Etna stared in disbelief.

"But worked to hard for your Succession, you can't..."

She never got to finish.


Laharl whispered, just enough for her to hear him. Laharl knelt before the white flower, grasping the stem. He then pulled it free from the stone ground and turned away from his comrades. With flower in his right hand and pendant in the left hand, his body melted into the shadows as he teleported away from Celestia and back to the Netherworld.


'Such a long time ago...'

Laharl had grown up a lot since then. He was much more muscular than scrawny, and the long protruding ends of his hair were also much longer. He peered at his left hand, where he tied Flonne's pendant to his left hand to never forget the pain he felt. He was nearly immune to the burning sensation it brought to his wicked heart. Laharl stood up slowly and began walking into the darkness of night to wander again, looking for anything that could give him solitude away from his feelings of guilt.


Note: Sorry for it being so short, this story just kind of came to me on a whim. I decided to do this as Laharl / Etna since I already have three Laharl / Flonne one shot stories, so I thought 'What the heck, let's see if it'll work.'