This is a new fic that I've been working on. I've been out sick for the past couple of weeks and seeing how I'm not busy with schoolwork, I figured that I should update on some of my stories and post some new ones. Well enough of my gibberish and start reading!

Tainted Chapter 1: Prolouge

I own none of the characters except for the obvious ones. ^_^

Blood. Such a simple five letter word. This word is tied in with others. Birth, rule, and death. Such words that have no meaning really, yet explain my life. I was born to rule all of mankind; human and vampire alike. Born to rule and spill the blood of those who weren't my kind. Later I would die when I've made enough accomplishments. This was the way of life for all those before me. Thus it is meant for me to follow. But why? Why must I follow the path of my ancestors? To tell the truth, I find humans to be fascinating creatures. Because they are able to walk in the sun like me, and eat things other than blood. Only I wish to be like them. Yet because of my secret desire, I am unable to share my feelings with other of my kind. I was born to rule the entire world, spill as much human blood as possible, and then be destroyed. According to my father, I will be the most powerful ruler, more powerful than those before me and more powerful than himself. Therefore, I must be taught how to control my power, how to use it. This is that path that was chosen for me, the path that I must live. This is my life. This is my curse.

I was born with one simple task; to protect the world. No question about it. Like the slayers before me, I am to try and destroy those who burn in the sun; vampires. I am to put a stop to their plan of world domination, to their plan of turning all humans into them. I have no doubts, for this is what I must do. Protecting the world in which I live is my life. It is my curse.