The Misadventures of Ky Kiske By: Invader-Zam4

Disclaimer: All of the characters portrayed here are not mine. Ky, Sol and the rest of the GGXX characters are property of Sammy. Please don't sue me, I don't have any money.


Three years have passed since the midnight carnival. The world has changed much. The man has been defeated. The Post War Management Bureau's plot has been discovered and they have been arrested. Peace has reigned throughout most of the land. There is still so much fighting. But for now, there is no threat to the world. It is in turmoil, as it has always been, but no longer in danger. More importantly, each one of the GGXX cast members have had there own final endings.

Sol has taken Dizzy away from Johnny. Now that his singular driving force of living, namely seeing The Man under his heel was fulfilled, he sought to return to his daughter. The two are living simple lives at Dizzy's grove.

Necros and Undine, upon seeing that their purpose of protecting Dizzy until she needed them no more was also fulfilled, separated from Dizzy and went their separate ways.

Testament laid flowers at his father's grave. Then wandered off once more.

Anji continued to campaign for the freedom of the Japanese people. He was able to focus all his attention to this since no more robotic versions of a certain pretty boy were after him. His progress has been slow, but sure.

Upon defeating Raven, Axle gained the ability to return back to his time. The problem was he could only time travel once. Axle decided to stay in the future for a while, since his world was still in shambles, despite all his efforts.

Her thirst for revenge being satiated, Baiken returned to the colonies. She set up her own dojo. She can be seen sweeping the front of her dojo with her free hand in the mornings.

Bridget returned to his village to proclaim his manhood. When he returned, he saw that his family had fallen into debt. He wished to help them rise from poverty. Because of his noted skill, he received many job offers, as a bodyguard or a teacher of combat.

Chipp still hangs out at the Japanese colonies. Being a nuisance as always. Though the Japanese seem to enjoy having a westerner so dedicated to learning their ways.

Eddie, with The Man's help, was able to sustain himself. He no longer needed a host. He now goes around terrorizing people.

Faust continued his... practices. He eventually became a professor at a magic college. His course is an elective for all students aspiring to be mystic healers. Faust's course mainly consists of healing by means of medicine. Though his classes are wacky, the students are never bored and learn quite a lot on the practices of ages past. Medical science, being effective in the treatment of more complex ailments has become a must for every healing center in the world.

I-no, not being bound to anyone anymore, continued her life as a rock artist. Her skill with the guitar as well as other valuable... assets instantly propelled her into stardom. She has become a playmate for playboy around four times already. This was all done after she recovered from being burned alive by Sol a few times during the climactic battles.

Johnny and May continue their lives as pirates, sailing the endless blue sky. Though May is fully aware of what she is, she does not allow that to hinder her being a normal girl who can magically summon sea mammals and wield an insanely huge anchor. Johnny still continues his prospects on Millia. Though he appears to be making progress.

Millia is now able to rest after running from the assassins for so long. She is able to live normally. She now blends in with a crowd of ordinary women. Though she maintains her sultry attitude and magival ability to control her hair, she now shops for clothes (absolute bliss after wearing that outfit her whole life), goes to clubs and even develops a relationship. With who, she does not say...

Potemkin was promoted to rank of captain. He now trains Zepp's most elite soldiers. Though he regrets not being able to go into battle anymore and the mounds of paperwork he has to do, he takes joy in the fact that he has more time for painting and drawing. As well as having enough money to buy all the Dragon Brand Mechanical pencils and brushes he could possibly want. Dragon Brand, art materials that wont break even if trampled by a dozen dragons! Tested with REAL dragons!

Slayer returned to his sleep with Sharon. He foresaw the peace that would reign and ha found it...boring. He occasionally wakes up if he senses that something interesting is about to happen to the world.

Venom became the assassin's leader. He continues the shadowy operations of the assassins. He has completely accepted Zato's death. Though he will not think twice of shooting if Eddie comes within ball range.

Zappa was able to communicate with S-ko. She is actually the floating spirit of a girl in a coma. In turns out she was an experiment of the Post War Management Bureau. After taking vengeance on them, and returning her to her body, Zappa and S-ko happily married. The six spirits still linger around them, being their guardians.

Indeed everyone has their own little happy endings but this story is about two of those souls whose happy ending is about to take a slight detour...


Jam Kiske jumped down from a sand dune and landed effortlessly on a rocky floor. She was in the middle of the desert. The jagged rocks and the sand made it all too obvious. But even in the middle of nowhere danger was present. Sand raiders rose from the sands and threatened the girl, who was obviously out of her place. As they charged with their spears, Jam felt a certain twinge of excitement. She did not need to fight for a long time, and now she has a glorious opportunity to. She took out one even before he got near with a blazing kick. The others charged forwards. A flurry of kicks, punches and ki blasts followed. As they all got to their feet, she became even more excited as she blew them all away with her Chun-li-rip-off ki burst.

"Wow! That was a great exercise ne?"

Just then, a ring was heard. Jam pulled out her communicator.

"Jam! Jam!" It was Ky

"Oh hello darling!"

"Jam! Why didn't you answer right away?! Are you in danger! Tell me!"

"Oh I'm alright darling. Don't worry, I'll be home for dinner."

"Jam, explain to me again why you're on an insanely dangerous treasure hunt? Don't I make enough money as the police chief and you as a chef to support the both of us? Oh my god, was changing the men's snack from donuts to dumplings too much! AAAAAAHHHH! I'm sorry Jam!"

"Darling, please don't worry. I just wanted to relive the excitement of being a bounty hunter. Don't get me wrong though darling, I love being your wife. But I just need to feel the danger once more."

"Then why didn't you take me with you?!"

"Well then it won't be dangerous now will it? Okay darling, sandstorm coming up. I can't be contacted for a while. Bye Bye! Wo Ai Ni!"

"Jam! Ja...*"

The signal was gone and Jam continued on with her adventures. Before she left, she looted the bodies of the poor sand raiders. She found a few things of value though, jewel. She took all that she could find then continued on, fighting giant scorpions and more sand raiders and looting them afterwards. She arrived at a small patch of level sand covered by rocks and a mountain. At the mountain was a small shaft. She then arrived at the mouth of a ruin.

"Finally! I'm here!"

As she approached the ruins, she saw something headed towards her. She jumped out of the way, just when a kris, a broad sword and a rapier pierced where she was. She looked up to face her assailant. As she saw who it was, her eyes widened.

"Kuradoberi Jam, I mean, Kiske Jam! We meet at last!"


"Oh, so you still remember me? I'm touched." The figure known as Grant mockingly said. Lifting himself up with some sort of telekinetic power, he floated towards the ground.

"But Jam, I'm still hurt. Do you know how long it has been since you borrowed some money form Mr. Jerk?" His feet landed softly on the soil.

"Wa..wait! I can repay it now! I swear! Just give me two hours... even just one!"

"Jam! Whats happening there?!" The signal had come back

"Oh no..." Jam said under her breathe as she heard her husband voice

"Sorry Jam. But the deadline has long since passed, its time for you to pay up!" Then, the three swords dislodged themselves from the ground and floated near Grant. Grant then threw four more swords to the air and they all floated near him.

"Time to go Mrs. Kiske! Please come unwillingly. I do so enjoy forcing you to."

"Damn, if there is no other way..." Jam girded her loins for combat

Grant made three of the seven blades fly towards Jam. Jam rushed forward and side stepped to dodge the swords. "Good thing were not in 2D anymore." Jam thought to her self. Grant raised his hands and two of the swords floated higher. He then moved his hands towards each other, causing the two swords to slash forward. They surely would have hacked Jam into three, if she hadn't dashed forward suddenly. Grant looked surprised at Jam, who was now at his side. Jam then dashed forward to Grant with her ki-powered back fist. But Grant got the last two swords and formed a sword-cross defense for Jam's attack. He then flew away and levitated on the ground after getting some distance from Jam. The seven swords came once more floating around him.

"Hmph. Your pretty good Jam. Looks like I;m going to enjoy this."

"You really think you can defeat 3000 years of Chinese history? My style has been perfected since ancient times!"

"Oh my, well then I'm REALLY going to enjoy this!"

Grant positioned four swords, with his psychic ability once more, into a wheel. He then had it charged toward Jam while spinning.


Instead of avoiding it, Jam charged towards it. Then did her fiery flying kick


This broke the wheel and Jam charged towards Grant. Grant had to make the cross sword defense again. Upon hitting the swords, Jam jumped upwards, flipped and did her blazing heel bash on the back of Grant's head


Grant flew forwards. Sensing that Jam would take advantage of his momentary vulnerability, Grant recovered and had the swords swing wildly. The swords created a cutting sphere protecting Grant.


Having the swords protecting him, he then levitated towards Jam. Jam had to avoid the swords that were protecting Grant as they were sharp enough to cut bone.

"HAHAHA! What now Jam?! My swords can act as defense AND offense at the same time! HAHAHA!"

Jam began to feel worried as she got backed into the mountain. As the sphere of death approached her, she stood up and got into a waitress pose.

"RENHOUKYAKU!" The ki ball bursted once more. Grant was barely inches from the blast. He was unharmed, but the swords fell limply to the ground as a result of the explosion. It only hit Grant then that he was in a vulnerable position. But it was too late. From the ki ball, Jam charged forward.


The flurry of punches and kicks followed by the burning phoenix whipped Grant to the floor. Defeated. Grant raised to his knee

"Well done. I could not have expected anymore from one of the fighters who did battle with The Man." He then looked at Jam with a murderous glint in his eyes. "However, playtime is over." Somehow mustering new strength, he called forth the seven swords to rise once more and spin around him. This caused a huge tornado to form.


The tornado then charged forward at alarming speed. Even Jam was not able to escape from it.



Meanwhile, at a police headquarters.

"Jam! JAM!"

"Something the matter chief?"

"It's Jam! Something happened to her. She hasn't called back either."

"Whose Jam chief?"

"Jam! My wife?! The person who cooked that dumpling that your stuffing your face in right now?!"

"Oh! Mrs. Kiske! Oh dear, do you suppose something happened to her?"

"I don't know, but I'm going to find out. Can you take care of things here Maloney?"

"Will do chief" replied the officer as he ate another dumpling. "I hope nothing bad has happened to her. These dumplings are really good..."


Ky arrived at the ruins entrance. He looked around. Slashed rocks. Chared earth. Broken stones. It didn't take a Holy Knight to figure out a battle was here. He took one good look around. He saw Jam's communicator.

As he picked it up. He knew that Jam was kidnapped. The questions ran through his mind. Fortunately, Ky heard most of Jam and Grant's conversation.

"Who was this Grant and this Mr. Jerk? Why did they take Jam? How much did Jam owe? What did she need it for?"

So many question. Questions that wouldn't be answered by standing around like this. He got in his police car and sped off.


Ky searched Jam's papers with great anxiety. He found many documents, but not the one he was looking for. "Ancient recipes, ancient martial arts scrolls, tabs for Baiken and Anji (wow, those two drink a lot of sake), repair bills that was paid for by Venom and Millia, ahh! Hear it is!" Ky unfolded the receipt and took a look at it, reading it out loud.

"I O U. I, Kuradoberi Jam, do solemnly swear to borrow from Mr. Jerk the total sum of one million world dollars...*" Ky was dumbfounded. "ONE MILLION WORLD DOLLARS? WHAT IN THE NAME OF KLIFF'S KITCHEN KNIFE DID SHE USE IT ON?!" Ky then took another look on the receipt.

"Wait, the date, it is very near from that time..." Ky shifted into a flashback


Three years ago. The man had been defeated. And Sol was getting ready to move past his fighting days. Ky, still having needed to settle the score, could not have this.

"SOL! Before you fade away completely, let us finish our duel!"

"Alright pretty boy. One last fight. But this time, I ain't holding back." Sol took off his limiter. After roaring ferociously and shaking the ground with his sheer power, Sol looked at Ky with his pupil-less eyes and said "LETS...ROCK"

Ky charged forward. What ever move he used, Sol would Just bat away effortlessly. Such was Sol's true power. One last fight. That was all he needed then he could stop this life of mindless violence. Sol's determination was almost as strong as when he fought the man. He knew that Ky would never be content if he didn't give it all.

When Ky would try the Stun Dipper, Sol stomped on his foot and kicked him away. He caught the Greed Sever with his bare hands. He took all the stun edges Ky threw at him without even flinching once. Sol wanted this to be over with.

"It's time I ended this Kiske. VOLCANIC VIPPER!" Sol rushed forward like a blazing fireball towards Ky. Ky would not let up that easily.

"RIDE THE LIGHTNING!" As the fireball and the lightning ball collided with each other, there was an immense power struggle. Ky put up a good fight, but Sol still won. As Ky flew backwards, Sol chased after him.

"TYRANT..." Ky, seeing on what was happening, defended himself with the Furaiken.

"RAVE!!!" Ky defended the burning fist with all his might. But Sol was in full power. Ky was strong, but not strong enough. It was only a matter of time until the Furaiken...


Smashed into a million pieces. There, Ky was left with the disturbing realization. He was never a match for Sol.


With his pride gashed and the Furaiken smashed, Ky went into a state of depression. That sword was apart of him. With its destruction, it was like a part of him died. There was no where to repair it. The magical components of a Jin-Ki is so complex, that even Sol forgot how he made them. He wouldn't eat, he wouldn't sleep, he wouldn't even recognize that someone was with him. He would just sit in his dark room staring into a dark corner. He was getting malnourished. His condition was becoming critical.

What a pitiful death it would have been. Ky, once a noble hero... reduced to dying from depression. He surely he would have, if it hadn't been for Jam. On one cold winter night, a faint blue light illuminated Ky's windowless room. As he saw what was glowing, his eyes widened. It was impossible! There was no way! But there it was! Jam had walked into the room with the Furaiken. Repaired.

"Ky...This is for you"

Ky clasped the familiar handle. At that instant, Ky's strength returned. His white hair returned to their original blonde. Well, not really. His hair never became white but his restoration was as dramatic as Theoden's though. Ky realized that Jam had been taking care of him all that time. He was eternally grateful for the humble chef.


Ky's depression returned once more. Thankfully, he didn't sulk. He decided to use a more productive way of expressing his sorrow: Drowning it in booze. But Ky isn't really a heavy drinker, even if he is in a deep state of depression. It took him one hour to finish two bottles of Budweiser.

Ky knew his situation was hopeless. He couldn't take the battle into court since Jam signed a contract. No doubt Mr. Jerk had a copy of it too. He couldn't mount an offensive. Though he could easily find out Jerk's hideout, he had nothing on him. No evidence, no arrest warrant, nothing. The only way Ky could get Jam back is if he paid the 1 million world dollars Jam owes. But where could he get that kind of money?

"Dammit Jam!" he exclaimed as he hit the bar. "Why? Why did you have to put yourself in so much peril for me? Damn it this is my fault! If I wasn't so stupid and just got over the fact that I couldn't ever beat Sol, Jam would never have had too...*"

Then, a tall, dark, figure entered the bar. The man in the black hat, shirt and pants eyed Ky and decided to say hi.

"Hey Kiske! Didn't think you were ever man enough to enter a bar!" Johnny then noticed that Ky assumed the "my life is so miserable and I just want to drink in peace" position. "Geez, what happened. You look more of a wreck than that time you saw that tabloid picture of you and Sol." Ky continued his silence. Until...

"I'm not in the mood for your tomfoolery, Johnny."

Johnny sensed his the seriousness of Ky words. He changed his tone. "I know about Jam."

Ky's eyes widened. "How did you...*" Then he saw Johnny look at him through his shades in a smug manner. "Right. Criminal network."

"So what are you going to do?"

"I can't do anything! I'm powerless to stop this guy! He has too much legal power. The only thing I could do to get Jam back is pay her debt. But where am I going to get a million world dollars?!"

Johnny smiled a wryly smile. "I know where you can get that money." Ky's ears sharpened. "But, you would have to go against everything you fought for. Truth, Justice, Honor and all that crud."

"What exactly are you proposing, pirate?"

"You see Ky, I have to go on a couple of business trips. I'll be gone from the May Ship a long time. But the Jellyfish pirate's criminal activity has to continue. Someone has to lead them in their bank robberies, cargo theft, grave digging and ruin exploring. We really don't care about the money, just the reputation we could get. I know May is a capable lass, but I would feel more comfortable if there was an adult supervising everything. Seeing on how you are a natural born leader and in need of money, I was wondering if you could...*"

"I've heard enough." Said Ky as he stood up. "I will not have a hand in any form of criminal activity. I have a right mind to arrest you right now!"

Johnny laughed heartily. "HAHAHAHA! Oh Ky, Ky. When will you stop thinking about other people and start thinking for yourself? What about Jam? I know Jerk and he is not the friendliest of people. He treats people as he would treat gears. EXPENDABLE. Who knows what tortures Jam is experiencing right now? Every second you waste is another second Jam has to bear at his hand."

Ky gulped. "Even so, ends do not justify the means. I will make the money my own way. Good day!" Ky began storming out the door.

"Okay, I'll be here if you change your mind. You're making a MISTAKE Ky."


Ky glided the dark streets of the city. His feet eventually took him to the park. He passed many sites where he had many fond memories. Memories with his wife. Trees where he chased her around. Fields were she fed him her cooking. The more he remembered all those memories made him consider Johnny's offer. It is the only way, plus it is a quick way. Jam would be in his arms before he knew it. All he had to do is...

"NO! I'm making a deal with the devil here!" He said to himself. "If I do this, so many innocent lives will suffer. He would have to steal from honest folk. He would have to hurt blameless people. Why must so many suffer for me? Why must they be reluctant patrons for my wife's ransom?" Ky had to sit on a bench. As the evening breeze passed him, he considered what Johnny told him. Had he not been suffering for everyone's sake? Had he not given his whole life to protect the innocent? Had he not selflessly given everything he had to the humble service of others? Was it not time that they did something for him?

His blue eyes suddenly had a change of depth. His only joy in his life was taken away. While he sits here and wallows in his suffering, everyone else was living a happy life. When would he get to have his happiness? Anger flared in his blue eyes. It's about time he had his share of happiness. It was time for everyone to suffer a bit...


As Johnny shot down another tequila, a shadow crept up to the bar. Johnny smirked as he turned to face the new bar patron.

"Evening officer..."

PREVIEW OF NEXT CHAPTER: Konichiwa mina-san! Its me! Kiske-Kuradoberi Jam! Don't worry darling I'll get myself out of this mess! Oh my, who is that handsome pirate with the Jellyfish pirates? No, not Johnny! The new guy, the one in the mecha that's firing electricity bullets. Eh? That's KY?! No way! Darling! Watch out for that exploding teddy bear! Next time on The Misadventures of Ky Kiske: Misadventure Parody Starts Now! Ky's New Persona! (Ky looks good as a pirate * giggle *)