Chapter 1 The accident

I do not own Cartoon Network or the awesome show that is Yugi-Oh, which is a real shame, because if I did, my life would be complete. But since I don't, and my life is far from complete, I'll just write and hope that someone likes my stories. So, I bring you, Chapter 1:

Seto Kaiba slumped against the seat, exhausted from the long day of working at Kaiba Corp. After snapping at the driver to take him home (where else would he want to go?) he pulled his lap top out of his briefcase and started working on the documents he'd saved on there. Even after leaving the office, he could always find something that needed to be done.

"I need a vacation." he thought to himself as he ran his hand through his chocolate brown hair. (I just love his hair.) "I'm wearing myself out."

"No time to think of that now." he said aloud, as if it would give him more motivation to finish. "Too much work to be done, and not enough time." Oh, God, there was never enough time anymore. Christmas was just around the corner, and the demands on Kaiba Corp. were astounding. It was after midnight (Think of how the limo driver must feel!) and still there was so much to be done. Mokuba was probably asleep by now, unless he snuck out of bed and into the living room to watch the Saturday night anime line-up on Cartoon Network on the big screen T.V.

Seto ignored all the love letters that his admirers had sent him (how did they get his email address again?) and looked through the letters from other companies that wanted to buy Kaiba Corp's merchandise. Of course, it would be absolutely ridiculous to do so, seeing that Seto could make three times as much as they were offering by selling the items himself.

Snow flew in every which direction outside, but Seto was too busy with his computer to notice, and even if he did, it wouldn't have mattered. He was too eager to get home to bother worrying about the weather, which was getting worse by the minuet.

"Mr. Kaiba, sir, the weather's getting pretty bad. Maybe we should pull over until the storm passes." the driver said through the intercom. Seto rolled his eyes.

"Don't be so apprehensive about it, lets just go on. I'm thoroughly fatigued, and it's been a long day." He said harshly.

"For you and me both, jerk" the driver said after turning the intercom off. You can't blame him for being angry, you would be too if you had to drive Seto Kaiba around and put up with him for a living. He was still grumbling about how much he had to put up with just to get paid, so maybe that's why he missed seeing the patch of ice in the road.

Suddenly, Seto was flung forward into the window separating him and the driver, (should've been wearing a seat belt!) throwing his computer from his lap to the floor. His limo was skidding out of control as he regained his senses.

"What the h-" he didn't finish, because the car, sliding on the ice at around fifty miles per hour, had a head on collision with an oncoming semi truck in the next lane, killing the driver instantly and knocking Seto out cold.


Sorry I deleted my other story, I just couldn't get anywhere with it. It wasn't that good anyway, and it was only chapter one. Please review, but go easy on me. I know it may be hard, but please try to resist the urge to tell me how terrible my writing is because I already know. And I promise that the next chapter will be much longer.