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Bottom of Form 1

A/B: Hi. Im baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack! Heehee they couldn't keep me in that insane asylum forever . . . mu hahahahahahahahah!

Oh yeah I forgot to put up the disclaimer this is the only one you will ever see in this story you evil lawyers. Is that okay with you?

Lawyer dudes: um . . . yeah I guess if we get to go bug yoshimi . . .

Yoshimi:noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooogets soc stuffed in mouthmhmhm

everyone: thank god

me: okay

disclaimer: I own nothing except a bunch of anime, magna, and other anime stuff. And a copy of a midsummer night dream. And my new hiei toy grrr dammit they ran out of kurama toys. bastards

AniMegurl: yeah it happens to me but I don't speak up to the teachers because if I did I would be dead and there would be no story.

E/R: takes out sock Hi! It's Yoshimi. I'm the editor of this story and I have been given permission to write my own crap. E/R is me and that means Editor Rantings, and A/B is Kagome-one-chan and that means Author Bitching. See ya'!

Okay now on with the story.

last time:

Shigure and Ha'ri whispered in the corner about god knows what when they finally came out of their huddle."We have decided that your punishment will be-


"To participate in the school play"Ha'ri said. "As the stars that is stupid Kyo is going to be Demetrius and your love interest shall be"-

'Please not Kagura...' Kyo thought desperately.

"The lovely Yoshimi-kun as Helena."Shigure sang out.

Kyo let out audible sigh. 'Thank god it's not Kagura. Shit! She's going to kill me!' Kyo thought.

'And this is punishment how? I was going to be in the play until I got in trouble the last time....besides he is kinda cute...and he has a nice ass' Yoshimi thought happily as she leaned over to check him out.

E/R: Well he does... glomp grope I LOVE YOU KYO!!!!

"And you Kagome-kun will be Hermia. "Shigure told her smiling.

"You should wipe that smile off your face Sohma-san. Your play is going to be useless since you won't have any one to play Lysander as soon as word gets out that im to be in the play as their love interest," Kagome said slyly as she mentally smirked at her logic.

"Oh but that is where you are wrong kagome kun we do have someone and he won't be backing out," Shigure said happily.

"Oh and who is the idiot your pairing me with?" Kagome asked getting ready to bring out her book of tricks to pull on the fool.

Shigure leaned forward and whispered into her ear. "Suichi Minamo" he said like it was some big secret.

"WHAT!!!!" she screeched as soon as he uttered the name."I am not dealing with that pompous ass and his stupid horde of hoars! It's bad enough I have to see them in class, but now they are going to bitch at me all day that if I lay a hand on their precious Suichi they will kill me. Like they could, but still their stupid screechy voices are annoying. And now that I think about it, I don't have to stand for this shit, so fuck you Im leaving!!!" she yelled at the two and walked out of the room flipping them off when ...

A.b.: Ya' know, if I really wanted to be evil, I would stop right here.stares out at audience as they pull out squirrel bombs Um... well... don't worry I'm continuing so please don't hurt me!!! TT

E/R: Don't worry! I'll protect you with the SKUNK GRENADES OF DOOM!!!!

Kurama's POV

"Suichi Minamo please come to the office. I repeat Suichi Minamo please come to the office. Thank you."the intercom rang out as the teacher excused me from class.

'I wonder what's going on I haven't been called to the office in awhile and I doubt we have a new student that needs showing around...' I asked myself as I reached the office.

"Ah there you are Suichi you can head right in" Ms. Keade told me when all of the sudden I heard yelling coming from the office.

"What is going on in there?" I asked a bit perplexed.

"Why don't you go on in and find out?"she said a glint in her eyes that I couldn't quite read.

Well here I go. I opened the door when I accidently crashed into a beautiful girl with cascading black hair with wisps of blue surrounding her delicate porcelain face. It was almost unflawed except for 5 scars down the left side of her face. I wonder what could have possibly caused that? I couldn't see her eyes for they where hidden by her bangs.

I bashfully apologized for running into her and tried to help her up when I caught sight of bandages poking out of her black sleeved arms when she whispered "let me go"so lightly I could barely hear it so I replied with a "huh?"causing her to snarl at me revealing burning red brown eyes with flecks of black mixed in directed at me.

"I said let me go asshole" she pulled her arm out of my hand and ran out of the office.

"Who was she?" I asked staring down the hall where she left.

"That is your partner for the school play Higurashi, Kagome" Ha'ri said shaking his head. Had he seen the hidden fear and bandages as well?

Kagome's POV

I ran into someone

"I'm so sorry miss! Let me help you up," I heard a smooth voice say. I knew exactly who that voice belonged to. It was vice president Minamo, Suichi. My new partner.

Pfft. As if. He tried to help me up when he saw it. My secret. "Let go of me" I whispered shocked that someone had seen it.

He said huh dumbly. I looked up at him and glared.

This was the first time I had seen him up close before, his confused emerald green eyes questioning mine for an answer I couldn't give. He had vibrant red hair that went down to his mid-back. He really was handsome. I guess.

But I didn't spend much time dwelling on it. Instead I yelled at him to let me go and called him an asshole. I'm sure that suprised him at least enough to loosen his grip on me so I could get my arm out of his hands and make a run for it. So where to now? Meh. I'll just skip the rest of the day and slip into the public library.

Regular POV

"Oh. You are all dismissed. Except Yoshimi, who is to clean off the graffiti with a toothbrush," Ha'ri said with a wave of his hand.

"But Hari...!"Yoshimi started.

"No buts now go!" Ha'ri commanded. Everyone left off on their separate ways leaving Shigure and Ha'ri.

" Do you think this will work Ha'ri-kun? Do you think those three can save her?" Shigure said looking at the door.

"Hopefully, but I can't be sure. But if they don't, things are going to become very dangerous. We both saw the bandages, we both know what that means," Ha'ri said seriously.

"Yes. I think we should have someone check on her home life, but we can't since we need a permit, and I doubt calling home to ask would make things better. Who knows what could be going on there? They could be drunks or druggies. They could abuse her, or even possibly ....." Shigure trailed off. The two sat in quiet thought.

At the library:

"So your back again kagome? What happened now?" Kikyo questioned the girl trying to sneak in.

"Damn, you never seem to miss me! So what's up Kikyo? How did your date with Sessho go?" Kagome said smiling.

"You first." Kikyo smirked.

"Fine. meow I got in a verbal fight with the art teacher, so now they're trying to force me into the school play as punishment. You know how much I suck at doing things in front of people. So I'm screwed." Kagome sighed gazing around her safe haven.

"Oh yeah, I had a feeling you would show up, so I got us food from singkee (I no own it it's just a family owned restaurant that we are the favorite costumers of)" Kikyo said pulling out their Chinese food feast.

"Woot!" (e/r: I HATE THAT WORD!!!)Kagome smiled digging in."So, how did it go?" Kagome asked, face stuffed with noodles.

"You're not going to leave me alone about it are you?"

kagome shook her head

"fine well he took me to that fancy new Italian what was it called yeah Mi Amour (something I actually own it means my love in french) "she said eyes getting sparkly.

"Wow that place is expensive! But isn't that a french name?" kagome commented.

"Yeah. Not like anyone cares that it's a french name. Oh, I wish you could have seen it, kagome, it was beautiful! We sat at the balcony over looking the rose garden and water fountains. While we ate, we were serenaded by a beautiful violin and flute duo.(e/r: YOSHIMI'S IDEA!!! QUATRE AND Trowa!!! We don't own that either...) They have the most beautiful chandelier above the dance floors, pure crystal with shards of rose quarts and amethyst glittering on the marble floor! Sesshomaru is the best dancer! Then, we took a walk in the park afterwards and watched the sunset at the pond. Finally, he took me home and gave me the sweetest kiss goodnight." She sighed spinning around.

"Your so lucky," Kagome sighed dreamily.

"You could have the same thing to if you just open yourself up to people more often. Really, if you just give a guy a chance you never know," Kikyo told her plopping back on the chair.

"I guess, but I want someone mature. who likes me for me, not the way I look. Someone...who can protect me and love me unconditionally even with my problems. Someone who sees ME," she replied.

"I"m sure you will, but guess what," Kikyo said grabbing something out of her desk.

"What?" Kagome said grabbing the pints of ice cream out of the mini fridge.

"They got in the new installment of unrequited love(another made up thing)" Kikyo said, handing it to her as she grabbing the brownie Sunday ice-cream.

"Yes! Thank God! It's defiantly taken long enough! What about the sixth book?" she asked excitedly grabbing the book and putting it in her knapsack.

"Yep. Here it is, Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince,(and this I don't own this is the real name man all I got to say is that prince better be hot)" Kikyo said handing it over.

"Hey Kag-chan, do me a favor will ya?" she said

"Yeah, what is it?" Kagome asked looking her in the eye.

"Will you go back to school? I don't want to see you to get in trouble with him..." she told her seriously.

"Alright, but just to let you know, I'm only doing this for you. I don't really care what that moron does to me. Well, see ya' later Kiki-chan!" she said walking out.

"Bye Kagome."

Well that's the end of this chappie I want some reviews before I put up another chapter and tell me what ya' think about the characters ,story plot, authors notes, everything. 'Kay? Well, see ya!

E/R: Just to let ya'll know, don't hate the editor. I have SOOO much to edit on Kagome's work, that I miss some. Gomen, and onegai forgive me. Thanks so much! See ya' next time. Maybe I'll get to be in the next one more... with Kyo... and his sexy butt... drool HURRY UP AND REVEIW SO YOU CAN SEE KYO AND YOSHIMI DESPERATLEY TRY TO PRACTICE!!!! VOTE FOR MORE YOSHIMI X KYO!!!!