A/N: Oh... my.... GOD! I can't believe it but I finished this crap!! Hooray!

Quick Recap: After the final battle with Seeth, everyone regrouped and began to prepare to leave but Raven realizes that someone has to stay inside Inis to close the doors and tells Kairi about it. Suspecting Sora knew that all along they join forces to stop him from sacrificing himself.

Disclaimer: I don't own Kingdom Hearts, but I do own Raven.

Finding you

Chapter 37: I Found You

Both Sora and Riku watched the white light confused and stared backwards. When Sora realized that it was Kairi's magic, he quickly ran against the barrier and asked.

"Kairi!! What are you doing?!" She smiled at him while Riku stared at them confused.

"I'm not letting you do this again…" Kairi replied in a low tune.

"What??!" He asked in confusion.

"We know what you're up to." Raven replied making Sora's eyes widen.

"What are you talking about?!" Riku asked not knowing what was happening.

"You can't do this!!" Sora screamed hopeless banging his fists against the barrier.

"Why not?" She asked calmly surprising him. "You don't have to take everything on yourself."

"That isn't the point!!" Sora replied with frustration.

"Then what is it?!" Kairi asked raising the tone of her voice.

"I don't want you to die here!!" Kairi was taken by surprised by the intensity of his tone with that statement. She knew he was desperate as she was, but there was no other choice.

"What?!" Riku asked as he got closer to the barrier as well.

"The door of darkness tied by two keys, the door of darkness to seal the light, none shall pass but shadows returning to the darkness. Isn't that right?" Raven asked. "And like this, all the worlds shall be restored and reunited in one." With that Riku simply remained quite as he stared shocked at Raven and she stared back at him with a saddened stare.

"I'm sorry, but this time… it's my turn." Kairi replied with a bitter smile.

"You can't close the door without the Keyblade!!" Sora said desperately.

"How would I close the door on the other side? If you were in my place, wouldn't you ask me to close it with my staff?" Kairi replied making Sora clench his teeth. He stared down making for her impossible to see his eyes.

"I won't let you do this… I won't." And with that, she began to feel the barrier weakening. When she realized he was fighting back, she ran to the barrier and leaned her hands against his and began to fight back as well. He raised his head and stared at her with his eyebrows knitted. "Stop it…" He said as sweat began to roll down his face. Kairi wanted to yell at his face, but she had her hands full trying to keep the barrier up. "I can't… let you stay here…" He said implying more force to his hands against the barrier.

"You have no other choice…" Kairi said leaning her forehead against the barrier and closing her eyes.

"I can't…" He said letting his voice tremble with emotion.

"Neither can I!" Kairi replied. "I'm tired of seeing you taking responsibility of everything!!" Right after her words, she felt the barrier losing its strength. Right next to Sora was Riku using the little he knew in white magic to stop them.

"Just what the hell are you doing??!" Came Raven right beside her.

"What do you think I'm doing?!" He asked angered. "This is what was left to tell, wasn't it??!" Surprised by his statement, she didn't reply to his question. "I don't want to lose both of you again!"

"Staying here or outside won't change a thing for me!!" Raven exclaimed.

"She's right!! Stop doing this!!" Kairi replied desperate slowly losing her strength. "Let us do this… please."

"There's no turning back at this point…" Raven replied as she leaned her hands against the barrier as well. "We made a decision, and we will go until the end." Raven closed her eyes and suddenly the crystalline barrier turned into a greyish tone becoming darker and darker. All of the sudden, Sora and Riku were pushed away as swirl of wind surrounded them. Everyone was surprised by the turn of events, even Kairi didn't know what was happening even though she felt the strength of her barrier rising. When Raven opened her eyes, everyone stared panicked at the yellow glow. "Now… go…" Raven said almost in a whisper.

"What…?" Sora asked confused. "There is a turning back!!"

"She's about to transform, just go!!" Kairi replied panicked.

"She can control herself!!" Riku exclaimed. "I know you can do it, Raven!!"

"But... you leave me... no choice…" She replied with difficulty leaving Riku surprised.

"There's no time! Raven's transforming!!" Kairi screamed out with frustration.

"She can hold back!!" Riku said angered, still with his gaze locked with hers.

"I won't hold back!!" Raven replied in the same tone. Riku's eyebrows knitted, never letting his piercing gaze leave her eyes. "Go, damn it!" Raven said as the tone of her voice began to change with the transformation.

"There's no way I'm leaving you here!!" Sora screamed at Kairi as he fought against the barrier.

"I won't-!!" Raven screamed through the pain she tried to control, as her skin slowly changed its colour.

"You have no choice, Sora! You have to go!" Kairi exclaimed. With the last strength and rage, Sora summoned his keyblade and slashed the barrier successfully, leaving a small fend enough for him to pass by. Kairi raised her head surprised as well, especially when she realised how close the slash was from her. She made an effort to close the barrier's wound, but before she could Sora was already trying to cross it.

"Stop it, Kairi!" Sora said reaching her hands, pulling her close to him with half of his body out of the barrier. "You're not supposed to stay here, you have to leave!" She looked at him and her stare softened.

"I'm sorry… I'm tired of this..." She said in a low tune. "I'm tired to see you suffering, can't you see that?" He avoided her gaze so he wouldn't see the grief in her eyes. "I'm too tired… I just want this to end as much as you… but I don't want you to be the sacrifice once more."

"But… but you can't—" He said trying to formulate words.

"What I really want…" She asked with a small smile in her face. "Is for you to go to Destiny Islands… I've left you something there that you have to see for yourself."

"What are you talking about…?" Sora asked confused, raising his head to meet her eyes. "That isn't the point here, you have to-"

"Promise me!" Kairi interrupted. "Promise me you'll go there… and get what I did for you. Please…" Kairi said holding back her tears. He saw in her eyes the determination he knew she had… he knew she wouldn't budge from that place. His head went down knowing he wasn't able to fulfil his mission… knowing he wasn't able to protect her until the very end. "I want you to do that… for me."

"I don't have much time left..." Raven replied trying to control the heartless inside her. With Kairi's final statement, Sora's grip around her wrists tightened and he finally replied in a trembling voice.

"I'll do it… I promise you." Kairi let out a relieved sigh as she leaned her forehead against his head.

"Thank you…" She breathed out as the grip around her wrists released her. She cupped his face in her free hands and raised it to meet his eyes. He was trying to hide his tears from her but he wasn't able to. She wiped them with her thumbs and simply kept staring into his eyes. No words needed to be exchanged between them to know what was happening inside their hearts, they knew each other too well to know what was happening. She then closed her eyes and laid her lips on his, instantly feeling him calming down as she caressed his cheek. She broke the kiss even though she felt his lips following hers, but there was no time for a long good bye. She opened her eyes with a sweet smile on her face, as he stared desperately at her… knowing it would be the last time they'd be together. "Now go…"

"I will…" He said in a low tune, not fighting back as he felt his body slowly being pulled by the barrier.

"You can't give up now, Sora." Riku suddenly said while Sora didn't react to his words. "We can't let them stay here!"

"There's no other way…" He replied as he freed himself from the barrier. "Someone has to stay inside to close the door."

"We have to find another way!" Riku said grabbing Sora by his collarbone of his shirt, while his friend didn't stare back at him. "After all this time… you're willing to give up?!" Sora sighed sadly at his question. Inside his heart there was no reply to it, but in his mind it was the right thing to do.

"I have to." Sora replied controlling the emotion in his voice.

"Are you out of your mind!?" Riku exclaimed to his face, while Sora sighed and looked away. He knew Riku didn't want to give in but he knew there was no other way then that. Knowing Riku's position, Sora knew it would be very hard to accept the situation. He looked at his friend and spoke calmly.

"We have to keep our feelings away from certain things… we can't let them take control." Riku was taken aback with that statement. His words were very true no matter how much he didn't want to believe he was going to lose what was dearest to him. "Feelings don't have a choice… but our mind has." Riku stared down at his feet, and released Sora from his grip.

"I want them to live…" Riku breathed out.

"Someone has to stay…" Kairi said with her eyes closed while sweat rolled down her face with the effort. Riku clenched his teeth with rage knowing all odds were against him.

"You have to live now." Raven suddenly said in her regular and calm voice. "You lost too much time… it's time to make it up to it." Riku turned his gaze at her giving a few steps to near her, and with his voice shuddering, he asked.

"Without you?" Raven stared back at him with guilt in her eyes, not knowing what to reply.

"Come on, Riku… there's no time." Sora said as he placed his hand on his friend's shoulder. Riku's head went down as he shut his eyes with force so the tears wouldn't fall.

"I'll go." Riku replied with tremor in his voice. "Just let me say something… please." Sora stared at his back with comprehension, and released Riku from his grip.

"Just hurry back inside…" Sora turned his back at everyone saying nothing as Kairi's bitter gaze followed him. He stopped at the entrance closing his eyes, feeling her stare in his back. He took a deep breath and turned his gaze to meet hers. Again he found her with a small smile on her face, though her eyes showed a totally different emotion. His heart screamed to get her back but his mind was controlling him now… there was nothing he could do. Again, he took another deep breath, but this time, he brought a smile with it. He brought the expression that matched hers, and her smile widened. "Thank you…"

"Thank you too…" Kairi replied in the same bittersweet way. And with that last glance, Sora turned his back at her quickly taking his smile away, and entered the other realm. Right after Kairi's smile left too and her head went down as sadness invaded her. She couldn't give up… there was still Riku to handle and she didn't know how long he was going to take.

"Kairi… it's up to you." Raven said out of the blue, and right after she fell on her knees.

"Raven!" Kairi called out worried, instantly feeling the barriers strength failing. She saw Riku nearing the barrier and kneeled right in front of Raven as he tried to stare at her face. He could see the darkness around Raven slowly fading away as Riku stared at her with a bitter smile on his face.

"I knew you could…" He simply said getting her attention.

"Please, tell me you'll leave after this." Raven quickly said in her accelerated breath.

"I will…" He replied in a whisper. "But… I won't forgive you for this." Raven's head rose with an unsurprised look on her face.

"I knew that from the beginning." Riku bit his lower lip, trying to hold back his emotions with her response.

"Why did you hide this from me?" He calmly asked. "We could find another way to-"

"There was no other way…" She interrupted. "And to look for another one would take a lot of time, you know how impatient I can be." She said with a sad giggle. Riku said nothing to her response, he simply turned his gaze at the floor. Her smile slowly faded and she said. "It had-"

"But why?!" He said controlling the tremble in his voice.

"You already know why!" She replied in the same way. There was a pause of silence between them, as they felt those words entering their hearts.

"I guess I do…" He said in a sigh as a sad smile came to his lips. "Kairi…? Could you please break the barrier?" Riku said turning his gaze at her. "I promise you, I'll leave right after you do it." Kairi stared at him unsure, but Raven nodded in confirmation. Kairi did as he asked, quickly falling on her knees with the lack of strength. As the barrier descended both Riku and Raven stood up with their gaze following it.

The moment the barrier touched the floor, Raven didn't have time to say anything else. The next thing she knew was Riku's arms around her, squeezing her with force. Raven hesitated as she felt his quick breath hitting on her neck, but soon her hands landed on his shoulders and she nuzzled her face in his neck, letting the silent tears dry on what was left from his shirt.

"I won't forget you…" He said in a whisper.

"Neither will I…" Raven quickly responded. And like that Riku broke their embrace, and laid a soft kiss on Raven's front. He leaned his forehead against hers and stared at her closed eyes. He knew she wasn't capable to stare back at him, and so he gave up. She felt his warmness leaving her and opened her teary eyes, as she watched his back getting away from her. He went to Kairi's side and extended his hand to help her up, and she gladly accepted it. Once she was up, he gave her a smile and said.

"Don't worry… I'll take good care of him." Kairi felt her lips beginning to tremble with emotion, and jumped to his arms embracing her friend strongly.

"I'm sorry…" He let out a low giggle and gently pushed her away from him.

"There's nothing to forgive." He replied letting out a sigh as he looked into her sad eyes, and with that he turned his back at her, letting his gaze travel to Raven. She was staring at the floor with sadness in her eyes, something he couldn't stand seeing. Once again, he went to her side placing his hand on her shoulder, and again she didn't stare at him. Her hand slowly reached out for his, as she slowly closed her eyes. Right after, she opened them with surprise when she felt his warm lips against hers. When he broke the kiss and opened his eyes, she couldn't read them. They were the mysterious eyes she met when she found him in the first time that gave warmness to her heart… that reassured her that everything would be alright. He gave her a small smile and she giggled at his reaction leaving him confused.

"You're an idiot…" She replied in a whisper. "How can you do it…?" He raised his eyebrows as he stared at the floor.

"I don't know." He said turning his gaze at her. "I think I fell for you." She avoided his gaze staring at the floor and replied once again.

"Idiot…" He smiled once more and held her hand squeezing it, and he felt her replying in the same way. With that last caress, Riku walked away from her heading to the portal while Raven's sad gaze followed him. He stopped at the entrance hesitating, wondering if he was doing the right thing.

"Go…" Raven said in a low tune while Riku narrowed his eyebrows with confusion. He took a deep sigh and entered the portal, and the first thing he found was chaos. The heartless were returning, and everyone had their share of trouble.

"Come on, let's get away from here!!" Sora screamed to everyone.

"But where's Kairi and Raven?!" Yuffie asked worried.

"Just go!" Sora screamed angered as he tried to hold back his tears.

"But we can't–!"

"JUST GO!" Sora screamed as reply to Aerith's statement, leaving her baffled a doing exactly what he said. Leon and Cloud were too busy slaying the heartless in front of them, opening path to get out of that hell. Sora was still, with anger and sadness on his eyes, hesitating on his actions.

"We have to go." Riku said placing his hand on his friend's shoulder. "There's no turning back now." Sora sighed and replied with a bitter smile.

"Maybe if we're lucky… we won't survive this."

"You still need to lock that door… there's no giving up now." Riku replied taking his hand away from him, and summoning his sword as he walked forward. "I don't have a lot of strength left but… I'll do my best to get you there." Sora stared at his friend's back, admiring the strength he still had after all those battles. He took a deep sigh, and followed Riku.

"Let's go then." And so they went, joining everyone else in the battle.

"We have to wait now…" Raven said almost in a murmur, as she sat down. "They have to get to the other side first." Kairi walked in her direction and sat beside her. They were both silent, not knowing what to say to each other. Their thoughts were somewhere else inside that portal… they were in everyone that left. What was really worrying both… was the fact they could never their friends again… their faces once more.

"I just hope they make it to the other side…" Kairi said in a worried tone. "They were all in a bad shape…"

"They'll make it… don't worry."

"How do you know?"

"You saw their eyes…" Raven replied with a smile. "And Sora did promise you something." A faint smile appeared on Kairi's face.

"I guess so." She replied in a sigh. Even so, her heart raced with worry knowing how difficult it would be for all of them to return. Raven was deep in her thoughts as well, but then she noticed something. She was hearing sounds that were still far from them.

"Can you hear that?" Raven asked in alert. Kairi then concentrated and began to hear as well.

"It sounds like footsteps..."

"Someone's coming." Raven said standing up, with her hand in the grip of her sword. Kairi stood up as well, but she didn't summon her weapon, she waited instead. They both could hear the footsteps nearing, and somehow Kairi didn't feel the need of her staff in her hands. She had that feeling before...

"Wait..." She said in a low tune to Raven, leaving her confused. Then, she turned around to find a silhouette coming. "There he is." Raven turned as well, a pulled her sword out. The silhouette stopped with Raven's sudden move until it talked.

"I won't harm you this time..." Kairi recognized his voice while Raven remained confused.

"You're still alive?" Kairi asked in disbelieve, but she wasn't worried about that fact. The silhouette began walking again until they could recognize each other perfectly.

"You're... you're Seeth, right?" Raven asked confused.

"You still know me after all this years? That's a surprise..." Raven was uneasy with the presence of that man that she didn't know for sure who he was.

"You know each other?" Kairi asked confused.

"Well... It was I who presented Raven to Ansem."

"So it was you..." Raven said stepping forward, while Seeth remained calm in the same place. "It was you who helped him!" Raven only had silence as a response to her statement. Anger was taking control of her actions, as she neared him. Kairi perfectly knew why she was angered, but even so, she followed her to stop her.

"Wait Raven! Calm down!"

"Calm down?!" Raven asked in disbelief, turning her angered stare to Kairi. "After what he did to me?! After what he did to you?!" Kairi didn't have a response.

"I'm well aware of what I did..." Seeth then replied gaining their attention. "I know what I did to you and everyone else in the worlds out there. The purpose of the seven heartless was to find Kairi, indeed, but I had to be sure she would be alive, and with you Raven... it was possible."

"How do you even dare to say something like that?!" Raven asked with rage. "How can you change people's lives for your own purpose?!"

"Raven..." Kairi interrupted. "Please calm down..." Raven stared at her once again in disbelief. Kairi was now seeing the whole picture. Everything that happened since the very beginning was planned by her father... just to find her once more, he ruined worlds and people's lives, he took Sora away from her, he changed her whole life into a violent path. Even so... she couldn't hide the fact that he was the only family she had left.

"It was all foolishness... selfishness. There's nothing I can do to change what you are. The truth is... only you can change, and you're already changing Raven." Raven stared at him confused. So many questions were running through her mind, leaving her confused. Never in her life she thought she would find her true creator. "The child you're carrying... is already a symbol of that change."

"That won't make any difference now..." Raven replied with rage.

"That's true..." Kairi replied with sadness. "The worlds need to be united once more, we're here to make it happen." Seeth stared at her with a sad grin in his face and said.

"For all these years... I've wanted to see you, and I had to hurt you so much to make it happen." Raven turned around and walked away from them, disgusted by the presence of that man and Kairi's reaction. When she stopped she stabbed her sword in the white floor and sat on the floor beside it. She was so confused with her friend's reaction that she didn't know what to do. She knew it was her only family, but even so... she didn't understand. Kairi stared at her worried, not knowing where to turn, while Seeth continued to speak. "I know what I did is unforgivable and I won't ask you for forgiveness."

"I've been through a lot because of you, but... the main reason that once made me go on a new journey, was to find you." Seeth stared at her daughter surprised by her statement. "I wanted to find my real family, and now... here it is. I don't know what to feel..."

"I know what I would feel if I were in your place... but fortunely your not like me. You're just like your mother..." He replied in a smile as his dreamy gaze turned to the floor and Kairi smiled back. As silence fell between them, it seemed there were no words to explain what was happening, even both of them didn't really know what would be their next step. Confused by the awkwardness, Seeth began to talk. "There's something that you still need to do..." She was confused by his response, but she continued to hear. "Everyone needs to know our story... it can't be repeated again

"But... I need to stay here. I have to close this side of the door, there's nothing we can do." Her father's smile widened and he replied.

"Finally I can do something good for you... and somehow try to fix what I did to Raven." He stared at her and she was still sat on the floor staring at her feet. "There's not too much time left until they reach the other side of the door."

"What are you talking about?" She asked confused. He began to walk away from her and went to Raven's side while Kairi followed.

"There's still something I can do for you."

"What?" Raven asked confused.

"You can still get away from here alive. I need your trust." Raven let out a sarcastic chuckle with his statement.

"But Raven doesn't-" Kairi spoke.

"She does... she can survive this." She glared at him and asked.

"I'm a heartless as well, there's no way I can get out of here alive! Guess who's fault is that!"

"The human inside of you is much greater than the creature." He replied leaving her surprised as similar words she once heard quickly came to her mind. "And with the child inside of you... the more chances you have."

"The fact is: the heartless is inside me and once the doors are closed, it will want to leave my body and it won't be in a pleasant way." Raven replied reluctantly.

"I know it won't but you have the strength to fight it!" Seeth insisted. "With all the things you've been through, you don't think you can make it?"

"How should I know?" Raven replied in a low tune.

"I think it's worth trying, Raven." Kairi emphasized. Raven sighed and asked.

"And what is that solution you have?" Seeth grinned and replied.

"Follow me." Seeth began to walked while Kairi and Raven stared at him confused as they slowly followed him behind. "In the beginning the worlds were united in one and in one heart only. That heart is Inis and part of this went to the heart of each world that's out there."

"So...?" Raven asked unsure.

"They are all still connected to Inis' core. And if they're connected, it means there's a way out of here."

"But... how?" Kairi asked confused.

"What's your heart's will?" Seeth asked with a genuine smile on his face. "The hearts of all worlds follow the wills of the hearts that reside in those worlds. That's why each world is completely different. Different people, different hearts and different worlds, right?"

"I guess..." Kairi replied unsure.

"Through Inis, you can go everywhere you want. That was how I met you in Disney Castle."

"So it was you!" Kairi said surprised.

"Yeah... but what matters is that both of you can get out of here, to where your heart wants to go." He said as he lead them inside the white castle. The entrance was similar to Hollow Bastion, with the stairs side by side with a fountain in the middle. "Here's the place." He said stopping at the entrance while both Kairi and Raven stared at the fountain unsure. Raven was specially suspicious of the men in front of her, considering he was being too kind.

"Are you sure about this...?" Raven asked.

"Well... it isn't a easy trip." He replied and Raven frowned knowing he was hiding something. "Especially for you... if you're not focused in what your heart wants it can take you to other places, or even keep you here. And since you aren't the only one in that body..."

"I get it..." Raven replied. "What about her?"

"She'll be able for sure... you want to go home, right?" Seeth asked.

"I still need to know which is the real home..." Kairi replied confused.

"I'm very sure you know where it is. As once a very wise woman said 'Even in the deepest darkness there will be a light to guide you'" Seeth replied, as Kairi remembered the words her grandmother once shared with her. Right after his reply a loud noise was heard outside. "They're reaching the other side... the heartless are edgy."

"Tell me about it." Raven replied massaging her heart.

"Both of you will have to leave this place... I'll stay here to close it."

"But then you–" Kairi said but she was suddenly interrupted.

"What happens to me is what I deserve for a long time ago. It's time for you to begin your lives... and mine is to end." Kairi stared at the floor saddened. After all she's been through she knew she had to lose someone.

"But how would you do that?" Raven asked.

"I used to be the keyblade master... I can wield the staff as well." He said determined.

"Are you really sure this works?"

"I know you can do it... it's enough for me. And you Kairi... you've already changed the world." Seeth said in a proud way as he looked with tenderness to his daughter. "Even though I didn't get to spend too much time with you... I'm glad I found you."

"So am I..." Kairi replied saddened. Raven couldn't find how Kairi could still deal with that man. The fact that all that happened was because of him... the world's separation, the heartless, what happened to Sora and all the friends around her. How could Kairi be so forgiving after all that happened? Raven tried to find in her heart an excuse for all he did but, it was hard to find. The fact that he was her father was enough?

Raven began to walk closer to the fountain knowing the silence that was growing was only between them, as her confused thoughts ran through her mind. She remembered that man before... she remembered his eyes full of hatred, tired of looking for its treasure. She never remembered him being so kind as he was now, before the only reply from him was silence.

As Raven walked, Kairi wasn't disturbed by the fact that the sound of her footsteps were slowly fading away. She stared at her father knowing it was the last time she was going to see him, knowing she wasn't able to forgive him but still, she had the need to know more of him, to be with the only family she had. The battle inside Seeth's heart was similar. He felt unworthy for even being around his daughter after all he did to her... after all he did to everyone in the worlds he separated, just to find her. Deep inside he wanted to live, to know the daughter he wanted so much but, he had to let her go once again.

"It's time for you to leave now..." Seeth said breaking the silence as Kairi nodded to his response. At this time Raven stopped by the fountain and watched what was happening between them at distance. Kairi stared intently to his surprised face, as she got closer, knowing he was confused by her actions and then... she closed her eyes while her arms went around his waist and leaned her forehead against his chest. Seeth's body froze feeling the warm embrace that he didn't feel for 20 long years, but soon his body melted to the warmness of his daughter, leaning his chin to her head.

When Kairi felt his response, it seemed that all the memories of her childhood came to her mind. She began to see her mother's smiling face... her loud laughs as she played with her father... the scents and colours of the memories she had with her family. Everything was returning to her in that moment... and to her father as well. When she was beginning to feel comfortable in her father's embrace, he spoke to her ear.

"Go and do as I said." Kairi didn't feel disturbed by the familiar vibration of her father voice on his chest where her face rested as he spoke. He broke the warm embrace and stared at her eyes for the last time as Kairi summoned her staff and slowly handed it to her father.

"Thanks for helping me find you." Kairi said in a sad tone leaving him surprised. She was surprised herself by saying those words, knowing what they meant... she was thanking him for all the things she went through since the first day she decided to see different worlds with her friends from Destiny Islands. He smiled with tenderness and replied.

"You're welcome..." And with those words, Kairi handed his father her Holy Staff and walked by him. Raven's gaze followed her as Kairi neared and stopped by her saying nothing. Her gaze then turned to Seeth that was looking at the staff.

"Are you alright?" Raven asked unsure.

"To be honest... I don't know." Kairi replied somewhat in disbelief.

"Don't worry... You'll be fine." Raven replied with a smile as Seeth walked outside, never turning his back.

Back inside Kingdom Hearts, the struggle continued as everyone fought to their very last strength to cross it. Riku couldn't even stand on his own feet anymore while Sora tried to carry him out of there. The rest of the group were fighting with all their might knowing that the two warriors were in a bad shape, trying to avoid every heartless to near them but, since Sora was the Keybearer, the heartless were all drawn to him.

"This is helpless..." Riku said groan. "They're too much."

"We have to fight them!" Sora replied with a scream slashing a heartless in the process. "I have a promise to keep!"

"You and your damn promises..." Riku replied with a smile that soon vanished as he felt a strong presence behind them. Sora felt it as well and slowly turned around and his jaw dropped by the size of the heartless he found. The heartless was already charging but Sora was already planning a counter. With a scream and all the rage in his heart Sora dropped Riku and ran to the heartless way.

Riku felt his friend leaving him and when he saw the reason his eyes widened. Sora was charging alone against a large heartless. He stood up and with his last strength he charged as well, beside his friend.

"What are you doing?" Sora asked with rage.

"We're almost reaching the door... leave this one behind. Don't let your hatred blind you." Riku replied tired. Sora removed his keyblade away from the heartless listening to his loud painful groan. He held Riku in his shoulder once again and began to run. "I told her I'd take care of you..." And with those words Riku fell unconscious.

"Idiot..." Sora replied as a angered tear left his eye. "Come on, let's make a run for it!" Sora screamed to everyone shacking way the thoughts that haunted him until then. The thought that he was leaving behind the one thing he treasured the most. "We're almost there!!"

"We can see the light!" Leon replied ahead. "Let's go, let's go!" everyone ran towards his voice slowly beginning to see the light at the end of that hell.

"We're finally here!!" Yuffie exclaimed with happiness. And along with the scream of joy, came the giant steps of the furious heartless that was left behind. Sora noticed he was getting closer, and that could be dangerous if he crossed the door.

"Cloud!" Sora called making him stop. "Take Riku with you!" Sora said as he handed him over. "I have to take this one down!"

"You're crazy!" Cloud exclaimed but it was too late to stop him, Sora was already charging to the giant heartless. "Damn it!" Cloud cursed as he ran outside the door where everyone was already waiting. He dropped Riku and ran back inside listening everyone else calling him. Inside, Sora was summoning his energy inside his body with his eyes closed, as the heartless walked closer to him. "SORA! Stop it!" And right in that moment Sora's eyes were wide open as he screamed out his spell.

Cloud sheltered his eyes from the white light and the moment he took his hands away, the heartless was no longer there and Sora was on the floor. When he reached his side, Cloud noticed he was having trouble breathing and his teeth were clenched with pain.

"You idiot, Aerith warned you!" Cloud said as he grabbed him and ran outside before more heartless came. No matter how much he ran, the heartless felt Sora's strength weakening, and they were appearing everywhere leaving no choice for Cloud to run as he swung his heavy sword with his free hand. "Hang on, we're almost there!" Right after those words he felt the heat of fire bullets passing right beside him.

"Come on, hurry! I'm covering you!" Leon screamed at the door as he reloaded his gunblade. Cloud ran as fast as he could ignoring the loud bullets passing nearby. He jumped outside the door, letting Sora fall in the process along with him, while behind him Yuffie and Aerith closed the door right after Leon arrived.

"You could be a little more discreet if you're trying to kill me." Cloud said with sarcasm as he caught his breath. Leon was too busy to reply as he pushed the door against the swarm of heartless inside.

"Sora! Can you listen to me?!" Aerith asked as she fell on her knees right beside him. "Come on, Sora. Wake up..." His eyes slowly opened as his chest slowly went up and down showing the effort he was doing just to breath. "I told you not to push it to the limit..." Aerith said saddened.

"He has to close the door, we can't hold it any longer!" Leon screamed desperate with Yuffie beside him.

"I'll do it..." Sora whispered as he summoned his keyblade. "Help me..." Aerith quickly supported his head on her knees while Cloud helped him pull his keyblade up, pointing it to the door. Sora closed his eyes and small beam of light emerged from the tip of his keyblade that turned to a giant flash making everyone close their eyes. The moment everyone felt the light fading, the sound of a locking door was heard and after that... came the silence. Leon no longer felt the door being pushed and everything around them was so silent that it felt awkward in a place like that. "Now it's up to Kairi..." Sora whispered.

"She's inside?!" Aerith asked shocked. "And what about Raven?!"

"They're together..." Riku replied waking up.

"Are you insane?! You left them behind?!" Yuffie asked in disbelief.

"Someone had to stay inside!" Sora exclaimed. "Someone had to close from the inside... one door tied by two keys."

"And Raven stayed as well??!" Aerith asked incredulous.

"She wouldn't survive... she has a heartless inside." Riku answered in a sad tone.

"There's no other way..." Sora stated. "There's nothing we can do." Just as he said that, Sora felt the weight of his actions in his heart. The person that made him survive until that day was locked in a place no one deserved to be. Right now, he didn't want to survive anymore, he was hoping he could meet her if he gave up, but still... he was a promise maker, and this time he had to do it, he couldn't fail her again.

"We have to get you out of here..." Aerith said in a sad tone. "You won't survive if we stay here." Sora almost felt relieved to hear those words.

"We don't know what will happen to this place." Leon said and with those words, the floor slowly began to tremble breaking utter silence they felt when the door closed. "What the..."

"They did it." Riku replied. "They closed it on the other side, right?"

"Yes..." Sora replied. "And this whole place will vanish. We have to leave."

"Let's go then, there's no time to waste." Cloud said as he picked up Sora onto his shoulders ignoring every moan of pain he let out. Leon did the same for Riku as they began to run, and it was then they noticed that the place where they came from was already gone.

"What the..." Yuffie said baffled. "Where's the portal?!" All they could see was the thick dark clouds that surrounded the place and no way to get out of there.

"It should be there..." Sora said confused.

"It's not." Aerith said with a hint of fear on her voice. "How do we get out?" Silence was the only reply to that question. No one really knew what happened and specially how to leave that place. The floor began to tremble with more strength making all of them lose their balance, as a loud noise filled the air. Every one wondered where the deafening sound came, until from the dark shadows the glisten of metal began to appear.

"It's Donald and Goofy!" Yuffie screamed with joy as she stood up.

"How the hell did they get here with that thing?!" Leon wondered joining her.

"Who cares!" Clould said quickly heading to the ship, while the rest of the group followed him. The door slowly opened and Goofy was waiting to help everyone aboard the ship.

"How did you get here?!" Leon asked as Goofy helped the girls getting in.

"The place was fallin' apart, we had to come and get you."

"Where are the girls?" Donald asked confused.

"Just get this ship out of here!" Leon replied with anger surprising the pilot. Donald did has it was told, quickly flying through the detritus that came from nowhere, while inside the ship everyone tried to hold on to whatever was close to them to keep their balance. In the middle of all the chaos, Leon and Cloud where trying to get both Sora and Riku to a safer place.

All of the sudden all the rumble stopped as a flash of white light entered the small windows of the ship. Everyone was blinded by the strong light, and as the light slowly faded away they began to realise their surroundings. Everywhere around them there were portals to different worlds, and every time a beam of light exploded the portals closed. Sora was recognizing the event, it seemed like the first time he closed Kingdom Hearts, but instead of the worlds being scattered all along the universe, they seemed to be going to one direction only.

"The worlds are all getting together... we have to enter one of the portals." Sora said weakened. It was then he noticed a vision he hadn't seen in years. The green and yellow popped out of the portal, making him recognize immediately the sandy beaches of Destiny Islands. "Go to that one!" He exclaimed.

"What? Are you sure?" Donald asked confused by the whole situation.

"Just go before it fades away!!" And with no hesitation, Donald went straight through the portal that was already turning white and he was able to cross through the tiny fend that was slowly closing. With all the velocity he went through the portal, he had no time to think how to land his ship in the new scenario he found. His immediate reaction was to panic knowing they were going to crash.

"Get ready for impact!" Leon said in a grunt by Donald's reaction, and right after his words everyone felt the strong impact of the ship against the sand that softened the crash. the ship began to lose its velocity as it went through palm trees and the very few boats that remained in the shores. When it finally stopped everyone let out a relieved breath.

"Is everyone ok?" Aerith asked in a painful mumble, while everyone replied with a groan of pain. "Sora?"

"I'm fine." Sora replied as he tried to control his heavy breathing. "Where's Riku?" No reply came. "Where is he?!" Sora asked with a hint of panic on his voice.

"I'm here." A voice replied behind a rumble of ships wrecks mixed with sand. "I'm alright." Sora sighed in relief as he tried to get up along with everyone else in the ship. Donald and Goofy were already up taking away the rumble to help Riku.

"We have to go outside." Sora said to everyone as he finally found Riku finally standing with Cloud's support.

"Gawrsh! What's happening to the sky?!" Goofy asked surprised as he looked through the huge fend that was formed with the crash. Everyone walked out through the fend and every single one that left the ship looked up at the sky with an expression of surprise. The sky was pure white and in the whole horizon a strong light shined. Sora was the only one with a sad smile on his features, knowing that finally his mission ended. He fought through his teenage years at a very young age for that moment, but his victory felt hollow.

"The worlds are uniting." Sora said in whisper, and everyone looked at him puzzled. "It's all coming together..."

"What will happen now?" Aerith asked.

"We'll be neighbours, I guess." Riku replied with a faint smile. "With all worlds united in one... there will be no barriers."

"Nice..." Yuffie replied with tiredness. Silence fell as everyone witnessed the event. They all could feel the relief that fell out of their shoulders, knowing everything would return to normal, except for two lost souls amongst them. Even though Sora and Riku were both happy for the end of that nightmare, the reality wouldn't let the guilt they felt fade away with the breeze, for leaving their loved ones behind. Sora then remembered Kairi's last wish, his final promise to her. He slowly turned his back at scenario and looked everywhere in the island, wondering what Kairi had left for him. He then remembered the secret place they found when they were kids. He smiled as he looked for the hidden entrance away from him. Everyone around him sat down as he began to walk away.

"Where are you going?" Aerith asked worried.

"I have to see something." Sora replied never taking his eyesight away from the secret place.

"Are you alright?" Leon asked with sympathy in his voice but Sora was already quickening his pace.

"Don't worry." Riku said knowing where his friend was going. "He'll be fine." Sora tried to run no matter how much his body ached with the effort. He was beginning to feel anxious, wondering what Kairi had left for him to see. He crawled his way into the small entrance as he felt his memories deceiving him. It looked so much bigger then, he thought. Once he was inside, in his mind memories began to play back, memories he lost along the journey he went through. All the drawings that the three of them did when they were children unaware of the world around them were interpreted as artwork in his heart. He went through every sketch with a faint smile, but he was looking for a particular one. His eyes travelled through the cave until it finally settled on the one he was looking for. His eyes first widened with surprise as he saw something that wasn't there before. His features softened as the sweet memories evaded his heart. He could see himself and Kairi, laughing at each other with a stone in hand as they craved their portrait. It seemed it was only yesterday... but at the same time it seemed so distant. He remembered that afterwards he draw the poupu fruit to Kairi and it seemed that she did the same too. His heart began to ache with guilt as he realised that the only thing that he had left from her was this drawing. His hand fell in her portrait like a soft caress and he leaned his forehead against the stone.

"What am I going to do now?" He asked to the void with the echo of his voice replying to him. He couldn't hold back his tears anymore, even if he achieved his goal, nothing could bring her back. He sat down in front of the drawing with his face down, feeling defeated and tired as tears fell on the floor. Never in all those years his heart ached so much because deep inside he knew what he had to do. He simply had to move on, and that was what he read in her gaze the last time he saw her. That's what she wanted him to do.

He wiped his tears and rose his head to meet the drawing in front of him. At least it brought a small smile to his face and knowing her feelings were carved on a rock gave him a sense of peace. He knew it would take years... or maybe he'd never be able to recover from her loss, but he'd fight. At least he owed that to her because if he didn't, her death would be meaningless. She was gone and he was alive, that had to had some meaning and he'd carry her in his heart like he did many years before. He sighed trying to feel positive about his thoughts but the emotion didn't linger too much in his heart. He noticed the strange door was still there, and he remembered the thousand stories he and Riku imagined when they were kids. Soon it would probably disappear, taking away many of those memories. He sat beside it, almost like he was waiting for someone to come out. Someone he already knew that would never appear but still he sat there and closed his eyes letting his mind travel through the cheerful memories of his journey. He was now realizing how heavy his eyelids were and how tired he felt. Soon his body began to feel numb and his mind was drifting further and further away from his thoughts, until he finally fell into a deep slumber.

Meanwhile, everyone outside was sitting at the beach as they saw cities appearing on the horizon. Before that world was a mere set of islands and now became whole with the rest of the universe. Riku wasn't smiling though inside him he was happy. The memories of his childhood began to evade his mind, when they built a raft to find out what was out there. He worked so hard to get out of those islands and now he didn't really feel the need to leave them. He felt the same as his best friend, incomplete and without many meanings to keep on living but there was still many things to do. The world doesn't fix all by itself, they still had to go through a lot to explain everyone what was going to happen, and why memories that were relatively recent had faded away. Suddenly the light began to disappear through the sky, revealing the always blue colour of Destiny Islands' sky. A sudden loud noise made everyone look at each other confused but Riku stared straight to its source. There was something falling from the sky involved in a blue light.

"What the...?" Leon began to say confused. The light hit hard on the water making a wave of wind float their way. All of them covered their eyes to shield them from the flying sand, but Riku was determined to understand what was happening. He remember having this rare vision in his disturbed dreams while he was in Kingdom Hearts, and it always had been comforting every time he saw it. Even though the impact seemed strong the blue light was floating above the water and while everyone was rubbing their eyes Riku finally realised what was happening and he ran to the water.

A loud noise echoed through the cave making Sora knit his eyebrows in his sleep. He still felt tired but he knew everyone was waiting for him outside. He tried to open his eyes, only catching a glimpse of the stone beside him, where once was the door. It seemed the process was finally complete. He tried to move his body but he it refused to move, he felt so sore that at the moment moving was too much of a task for him.

"Wake up, lazy bum." At first his eyebrows knitted even further with confusion as her voice evaded his mind. He let out a chuckle realizing that he was already going insane, but he wouldn't mind being insane to be able to hear her sweet voice. To add to his confusion, he felt the warmth of another hand over his and that made him open his eyes to stare down at it. A pale hand was greeting his and now he felt frightened... he was afraid that like before, there were visions haunting him. He didn't dare to look up that arm he simply closed his eyes trying to shake it away from his mind. "Sora?" Her voice was now louder in his mind, and he could almost feel her presence in front of him. He sighed in relief when he felt that warmth leave his hand, but at the same time he wanted to feel it again. He slightly opened his eyes to stare down at his empty hand but suddenly that very same hand appeared right in front of his face. As her hand raised his head, first he saw her knees right between his foot until his gaze travelled the way up her body to meet her concerned face. At this point he really wouldn't mind if it was a vision, what he saw eased his heart. "Sora, are you alright?" She asked with pure concern in her voice receiving a confused look as a response.

"Kairi...?" He asked confused trying to wide his eyes. When he spoke a relieved smile evaded her features and his heart race. "It's you?" He asked once again, letting his hand travel to her face. His heart raced even further when he felt the warmness of her skin as she leaned to his touch.

"It's me... I'm here." She said sweetly. It seemed that all of the sudden his body didn't ache no more as he leaned forward looking closely at her face. He was so confused at the moment that he really didn't know what to do. He didn't know if he should believe that she was there knowing perfectly well where he left her. He began staring to the cave around him, trying to understand what was happening but it seemed that she knew all too well what was happening. "Sora look at me." She said holding his face once again to make his eyes meet hers. "I'm here with you... please." He gave in to her words letting his arms travel to her shoulders.

"But you... you were-"

"I was saved... I was able to leave Inis." At this point more tears ran down his tired eyes and he pulled her closer to him making her lean her forehead against his. She gave him a reassuring smile and said. "I'm here for you." He closed his eyes with force and his arms flew around her holding her tightly against him, leaning his head against her shoulder. He cried in silence for he was too tired to scream in joy. He couldn't quite believe she was there but never in his life the warmth of her body felt so real against his, and her hands holding him close to her also reassured him of her real presence.

"I thought I lost you..." He finally managed to speak even though his voice was trembling.

"But I found you..." She replied in a sweet whisper to his ear. He suddenly broke the embrace to stare at her, his eyes red with fresh tears making her look at him with sympathy.

"How the heck did you leave that place?" He asked now with more control over his voice, with a small smile on his features. She let out a chuckle and replied.

"You wouldn't believe me if I told you..." He stared at her confused and she continued to explain what happened. "Seeth was still alive."

"What?!" He asked in disbelief with a mix of concern in his voice.

"He stayed to close the door." Kairi replied sadly.

"No way..." Sora said in disbelief. "He wouldn't do that, he's-"

"He said that our story should be told so it wouldn't happen again." She quickly added before Sora could continue. "It was time for our life to begin, and his to end." Sora evaded her sad gaze and stared at the floor beside him. He held so much anger towards that man and now it was thanks to him she was here. He could understand by Kairi's reaction that something happened but he just wasn't ready to feel any sympathy for him. He let out a long sigh and looked up at her in a calm manner and spoke.

"I'm just glad you're here." She looked at him with a genuine smile and her hands cupped his face once more. She leaned forward finally letting her lips meet his, both feeling a wave of relief and happiness going through their bodies. even when she broke their kiss, their eyes remained closed as Kari leaned her face against his. She suddenly opened her eyes and abandoned his features. He stared confused at her panicked stare and when he was about to ask her what was happening she simply let a name slip her lips.

"Raven..." He suddenly remembered that she was also left behind.

"Where is she?" He asked confused.

"She was supposed to be here too..." She said staring at him in panic. She stood up and stared at the stone were the door was before. "She didn't cross the door with me, did she..." Kairi's tears were now threatening to fall as she realized that her friend could've been lost forever. Sora slowly stood up and stood beside her holding her hands.

"Calm down..." He said unable to hide the concern behind his voice. She released herself from his grip and walked outside, squeezing through the small entrance while Sora followed her. Once they were outside both noticed some commotion on the beach with everyone standing around someone. Kairi began to run while Sora tried to keep up with her pace and once they reached the group, both found something they didn't want. It seemed that Riku was just out of the water and laid a limp Raven on the sand. Her skin was pale and the only colour she had left were stains of washed blood all over her body. The silence between the group was terrifying, with only Riku's panicked and tired breaths to accompany her state. Aerith suddenly threw herself at the floor beside Raven, placing her fingers in her neck.

"She has a faint pulse!" Aerith said with some hope in her voice. She began to heal the girl and the recent wounds in her body began to close. Even so, she didn't wake up, and when Aerith checked her pulse once again she nodded negatively. "There's nothing else I can do... she needs proper care."

"We have to find a way out of here." Leon said staring at his surroundings. "Donald! Goofy! Go check if the radio in the ship still works!" Both of them quickly ran following his orders. "If we're lucky we're not too far away from Disney Castle..." Kairi was still in shock to see her friend in that state. She wondered if she was able to fight the heartless inside her and the only way to know that was when she woke up.

"Kairi?!" Called a surprised Yuffie making everyone look at her. Everyone smiled at her presence except for Riku that was too focused on the woman in front of him. He even didn't notice Aerith standing up to check on Kairi, to know if everything was alright with her. He actually couldn't hear anything else around him for he was trying too hard to hear her faint breaths. He tried to pick her up and leaned her head on his shoulder to take a closer look to her face. He was panicked because he didn't know what to do to help her and he didn't have a clue what was happening inside her. All of the sudden she began to tremble and everyone stared anxiously at the couple.

"Raven?" He called with hope in his voice but once she opened her eyes, despair filled his. Yellow orbs stared calmly at his face almost like they were reading his features making him realize she was still inside that battered body. His eyebrows knitted as feelings rush through his body to call her out. "Don't give up on me now!"

"Guys, we better step back!" Sora said staring at the situation with fear in his eyes. He was hopeful his friend was going to break through but if she didn't, things could go wrong very quickly.

"We can't leave them!" Kairi said in disbelief.

"Believe me, it's the best thing we can do now, just go." Sora said holding Kairi by her shoulders, taking her away from the couple.

"Don't you dare to give up on me!" Riku kept talking but her eyes kept staring at him in the same way. "You're better than this Raven..."

"You'll die." Her voice was calm and icy, catching him by surprise but he would never give up on her.

"Don't you even dare!" He said in anger. "You don't have the right to die on me like this!"

"I c-can't fight-"

"I would never forgive you for going down without a fight, Raven!" He was now almost screaming. "You've been hiding something like this from me and now that I can finally be here for you, you won't let me?!" She closed her eyes knitting her eyebrows and Riku suddenly felt scared. He knew she was weak but so was the heartless inside her and that gave him hope. She suddenly let out a cry and her body stiffened as her hands landed on her chest, trying to take away the ache inside it. Riku could only hold her close to him as he kept whispering words to her, letting her know he was there to make her realise that if she failed, he'd go down with her. As blood left her mouth, Riku's eyes released tears to see the person he loved the most suffering that way and with one last cry she suddenly stopped moving.

No matter how many years passed the sunset on Destiny Islands never changed. The only difference from what they remembered was only the addiction of cities in the horizon. Kairi smiled staring at it from the window of her house. She realized that this place was always her home, even with the faint memories from her father that she held close to her heart.

"What are you doing?" Sora's voice echoed in her ears like a melody making her smile at his question.

"What we always did before." She replied softly as he leaned his chest against her back, letting his arms rest in her waist.

"It's been a while, uh?" He asked.

"Five years..." Kairi said in a sigh as she felt him plant a kiss on her cheek. Even though some time passed there were still some wounds in need to be healed, but none of them ever complained because as long as they were together they knew they'd go through anything. Everyone was separated after the event, going to each city trying to restore the chaos of what happened and making everyone understand the situation because now there weren't worlds scattered through space, they were all one.

"That long..." Sora said in a whisper remembering clearly that day. Knowing she was alive was his greatest relief and even with all the things that happened, the whole group sat down and watched the sunset peacefully. Even though they were all busy they still meet each other time to time to share their experiences after that day. "We have to meet the guys."

"No kidding... it our turn to feed the beasts, you know?" She asked him amused.

"No way!" He said sounding childish making her laugh.

"Yeah, we have to ask Riku a hand." Kairi said staring at the house not too far away from them. After all those years as friends when they were kids, they were so used to be with each other that they couldn't really leave too much apart.

"Riku? He's always been the lazy guy! He always made me carry his stuff when we were kids!" Kairi laughed at the memory and asked.

"Then why did I nickname you as 'lazy bum'?"

"That has nothing to do about it." He said in a pout while she grinned. They fell into silence as Sora leaned his chin against her shoulder. Even though he was staring at the horizon, Kairi was looking at the porch of Riku's house. He was sitting in the bench also staring at the setting sun by himself like so many times in their childhood and his gaze was mysterious as it was years ago when he questioned what was beyond their world. Her thoughts went to the things her poor friend had to go through. She knew that after all that time he still blamed himself for everything that happened and the truth was that no one had grip in the events that occurred. Even so, he managed to keep on living just like he did when he was young.

Kairi smiled at the sight when she saw someone joining him. She instantly recognized Raven's wavy hair as she handed Riku a glass of water. She could tell by their body language that they were teasing each other like they always did but their bickering stopped the moment Riku held her by the waist and sat her on his lap. All of the sudden the bench leaned backwards and they both fell on the floor. Sora noticed Kairi wasn't watching the sun setting and once his gaze met Riku's house he couldn't help but to let out a chuckle. The couple was on the floor, Riku with a wide grin clearly laughing and Raven with a hopeless look on her features while on top of them a child laughed loudly for throwing his parents to the ground. Raven couldn't help but to join the laughter of her family and anyone that looked at them wouldn't believe what they'd been through to able to be together. Both Raven and that child hardly survived with the heartless she had inside her and in the end Raven had choose to live with it in order to survive. It was weak but that didn't mean it wasn't there and they knew there wasn't a single day she wouldn't worry about that fact.

"I'm glad that everything worked out for everyone." Kairi said in relief making Sora tighten his grip around her.

"Yeah..." He replied softly to her hear as they turned their gaze to the setting sun. Her hands landed on his and held them with a tight grip. "After all we've been through, we managed quite well, didn't we?"

"Yes we did." Kairi replied with a smile while Sora replied with a kiss on her neck. She smiled knowing life wouldn't be as rough as it was before and soon all those memories would be replaced by joyful ones. After her search for him there was only one thing she could say to him. "I finally found you."

The End

A/N: 11.000 words of a last chapter just for your! xD Today it was clear to me: I'm giving up on the damn fanfic I don't care I simply hate it! Then I went and re-read some of the reviews and I felt the urge of writing. It's now 2 am and I'm finished with this! I'm happy because I went through until the very end to finish this! And maaan... six years have passed since I began writing this! That was a loooong time. That's probably why I hate most of the chapters of this fanfic because I wrote them when I was 16 years old and now I'm 22 xD and this is the reason I thank everyone that even tried to read this! There are so many things so lame that I just feel like deleting it lol. Maybe I'll keep it here for a few months but then I'll probably get rid of it, I don't know. Now critics apart, this was actually something I enjoyed doing no matter how lame it is lol even if it's based in a story that already existed, it still is a part of me that I'm expressing through this story so it will be a experience that I'll always remember, along with so many people that bored to review ^^; so I guess I'm saying goodbye to . Even though I still have some urges to write fanfics I've decided to keep them to myself lol this way the world is a better place xD I just hope that this ending isn't confusing, I tend to do that a lot even so, I loved writing this final chapter that I had in my mind for quite a while. I wish I could remember all the nicknames of everyone that reviewed me but right now I'm too tired to go look for them so... a huge hug to every single of you and I will surely miss you ;__; thank you for this experience and thank you for bearing me!

PS: A special thanks to my friend Marta that supported me in this fanfic since the very begining ^^ she's always been the first person reading the chapter before I submitted online and without her first opinions and suggestions, I wouldn't have been able to finish this! Thanks for being my friend for at least 6 long years xD