Disclaimer- I do not own Dragonball Z/GT or any of the characters. Yadda yadda copy writes Akira Toriyama.

Warning Feeling free to post this little tiny lemon chapter, so if you don't wanna read please don't and please don't turn me in. I was good enough to take the major ones out.

Future Trunks- 17





I Hate Everything About You

Chapter 21

The Fire Breathes

Pan's movements where so erratic he had a hard time pin pointing her exact location. One minute her energy would becoming from the city and the next from out in the middle of the ocean to the far out reaches of the forest. How could she be moving that fast and why?

It wasn't long, however, until she finally made up her mind settling in the city. He followed her energy to a Night Club called Angel Dust known for it's illegal sales of dangerous narcotics hence the name 'Angel Dust'.

How'd she get into a place like that without flashing some form of I.D. proving to be 18 or older, but thinking about he remembered what she was wearing. Good thing for Trunks, he had a fact idea giving people the idea he was 21. Complements of his probably ex-best friend.

Wasting no time he got into the club to start searching for her. Something big had to be going down since the place was flooded with people from one side to the other. He made his way towards the bar being bumped and grinded every so often by lustful looking women wanting to take him home with them tonight. Sometimes he wished he hadn't been boring looking that good…sometimes.

"What can I get ya?" Asked the Bar Tender when he finally dodged his way out of the crowd of people. She was an attractive red head with freckles on her nose.

"Uh, nothing, I'm actually looking for a girl." He said leaning against the bar.

"There are lots of girls here. I'm sure a good-looking guy like you won't have a hard time finding a girl." She replied with a hint of flirtation.

Trunks couldn't help, but grin. "No, I'm actually looking for a specific girl wearing a black leather top, mini skirt, and thigh high boots."

The red head turned to the side picking up a glass to clean it. "I see a lot of girl's, can't remember them all. Guess your own your own."

"Gee, thanks way." He hissed sarcastically pushing himself from the bar. He wasn't going to be getting help anytime soon.

He figured if she wasn't at the bar she had to be on the dance floor. Pan was never one for dancing, but she wasn't herself so he'd be expecting the opposite of everything that's her normal.

As he made his way through the gyrating bodies on the dance floor he spotted her. She had her arms wrapped around some guys neck grinding her hips into him. Every muscle in his body tightened as the guy ran his hands down her slender waist stopping to rest on the curves of her ass.

Despite how pissed off this was making him he couldn't help, but notice how hot she looked. He never really took the time to realize just how trully beautiful she was. She looked so grown up and the way she was moving her body…god she was sexy! What the hell did he want Marron for when he had someone like her!

Well, getting back to the male hormonal rage part…

Trunks balled his hands into fists deciding he had seen enough. Moving towards them through the crowd a smirk pulled at the corners of Pan's lips. She felt Trunks' Ki jump dramatically knowing he had found her. Of course she knew he was there. She made damn sure he knew where she was.

"Hey!" Trunks snapped tapping on the guy's shoulder punching him straight in the nose as soon as he turned around dropping him to his knees. Luckily for Trunks no one in the club gave a shit since fights were a common thing.

"Well, if it isn't my knight in shining armor to rescue me." Pan growled pulling him against her. "What took you so long lover?"

A thin lavender eyebrow rose looking down at her. "What are you doing in a place like this Pan?" He asked inches away from her full cherry lips.

"Dancing of course." She smiled sweetly mocking him.

"You know what I mean." He hissed placing his hands on her hips as she rocked into him much like she did the other guy, but with more enthusiasm.

"Just trying to have a good time." She whispered kissing him just below his earlobe.

"Ahhh…we really need to talk." He groaned fighting the urge to take her into one of the back rooms and ravishing her. She must have been thinking the same thing as she pulled him by his collar off into one of the VIP rooms. There was a person mini bar with a king size bed in the middle of the room.

"How'd you get a room like this?" He asked hearing the door close and lock behind him. Skilled fingers slid from Trunks' back around his muscular abs and up his firm pecks carefully working the buttons of his shirt.

"I have my ways." She answered kissing the back of his neck.

A shiver shot through his body feeling her tender touches as she removed his shirt. He turned in her arms holding her close.

"I'm sorry for being so harsh back there at the house. I was just really upset and needed to cool down." She apologized leading him towards the bed.

"I sensed you by Marron's house. What where you doing there?" He questioned.

Pan's face fell into a nasty glare slashing him across his cheek with her fingers nails.

"Ahh shit!" He yelled clamping his hand over the scratches.

"Why do you always have to ruin everything! I was going to forgive you and you just had to go and say that bitches name!" She screamed moving towards him.

"Pan, what's wrong with you?"

She turned back to a look of lust. "Nothing baby." She said pushing him back onto the bed.

"I've taken care of the whore, so just lay back and let me take care of you."

She slide on top of him straddling his hips. "Don't you want me?" She asked leaning over to kiss the area just below his ear.

Trunks groaned. "More then anything I've ever wanted in my life."

"Then take me." She whispered breathing heavily into his ear. She teased and taunted him by releasing heated moans against his neck as his hands roamed her slender body. He cupped his hands over her breasts grunting angrily as her black leather top denied him access to her soft flesh.

Trunks flipped Pan over onto her back pinning her body to the mattress. He kissed the sensitive flesh between her neck and shoulder, he moved his hands around her back to start unhooking her top.

"Hurry, Trunks. I'm burning for you." She moaned wrapping her legs tightly around his waist grinding herself up against his erection.

"Shit!" He hissed getting caught up on one of the hooks. "Why won't you just unhook goddamn it!"

Pan chuckled. "A little impatient aren't we?"

"When I've got you moaning in my ear and grinding me!" He hissed battling the hooks.

"Forget that Trunks! Just take me! Take me now!" She cried smashing her lips to his in a passionate kiss.

At her request he gave up on her top and slide off the bed kneeling in front of her fumbling with his belt. Pan sat up pulling him between her legs.

"I love you." She said kissing his lips, face, and neck heatedly. Trunks didn't give her a reply still fumbling with his pants.

Fire flashed in Pan's eyes as she backhanded him across the room. "When someone tells you they love you your supposed to say something back!"

Trunks slammed against the door landing hard. He put his hand on his pounding head getting to his feet slowly. His eye grew wide looking up at her.

"P-pan…what's happening to you?" He gasped as Pan's body burst into flames.

"Your supposed to love me!" She screamed sending the flames higher into the air setting the bed on fire.

"Your going to burn this place down!" Trunks hissed covering his face from the heat.

"Good! Let it and everyone in it burn!" She laughed blowing a giant hole in the wall. "Let everything burn!"

"Wait!" Trunks shouted as she jumped through the hole into the night. "Pan come back!"

It was too late. Nothing could stop the burning hatred he provoked in her. He drove her into a blind rage of insanity.

Without warning Pan started shooting energy balls into random buildings setting them on fire. She laughed evilly into the night as people ran in fear. She liked the idea of that…people fearing her. It all started with Marron…

"Run! It won't make any difference!" She yelled holding a fire ball in each hand smirking deviously at her new ability.

"Your all going to die!" She laughed incinerating ever living thing below her.

Another's Note- Hmmm…I rewrote this chapter 3 times. I just couldn't find a good ending to his chapter, but this will have to do. I've been slacking 'cause I'm excited about cosplaying in California July of 2005. I know it's 9 months away, but I'm still really excited because I've never been to one and I get to meet another fanfiction author Vegeta's 'lil Princess! Luv ya sis-in-law!! PLEASE REVIEW!!!
