The Only One: The final Chapter

Christmas flew by and the new year came. Both Faith and Bosco were getting excited about the twins arrival. They had moved to a different apartment soon after the fiasco with Alicia. They were now in a better security building. Their new place had three bedrooms and two bathrooms. It had a huge livingroom and a bright sunny kitchen. There was also a playroom and a small office.

Faith took a job within the department that she could do from home. It was paperwork, but it allowed her to have some rest time for herself. She had grown huge in the past few months and could only be on her feet for a short period of time. She missed being at work with Bos, but she was also happy about having this time to prepare without losing any pay. The new place cost a lot of money.

Bosco had changed after that fateful morning. He was now a lot more paranoid about leaving Faith alone for any amount of time. Every night he walked around every room in the house, looking under the beds and in the closets. They still hadn't figured out that Alicia had spent the night in their apartment. If they had have known, they would never have gotten a full nights sleep again. Faith knew that Bosco just had to get it out of his system. When he went on his routine checks, she never said a word. The therapist that they had been seeing had thought that he would get over it in time. She just needed to be patient and loving. He was having a hard time coping with his fear that she would be gone one day. He still blamed himself for the destruction that Alicia had caused. Faith figured that he needed time to get over that one too. She certainly didn't blame him for anything. She loved him even more.

As the spring came, Faith found that Bosco was more upbeat and he had almost completely stopped referring to Alicia altogether. She had been sentenced to serve her jail term of 30 years in the state mental hospital. From what they heard about her from time to time, she wasn't doing good. She had to have a number of shock treatments and was put on heavy medication. She still believed that she had had a baby boy, whom she had named Dallas. She cut out pictures of baby boys from different catalogs and pasted them in her scrapbook, showing anyone who would look at it 'her son'. She was convinced that Bosco and Faith had stolen her baby. There didn't seem to be much that anyone could do for her. She was in a prison of her own madness. Doomed to forever walk alone, asking questions that no one could answer.


The day came when Faith's water broke. Bosco had been at work but rushed strait home to take her to the hospital. A few hours later, with Bosco and Rose by her side, Faith gave birth to her twins. A boy, they named Logan Maurice, and a girl, they named Olivia Rose Elise. The twins were perfectly healthy and very beautiful. Bosco cried as he proudly held his son and daughter for the first time. Rose took rolls of film of the four of them. They certainly had their work cut out for them. It was a challenge they both accepted happily.

Everyone from the 55 and from Camelot came to welcome the twins. Both Bosco and Faith felt blessed to have such good friends. They couldn't have asked for more. Everyone was there. Hugging and kissing Faith and Bos and holding the golden haired twins in their arms. Love was all around. Bosco was happy that he had finally found what he had been searching for. The only one for him. His Faith. His love. The only one.


Two years, Six months later:

All alone in a small room sat a thin darkhaired girl. She looked out the window and watched the rain hit the windowpane. She traced her finger down the cold glass, as she hummed a lullabye.

She had dark circles around her eyes and her once rich hair was now very thin. She had repetedly pulled out large chunks of her beautiful hair during her rage blackouts. She was still striking enough to turn many a man's eye, even with her thin hair and body.

Her room was small enough that one could see why it was easy to lose your mind over and over again. She was locked in here for 18 hours a day. The other six she was allowed to partake in the weight room or the arts and crafts room. She wasn't interested in either, but she needed to have something to do before she committed suicide just for the hell of it.

She hated it in there. There were times she couldn't remember exactly why she was even there. It must have been something bad, she told herself. Other times, she grew weary from the terrible hatred she felt for Faith and Maurice who had her beautiful baby boy. She knew that she had to get him back. He was almost three years old by now. He wouldn't even remember her.

" Time for your dinner Alicia" a deep voice said from her doorway. She turned her head his way and smiled.

" Thanks John. I'm starving" she said, getting up from her window seat. She walked over to the tray and purposly bent

over, giving the orderly a peek at her naked breasts that jutted up against the thin material of her prison uniform. She had always been attractive and she intended to stay that way, prison uniform or not.

He licked his lips and gave her a coy smile. " You think about that offer yet John"? she asked, running her hand up his leg suggestivly.

He nodded. " All you want me to do is show you the door? And in return you're gonna do me?" he asked, grabbing her roughly and pulling her close to him. He needed her to know that he was in charge.

She nodded. He grinned at her and stuck his head out of the door to her cell. " Ok, there's no one here right now, but there will be in about two minutes. Come on, this way", he said, grabbing her hand. He led her down into the basement where he

gave her a small bag of clothes to change into. It had been part of the deal. He got her some clothes and a bit of cash and she gave him what ever he wanted. When ever he wanted. Apparently, he had decided that tonight would be the night. She was tired of letting him have his way with her. He had been promising her a way to escape for months. She had been asking him for months. What could it hurt? She was just a girl who wanted to see her son.

After she changed, she looked at the body of John, lying on the floor of the boiler room. He was so stupid. All she had to do was wait for him to turn his back for a second and WHAM! She picked up a shovel and smashed him on the head with it.

She gathered up her uniform and threw it behind some boxes. She counted the money that John had brought her. It was only twenty-eight dollars. But it was enough for a bus.

She opened the back door and quietly slipped outside. She couldn't believe that he had unlocked the door before he brought her dinner. Some men were SO dumb!

She wrapped her arms around her and started to run toward the trees. She was finally free. She was going to see her son.


To maybe be continuted in another story soon....let me know if i should write another story or not...or is everyone tired of Alicia yet? LET ME KNOW, PEOPLE! Dont'be shy.

Thanks for reading this story! It's been a lot of fun.